Saturday, November 2, 2019

When the Hated is accused of Hate by the Hater

Deception is written into the genetic code of almost every species.

Some of the deceptive manifestations happen naturally as a result of evolutionary selectivity. For example, birds that live in a given environment take on the colors of that environment because those that do not, are easily spotted by predators and eaten before they have the chance to breed offspring that look like them. As to the birds that blend nicely with the colors of the landscape (a natural camouflage) have a higher chance of survival, and will therefore breed offspring that looks like them and like the surrounding landscape.

Other species develop their own, artificial and deceptive tricks. For example, birds that build their nests in the fissures of rocks or in marshlands and not on trees, deceive their land predators by pretending to be lame and trying to limp away in a panic. The mother pulls this trick to tempt an approaching predator into chasing her as she moves away from the nest where the brood is huddled and staying quiet. She flies away in the nick of time. And most of the time, this deceptive trick saves the brood from being eaten by the predator.

As to the human species, it is the only one that uses psychology to deceive. The most adept of humans at pulling this kind of trick are the Jews. You can see an example of their handiwork in the article that came under the title: “As The Last WWII Nazi Stands Trial, The Holocaust Remembrance Torch Passes To Us,” and the subtitle: “Bruno Dey's twice-weekly, two hour sessions of questioning demonstrate to the watching world the face, and the consequences, of hatred.” The article was written by Beth Bailey and printed in the October 31, 2019 edition of the online publication, The Federalist.

What Beth Bailey says in essence, is that three of the people who hate Jews were put on trial lately, accused of committing war crimes decades ago. One of the three is named, Bruno Dey, and he had his pretrial done in public, says bailey, thus demonstrating to the world that our actions or lack of them have consequences, whether they amount to mere complicity or even just silence. She goes on to say that because the population is aging, “the torch will pass to the rest of us to recall the Holocaust.” And she counsels that “We must prepare to bear the heavy burden of protecting the past”.

Well, this is what the Jews have been doing to decades, and given that their stated goal was to vanquish what they call antisemitism, they must have failed miserably by their own account. And here is the proof of that, as state by Beth Bailey herself:

“The antisemitism that caused the Nazi genocide 75 years ago has not retreated. The phenomenon is taking place at home. In 2018, 1,879 incidents of antisemitic hate across the United States were recorded. A white supremacist killed 11 Jewish worshipers. On April 27, a man killed one Jewish congregant and attempted to kill three others. Antisemitic hate crimes in New York City increased by 63 percent. In Florida, a principal was reassigned for informing a parent he could not prove the Holocaust was a factual historical event”.

So why are these people doing the thing they know has been failing for decades if not for centuries? The answer is simple. They are doing it because their stated goal is one thing, and their intent is another thing. What they do is play a game of psychology. They are telling humanity it is made of antisemitic haters who make the Jews suffer interminably, therefore owe the Jews compensation. Believe it or not, the image of bagful of money is what motivates the Jewish leaders to play the game the way they do.

But the truth is that the Jews are the ones who hate humanity for reasons of their own. The proof is that they cool the fires of hate in their bellies only by punishing men in their nineties who committed no crime, but happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time as teenagers. They were scooped up at a time when a vicious war was raging almost literally around the globe, and were ordered to stand guard at a prison camp that housed Jews among others.

While modern Jews claim to be commemorating their dead in the bizarre manner that they do, the rest of humanity commemorates its dead in the more dignified manner of remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the right of others to live freely and live in peace. This is why the Jews are scorned the more that they practice what they ironically believe should earn them honor, whereas the rest of humanity is honored for choosing the dignified approach of memorializing its dead with quiet prayers and eminent speeches.

Will the Jews ever learn? Most likely not. As long as there will be compensation money to hand out, the Jewish leaders will milk the Holocaust like a cash cow that keeps on giving.