Wednesday, November 20, 2019

War in the Offing and no Law to regulate it

The Jews of Israel and America are sending two signals in the air at the same time. One is that war is about to break out in the Middle East involving Israel; the other is that Israel will not abide by the rule or law regulating the conduct of war.

It is therefore expected that the neighbors who will be dragged into the fight –– and have always respected the rule of law –– will finally decide to fight fire with fire and adopt the same free-for-all style of warfare. So the question to ask is this: Why are the Jews sending those signals out at this time?

We can get a sense of what the Jews are up to by reading two recent articles that were written on the subject. Both were published on November 18, 2019 in National Review Online. One article came under the title: “Israel's New Way of War,” and was written by Seth J. Frantzman. The other came under the title: “Pompeo Announces US Will Not Consider Israeli Settlements Illegal,” and was written by Zachary Evans.

Frantzman's message is ambiguous. This style serves the Jews well because ambiguity is a technique by which the Jews hypnotize America's politicos and keep them in their state of trance during the time that a battle is ongoing, and Israel needs help. The Jews get that help for Israel because a hypnotized bunch is never aware of what it's doing, responding as it does to commands.

Usually, you get a feel of the ambiguity that the Jews employ when they write a piece and you read all of it. Fortunately, however, there is in Frantzman's article the added bonus that one passage, standing alone, reflects the ambiguity all by itself. It goes like this:

“The ability of millions of Israelis to mostly go about their day while Israel's air force carries out precision air strikes nearby is due to Israel's latest achievements in fighting war. It also comes with questions about whether Israel is being effective and what this latest revolution in military affairs means in the long term”.

This is akin to saying the following: Every operation we performed was a success except that the patient died each time. But what effect does that have on the listening politicos of America? Well, the intended effect is to inform the hypnotized zombies of the Washington Beltway that Israel is very close to delivering what it has been promising for decades. This would be a military deterrence of such power, everyone in the region will put down their weapons, surrender and sue for peace.

But since the opposite has been happening, in the sense that the more America gave Israel, the more the neighbors were able to outdo it, the Jews saw the necessity to unleash their psychological war on the Americans by pulling on them the hypnosis trick. But why is that? Why work on the Americans and not Israel's foes? The Jews work on the Americans to prevent them from deciding that America is done breastfeeding little Israel.

And so, the situation as it stands now, is that the Jews have told America's politicos that the outbreak of war is imminent, that Israel is simultaneously capable of winning it and being overrun by the enemy. For this reason, America must consider Israel a victor, and be proud to give it more money and more weapons. Also for this reason, America must consider that if left alone, Israel will be crushed by a superior enemy. This is why America must get ready to rescue Israel when the time will come, as surely it will.

As to the Zachary Evans's article, the only thing it is good for, is that it confirms what was known for decades. It is that the self-appointed policeman of the world is a corrupt cop, turned into a bullying thug by the hypnotic powers of the Jews. You see this confirmation when you read the first sentence in the Evans article, which also stands as the first paragraph. Here is how it reads: “Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the US would no longer consider Israeli settlements in the West Bank to be in violation of international law.” This is like Epstein declaring that he will no longer respect the virginity of under-aged women.

Of course, neither Mike Pompeo nor Donald Trump came up with that idea. It is purely the concoction of the Tel-Aviv/New-York crime syndicate whose goal is to provoke a flare-up so destructive, Israel's enemy will start the process of shredding it like confetti. This is what the Jews want because the spectacle will force America to enter the fight with all its might, and do more than rescue Israel. It will attempt to completely destroy Israel's enemy. But how much America will succeed is another question.

This scenario has a good chance of playing itself out because the Americans and the Jews have declared that they will no longer abide by the international laws. This will also release Israel's foes from having to abide by those laws.

And since the Jews have had the right to a homeland within the 1948 borders, a foe of Israel will have the right to cross those borders and fight the Jews even there.

By the time the war ends, there will not be an inch of land that the Jews can claim is theirs. These people are masters at miscalculating, and this time they are gambling the very existence of Israel.