Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Who begs to have their Intelligence insulted?

Three days were long enough to give the world a taste of what it's like to bask in the tightening darkness of an insulted intelligence, and contrast it with an intelligence that's basking in the blooming glory of a completely unrestricted intellectual inquiry.

It was on October 18, 2019 that Mitch McConnell gave the world a microscopic view on a field of brain cells that were rendered inert by the relentless bombardment of insulting projectiles ejected by the Jewish propaganda machine-gun. And it was three days later, on October 21, 2019 that Elizabeth Warren gave the world a panoramic view of a field that's blossoming with the joys of a free intellectual inquiry.

It was on that fateful day that Mitch McConnell chose to publish an article under the title: “Withdrawing from Syria is a grave mistake,” and had it printed in the Washington Post. As to Elizabeth Warren's day of joy, it was Philip Klein who unwittingly chose to demonstrate how impotent the Jewish propaganda machine-gun can be rendered. He did so when he wrote: “Elizabeth Warren threatens Israel with aid cutoff but slammed Trump for cutting off aid to Palestinians,” and had the article published in The Washington Examiner.

When it comes to understanding how the brain cells of America's legislators and other governing elites are rendered inert, it may be tempting to consider Mitch McConnell's contribution as being a valuable lesson because of who he is. After all, he is both the symbol of senatorial paralysis in America, and now teacher of the method by which a superpower can be put to sleep, thus allowing someone else to freeload on what used to make the superpower super in the first place.

That method has a name. It is called eternal demagoguery. It consists of constantly scaring people by telling them that someone who is evil by nature, is after them. That someone is evil –– it is further explained –– not because of something that can be addressed and remedied, but because it is that evil is naturally motivated to cause mayhem ... pure and simple. In turn, such an idea leads to the notion that the only way to end the threat, is to defeat evil by engaging him in a war that may prove to be endless unless it is won by one party; which means lost by the other party.

And so, you are told that if you want to be the winner and not the loser, you must mobilize all of your resources and put them in the service of the fight. In fact, this is how all the brain cells, which are not geared to participate in the war, are rendered inert and made to look like a field of dead cells. What follows is the condensed version of Mitch McConnell's philosophy, reflected in the way that he absorbed it during years of Judeo-Israeli indoctrination:

“Withdrawing US forces from Syria will leave the American people and homeland less safe. I have worked with three presidential administrations to fight terrorism. The threat is real and cannot be wished away. There is no substitute for American leadership. No other nation can match our capabilities. We must recognize that we are an indispensable nation. We must also work closely with allies such as Israel. As neo-isolationism rears its head on both the left and the right, we can expect to hear more talk of endless wars. But rhetoric cannot change the fact that wars do not just end; wars are won or lost. America's wars will be endless only if America refuses to win them”.

With that, Mitch McConnell made it sound like he and three presidential administrations were pussyfooting rather than engaging in the serious business of fighting terrorism. But true or false, why would someone in his position say something like this? He would say it because his brain cells were rendered inert by the relentless bombardment of insulting projectiles ejected out of the Jewish propaganda machine-gun.

McConnell wasn't speaking for himself in that passage; the Jews were speaking for him and for the Senate, which he represents. And so, we must surmise that they were all pussyfooting and doing nothing else, or they were fighting to win an unwinnable war. In either case, and unknown to them, the war was unwinnable because there never is such a thing as an enemy who engages in a fight for no reason at all. In fact, this entire philosophy is nothing more than a hoax created by the Jews for the purpose of keeping America under their hypnotic spell and their command.

As to Elizabeth Warren, she told the Jews something about them that everybody knows except them. Using different words, she made it clear that they lose credibility when they do things like celebrate the “death” of the two-state solution while insulting those who promote it ... and yet pretend that they were always in favor of that solution but that the Palestinians were the ones who kept rejecting it.

Apparently, Philip Klein did not understand Warren's message, thus continued to produce a number of such absurd statements throughout his article. To discuss them is to give them a level of respectability they do not deserve. For this reason, it is better to view them as unworthy trash, and leave it at that.