Friday, September 18, 2020

Example of obnoxiousness that backfires

 Seth J. Frantzman wrote a piece about an event that is so small, it would not make it on page 6 of a high school publication and yet, here it is occupying a large space in a major online publication.


The piece came under the title: “A Pilotless Pilot Program,” and the subtitle: “Israel–U.S. drone cooperation could revolutionize what soldiers carry into battle.” It is an article that was published on September 14, 2020 in National Review Online.


As indicated in the title and subtitle of the article, the discussion covers a certain level of cooperation between the United States and Israel in the production of a drone that’s supposed to counter enemy drones, “like the kind ISIS used in the battle for Mosul,” says Frantzman. To put this event in perspective, we recall that in this age of globalization, even the American defense establishment, subcontracts some of the work it has to foreign companies in foreign lands such the work that's done in Turkey for the F-35, for example.


You can imagine that compared to Turkey's F-35, making parts for a drone in Israel; one that's supposed to counter the home-made toy-like drones produced by the ISIS kids, is such a small thing that to write about it, must have been motivated by the desire to propagandize the most trivial of events for the simple reason that nothing more substantial could be found to feed into the propaganda machine.


Come to think of it, talking about the American act of subcontracting parts of a toy to an Israeli company, could not in itself be important enough to generate the kind of propaganda that Israel needs to siphon the billions of dollars which it does out of America every year without someone yelling: We're being robbed by them Jews, and no one is working to put an end to the madness. Thus, the need to do something else in addition so as to render the propaganda so effective as to silence the critics.


But what could that be? It would be the use of language that can describe a mound in such a way as to make it sound like a mountain. Look how Frantzman has used the preamble to make Israel's tiny part sound like a major contribution: “The US and Israel reached a new milestone. This sounds like futuristic innovation using augmented reality. Wearable goggles like the ones, gamers use to guide the drones. The soldier can put on virtual-reality glasses and guide their own drone in for the kill”.


Look also how Franzman has used a lie that was added to false innuendo and wild speculation, to make it sound like Israel is helping to save American lives: “This project is part of a wider cooperation between Israel and the US. For instance, the military is evaluating Israel's Iron Dome defense system. Americans have been killed this year in Iraq by pro-Iranian groups firing rockets at bases where soldiers are housed. An Iron Dome-style system could help protect them”.


First, Frantzman says that the American military is evaluating Israel's Iron Dome System. This is a lie because the truth is that the Americans are no longer evaluating the thing called Iron Dome. America has already evaluated the thing, found it to be a piece of junk and rejected it. Second, the innuendo is that the Americans don't have a system of their own to protect them from enemy rockets. This too is false because the Americans have several systems, some of which are installed in Israel. Third, the speculation is that the Iron-Dome could have saved the American soldiers that were killed in Iraq when a group fired rockets at them. No, the Israeli system could not have saved them because it was found to be an unmitigated piece of garbage. In fact, to use it in lieu of the American system would add exponentially to the risk of losing lives.


But this kind of cheap propaganda is what the Jew often uses to get a free ride on someone else's wagon. When they all reach the final destination, he jumps off the wagon, runs in front of it and claims to have guided it to its destination all by himself because no one else was smart enough to do it. And this is the kind of obnoxious performance that is as Jewish as matzoh bread. In fact, these people can never participate in a project without capping it with a claim as sickly as that. And this is one reason why people who work with Jews once, develop a rejection to working with them again.


The only people who seem to fail detecting this creepy Jewish habit––or if they do––know how to ignore it and continue collaborating with the Jews, are the gentile politicians who would trample on the accomplishments of their own country if this would satisfy the insatiable appetite of the Jews to be praised for work done by others; work they shamelessly attribute to themselves.


But that sort of behavior will not sit well with Arabs such as those of the UAE and Bahrain who will find themselves compelled to work on projects with Jews. The moment that the Arab will contribute an innovation to the project, and see the Jew attribute the contribution to himself, the Arab will denounce the Jew and call him a disgusting thief with whom he will refuse to continue working.


When an incident such as that will repeat itself several times, the revolting pattern of Jewish behavior will have been firmly established, and the idea of cooperation between Arabs and Jews will be seriously endangered.


This is why the Jews who will be sent to work with Arabs, should be trained in civilized behavior –– if that is possible to do –– before sending them to their assignments.