Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Mutilators of History may yet blow it

 Do you remember the old saying about the blind leading the blind? Well, for the purpose of this discussion, try not to think of it as one blind leading the other to the ditch or the swamp or whatever. Think of it instead as the two blinds being led into an arena, each given a sword and told to go after the other. You can imagine that the scene would be comical if it were not so pathetic.


But you know what, my friend? This is how the scene looked at the time that the Jewish mutilators of history split into two camps. There was one camp that advocated the continued occupation of Palestine, and one that stood against it. Actually, the two camps coming into existence was not as simple as it may sound. What happened was that originally, the Jews were occupying the space that extended from the leftist liberal side of the political spectrum to the extreme form of communism.


This happened because Jews had come to America from Europe where the right-wing movements of the Fascists and the Nazis were gassing and incinerating the Jews anywhere they could find them on the Continent. At the same time, however, the left-wing Communists, who were well established in the Soviet Union by then, were more tolerant of the Jews; even allied with them in some cases.


And then it happened that a series of complex and intertwined events in the Soviet Union, the Middle East and America, inspired a group of liberal Jews to think more tolerantly of conservatism in America despite the fact that it was associated with the right, which they used to fear and detest but no more. The group surmised that it would be more advantageous for the Zionist movement if they thought of conservatism in America as being nowhere close in ideology to the Fascists or the Nazis of Europe.


And so, the group converted from liberal to conservative, thus launched what came to be known as the Neocon movement. The members vehemently attacked their former soul-mates who reciprocated by fighting back just as hard. And the two camps have been at each other's throat ever since, neither of which having any idea what they are talking about when it comes to the affairs of the Middle East. But they are throwing blows at each other like blind individuals equipped with swords and brainwashed to believe that they fight for the survival of their clan.


One soul that converted from near Communism to Neocon was Clifford D. May whose embrace of the Zionist movement and whose blind opposition to the Palestinians’ desire to go home from where they were pushed, made of him an icon of the turncoats. He is so blind to his destructive fanaticism, if a Conservative were to tattoo a Swastika on the back of his hand, he would see it as the Star of David and worship it. He wrote many articles that give him away, some of which were reviewed in this blog.


His latest foray in that realm is an article he wrote under the title: “After Abraham Accords, time to look at Palestinian-Israeli conflict with fresh eyes,” and the subtitle: “How peace was achieved and what the 'Palestinian cause' now requires.” It was published on September 22, 2020 in The Washington Times.


When reading the following passage from his article, recall that Clifford May was trained as a lawyer. Also note that when a prosecutor does not have a “slam dunk” case, he insinuates the guilt of the defendant without coming right out and accusing him. Lawyers are taught techniques to do just that when addressing the judge or the jury, and Clifford May is applying what he learned on his readers. Here is that passage:


“For decades, a herd of experts, diplomats, academics, journalists, politicians insisted that a deal such as President Trump facilitated was out of the question. Why couldn't the UAE and Bahrain have just continued to develop relations with Israel discreetly? Why go public now? Because the Israelis were planning, with the Trump administration's blessing, to extend sovereignty, call it annexation if you like, over a large swath of the West Bank. The Israelis had a chance to change facts on the ground”.


As can be seen, in order to go after the liberal Jews, Clifford May the Neocon, is mutilating history to insinuate a falsehood that portrays the President of the United States, Donald Trump, as being a rapist of children. What Clifford May is saying in effect, is that Donald Trump has conspired with Benjamin Netanyahu to bluff the leaders of the United Arab Emirates into believing they will rape the children of Palestine unless the Arab leaders publicly acknowledge they are having a clandestine affair with the Jewish leaders. And voila, the miracle happened, they have all been outed, they can now fornicate all they want in the open, but they will leave the children of Palestine unmolested, at least for now.


I say, “at least for now” because, being the Jew that he is, Netanyahu thought of making of the bluff a double play. Now that he ate the cake when the true story was outed, he believes he can still have the cake by promising his fanatic followers that all remains as it was because annexation is still on the table, and will happen sooner or later.


Poor Netanyahu. He does not realize that to have his cake and eat it too, he must first eat it, and then let his digestive system turn it into fertilizer.