Friday, November 1, 2019

Accusing the young of being woke and socialist

Either someone told her she is confused about how the world is functioning, or she discovered the bitter truth all by herself. In any case, instead of making the effort to rectify what's wrong with her way of thinking, she instantly responded by accusing others of what she realized was deficient in herself.

She is Kaylee McGhee who wrote: “Colleges are turning young people socialist in a few ways,” an article that was published on October 30, 2019 in The Washington Examiner. McGhee began her discussion by asking the question: “Who's afraid of socialism?” and she immediately answered by asserting that college students are not. But how does she know that? Well, she knows it, she says, because “a new poll reveals that 70% of millennials are likely to vote for a socialist candidate.” This is euphemism for saying that today's students are woke instead of being educated.

But if she considers that to be a fault, whose fault is it? Aha, that's where the confusion begins and ends. You see, my friend, Kaylee McGhee does not even pretend having firsthand knowledge of what's happening on the campuses these days. But there is a poll which says that 70% of millenials are inclined to vote for socialism. That suits her just fine because she dwells in extreme right wing circles where they howl the aching they feel in their bellies about the colleges and universities going to hell in a hand basket, which suggests that the way to save the misguided young, is to hand them to the Jews, lock, stock and barrel … even if she doesn't come right out and say so.

As it happened, the Jews began their drive to take over the system of education by enlisting the likes of Fox News and the rightwing print tabloids that responded by launching a coordinated blitz on the system of education. They did it by slandering the system’s personnel, such as the teachers, professors, counselors and administrators. Thus, it looked safe for Kaylee McGhee to join the crowd and blame the ills of education on the professors. She wrote about it, and here is the condensed version of her piece of work:

“Given the state of higher education, students become moldable because they have little conviction. Colleges and universities teach them to accept shallow knowledge. They do not train them to ask how this knowledge relates to higher principles. I doubt college socialists could tell how the government would seize the means of production under a socialist economy or how property rights would be eliminated. But they don't need to because Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez have done it for them. It doesn't help that almost all professors at public universities lean to the political Left. In some cases, professors' political opinions have so infiltrated course material that the majority of student respondents in a recent poll said they felt intimidated into silence. Higher education is becoming little more than an indoctrination camp. This is the norm on today's campuses: Hundreds of Young Democratic Socialists of America clubs have popped up on college campuses over the past few years. These students are eager to see change happen. They're attracted to radical proposals and candidates that are just as idealistic as they are”.

So then, what does all this boil down to? It boils down to saying that the teachers, professors, counselors and administrators of schools, colleges and universities should abandon the role they have been playing since the invention of classroom education hundreds of years ago––and stand as a firewall to prevent the political movement that's developing around them in the society at large from affecting the students.

In other words, Kaylee McGhee wants the teachers and the professors to stop teaching and start pushing back against the leftist trend that is taking roots in the country. She also wants the counselors and administrators to do likewise. If this is not being confused, what is? And here is another pertinent question: What will happen if and when the paradigm shifts in America, and the rightwing trend takes over the nation, including the campuses? Should the teachers, professors, counselors and administrators of schools, colleges and universities then abandon their traditional roles and stand as a firewall to prevent the rightwing political movement that's developing around them in the society at large––from affecting the students?

Is this what Kaylee McGhee wants? Or is it that she only wants the leftwing messages to be banned while leaving the door wide open for the rightwing messages to invade the schools and universities? If that's her intention, there is a serious question for us to ask, and for her to answer: Is this the kind of respect she has for the intelligence of her people? When it comes to assessing the value of the United States as a member of the international community, what should the rest of the world make of that view?

Having displayed total ignorance of her country's Constitution, it now seems clear that if someone needs to be given a remedial education, it is Kaylee McGhee and all those who dwell in the same rightwing circle of ignorance.

She and those of her ilk will do well to leave the system of education alone. There is no doubt that the system is going through a profound transformation at this time, and the last thing it needs, is for the forever-a-loser hand that's tattooed with the Star of David, messing with it.