Monday, November 25, 2019

The Danger in avoiding telling the full Truth

There is a reason why witnesses who are about to testify are made to swear they'll tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It is that telling a partial truth can be as bad as telling a lie, and in some cases, it can be even worse than telling a lie.

And there is nothing in the annals of human civilization to illustrate this point better than the record of the Jews as they moved around and settled in many places throughout the globe, from ancient times to this day. It is that the narrative of exploits they have been telling themselves, as well as their offspring and the world, has been nothing but a string of half-truths and outright lies. And this is precisely what has made the Jews step into one puddle of mud after another, unable to find their way to dry-land where they would have stepped into the trail of Civilization; the one traced by ten thousand years of human toil and ingenuity.

You can see the latest of Jewish fabrications about feats they never achieved, when you read the article that came under the title: “The Coming Nuclear Crises,” and the subtitle: “We are entering a new and dangerous period of nuclear competition.” It was written by Richard N. Haass and published on November 18, 2019 on the website of The Council on Foreign Relations.

In the same way that they wrote what they claim is their history, and made it their bible (a book also called Old Testament) and in the same way that they filled that book with a collection of battles they say they fought brilliantly and won gloriously––they are now deceiving themselves as well as their offspring and the world, into believing that what they are doing at this time, is brilliant in conception and glorious in execution.

Whereas the Richard Haass article is supposed to be an overview of the nuclear weapons and the nations that possess them, Israel is brought into the discussion as if it were at par with the eight nations that have nuclear weapons, that tested them and developed the means to deliver them. While no one in the world takes the Haass claim seriously, not even the Israelis who only get a kick dillydallying with the saying, “we neither confirm nor deny having these weapons,” America's Jewish pundits love to talk about Israel's nuclear arsenal as if it were a reality. Here is how Richard Haass is giving Israel the importance it does not deserve:

“Until just a few years ago, it looked as if the problem posed by nuclear weapons had been successfully managed, if not solved. Progress over the last generation was not limited to the United States and Russia. Israel thwarted Iraqi and Syrian nuclear development. It is as likely that Iran's actions will lead the US, or more probably Israel, to undertake a preventive strike designed to destroy a significant part of its program. Fortunately, the late President John Kennedy was proven wrong, and the number of countries with nuclear weapons is still nine [the known eight plus the imagined Israel]”.

Therein lies the danger to the world. Known as the Tel-Aviv/New-York crime syndicate, the Jews of Israel and America have paralyzed America's effort to get parts of the world, including the Middle East, to agree on declaring themselves nuclear free zones. America could not do a thing for decades because if it did, it would have blown the cover on Israel's imagined nuclear arsenal, and deprived its surrogates the dillydallying pleasures they enjoy when toying with the subject.

And that's not all because when you are the president of a country that's at war with Israel, and its surrogates say it has nuclear weapons, you are duty bound to respond in some way, even if you don't believe what the surrogates are saying. This is what prompted the Syrians to develop chemical weapons known as the poor man's bomb. And when dozens of terrorist organizations, backed by Israel and America, attacked Syria, the military that's mandated to defend the country, had no choice but to use those weapons on the terrorists.

And there is more to the story. It is that the Tel-Aviv/New-York crime syndicate has made it a policy to conflate the use of nuclear technology in civilian projects with its use in military projects. The syndicate did the conflating because from Israel's inception, the Jews had decided to embark on a colonial scheme that would work on keeping the neighbors backward by sabotaging every progress they make in science or technology. This is why the Jews went to a great length stealing the American secrets that allowed Israel to bomb the civilian nuclear power station in Iraq, and the agricultural irradiation project in Syria.

Those who know the full story of the Iraq caper, know that it has led to a chain of horrible events beginning with the war between Iraq and Iran, the subsequent invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, the First Gulf War, the invasion of Iraq, the rise of Iran to a great power, the involvement of Iran in the Syrian civil war, as well as the threat to Israel that's now calling on America to come and protect it.

If anything, this demonstrates to the world that the emperor whose surrogates used to sing that he was dressed with a nuclear shield, turned out to be a naked emperor.

And while the Jewish emperor is basking in the glory of his nakedness, old nuclear treaties that served humanity well for decades, are being abrogated and new weapons are being developed.

This proves once again that the Jews were the ones to cause all the wars that have plagued humanity since they came into existence. It is not antisemitic to say that; it is telling the truth.