Sunday, September 20, 2020

Getting ready to eat someone else's lunch

 Marc D. Angel who is a retired New York rabbi, and now director of the Institute of Jewish Ideas and Ideals wrote an article to say that: “Jews won't be your scapegoat any longer,” which is the title of his article. You can find it in the September 18, 2020 edition of the New York Daily News.


It is unclear how Angel proposes that the Jews will cease to be scapegoated since no one chooses to be in that situation, therefore no one can prevent it happening when, for whatever reason, a society decides that the Jews deserve to be so treated. The only hint that Marc Angel gives as to what kind of approach the Jews might adopt is contained in the following words:


“Jews have been the world's scapegoats for many centuries. We have suffered scorn, ghettoization, violence and murder. We want to notify the world: We resign, we no longer will serve as your scapegoat”.


But Rabbi Marc Angel does not say the Jews will resign to whom? Whether or not there has been such resignations before? Whether or not any of them were accepted? What happened after the acceptance or rejection? And what guarantees he has that the new resignation will be accepted –– but if not, what then?


And while Angel is mulling over those questions, there is something we can study that will help us formulate an informed opinion as to what happened in the past that put the Jews in their predicaments, and what might happen in the future that might put them back into similar predicaments. The thing that's there for us to study is an article that came under the title: “Lacking Holocaust awareness just the surface of bleak anti-Semitism picture,” written by Beth Bailey, and published on September 17, 2020 in The Washington Examiner.


The immediate question that comes to mind is this: What was the purpose of writing this article in the first place? And the answer is as simple as it is obvious. It is to say there is serious antisemitism in America, it can lead to horrible situations, and it exists because there is a lack of education about the Holocaust. To remedy the situation, therefore, and eliminate the horrible situations it could engender, we must teach the children of America as much as possible about the 40,000 concentration camps that were built in Europe a century or so ago to exploit and mistreat the Jews before gassing them and incinerating their remains.


This kind of talk, accompanied by a flood of statistics such as you see in the Bailey article, was so novel and so intriguing when first used decades ago, it motivated the political peasants of the American Congresses and White Houses of the past to buzz like busy bees, and mortgage America's power and prestige to force the Europeans to fork out billions of dollars, thus compensate the instant converts to Judaism who were already living the high life in America –– for suffering inflicted on others far away and long ago.


And so, you can only surmise that the reason why there is now an attempt to restart the cycle, is because the Jews are seeing that the opportunity is here to get something for nothing. How to do that? By climbing on someone else's shoulder; someone who seems to be getting somewhere after centuries of paying a price that no human imagination can ever fathom.


Here is how reality looks like on the ground at this time: The Jewish High Command, which is made of several organizations, has each of these organizations sit on studies and articles that were pre-written in point form and ready to put in a final form for the purpose of exploiting any occasion that might come along and appear like it is ready for use in the service of a Jewish or Israeli purpose.


When the proliferation of handheld electronic cameras vindicated the claim of the African American citizens that they were mistreated by the police, and when arguments were advanced to the effect that to rectify the situation, the study of the Black American experience should be increased in the schools, three things happened almost simultaneously. They were the following:


One, voices rose to make that suggestion a reality in American schools. Two, right-wing voices in the White House and elsewhere opposed the suggestion, in some cases opposed it vehemently. Three, the Jews started to publish articles such as that of Beth Bailey intending to convince the mentally retarded politicos of the Washington Beltway that the Jews are worthier than the Blacks, therefore the Holocaust of Europe and not the history of Black America should be taught in America's schools.


But what was it that encouraged the Jews to do this? It is that they saw how the African American civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s was hijacked by the movement to “liberate” the women. They saw it spirited away by some women who made it their own, leaving behind the African Americans.


In no time at all, the women had managed to break through the glass ceiling, winning more than they ever dreamed they could. But while this was accomplished, the African American citizens were getting as many as a dozen bullets in the back for a malfunctioning tail light, for a fake 20-dollar bill, for panicking at the sight of a White cop and running away, and for being a Black child just playing in the park.


And so, duplicating the habit of the early Jews, which they developed during the first Passover thousands of years ago as they killed the babies of Egypt and robbed the temples, and duplicating the habit they play out every day in Palestine as they murder and rob the Palestinians –– the Jews of America, out of pure selfishness, have now readied themselves to eat Black America's lunch, and not even say: thank you!