Thursday, September 3, 2020

Asking for a Reward before the Results are in

 If there is something the Americans should have learned about the Middle East; it is that they cannot play North American style politics in that region and come out without suffering a serious loss in the process.


Despite the fact that they lost an arm and a leg each time that the Jews directed them to go there, the Americans went to the Middle East whenever the Jews gave the signal: Go now, America.


However, the signs at this time are that the Americans have exhausted their resources so much, they will not be adding to their military presence in the region for a while. But that does not mean the Jews will stop pushing them to play the politico-diplomatic game in the Middle East, a little differently if they must.


In fact, you can get a sense of how things might develop when you delve into the article that came under the title: “After decades of effort, Trump has delivered in the Middle East,” written by House Representative Earl (Buddy) Carter, and published on September 2, 2020 in The Washington Examiner.


The first thing that strikes you about this article is that it must have been written by Earl Carter himself. You make this determination because its content is different from the articles that the committee of Jews normally writes and gives to the gentiles who then publish them under their own name. And so, you wonder, what's going on?


You begin to get some ideas when you read the following strange passage in the Carter article: “Israel saw tensions flare in 1973 with the Yom Kippur War, when Egyptian and Syrian forces invaded Israel. The US took a greater role in brokering peace between both sides, eventually leading to agreements with Egypt and Syria in 1974”.


This passage reveals two important realities. First, when it comes to the Middle Eastern disputes, the writer is not biased in favor of one antagonist or the other. Second, what the writer knows about the region was not accumulated by studying the history he is talking about, or by getting into serious discussions about the subjects associated with that history. Rather, what the writer knows about the Middle East, is what he has accumulated while listening to occasional gossip about the region. His knowledge of it is that shallow.


So then, what was Carter's purpose for writing that article? You get the answer to this question when you read the last sentence in the article. It goes like this: “After decades of attempts, and countless reports saying it wasn't possible, Trump and his administration have delivered.” In effect then, Earl Carter is not rooting for the glory of the Jews or Israel, he is worried about the fate of Donald Trump's presidency.


The fact is that Trump and his administration have delivered nothing. An Arab Initiative that offers to do what seems to unfold at this time, has been on the table for nearly two decades, rejected by the Jews of Israel and America the way they rejected every peace initiative for half a century. Then came Donald Trump and told his Jewish masters to write the deal they want, promising that he'll go along with it. They wrote a deal that was nothing better than a cup of hydrochloric acid, and asked the Palestinians to drink it. They refused.


Caught in a bind, Trump asked the Jews to come up with a better deal for the Palestinians. Netanyahu and his gang who wanted to keep the deal as is, thought of buying time in the hope that something will happen in America that will change the game and turn it in their favor. To that end, they did to democracy what dogs do to lamp poles, by staging three fake elections that earned Netanyahu nothing.


As fate would have it, what the Jewish buying of time actually did, was freeze all efforts waiting for the perfect storm to arrive. What happened then was that in Israel, Netanyahu was indicted for committing the most heinous crime against his own people, pocketing as he did public money, some of which was earmarked to benefit Holocaust survivors living in abject poverty.


As to what happened in America, the public got fed up with their elected representatives who acted like treasonous prostitutes, kissing up to perverted Evangelical leaders whose passion is to praise the Lord, pull their zipper down and give America to the Jews of Israel piece by piece. And so, the American public began to look for a progressive way to end this madness.


In addition to all that, there came the global pandemic that destroyed Trump's dream of making America great by growing its economy to a size and efficiency that would allow him to go it alone, and force the rest of the world to go his way or go without him the hellish way.


Unfortunately for him however, Trump ran out of luck before achieving that goal. He had no choice, therefore, but to tell Netanyahu to take the steps that will lead to the implementation of the Arab Initiative ... or he'll make life a living hell for him and for Israel.


As to Earl Carter, who fears being trounced out of the House if the Republican Party does badly in the upcoming election, he felt motivated to write the article that he did … and write it without seeking the assistance of a Jewish ghost writer to whisper in his ear.


What Carter says basically, is that the Republican Party and Donald Trump and himself deserve to be rewarded with re-election because Trump has achieved something that no one else did.


Carter says so even if nothing has materialized as yet, and Netanyahu is acting like a can of gasoline, someone left on a campfire and walked away.