Saturday, September 5, 2020

They fear the International Criminal Court

 Let's begin by asking a question: Can the forensic approach be used to “reverse engineer” the hidden agenda of an advocate, thus reveal its true nature? The answer is yes; this can be done.


Like reverse engineering, forensics of any kind, compels you to begin with the observables, which is what the contraption was designed to do (for example, the circuit that launches a missile.) From there, you work your way backward to figure how the internal components interact with each other in accordance with a preset logic (also known as algorithm) so as to lead up to the desired end result, which is the launch.


Luckily, we have a recent text that allows us to practice the forensic approach, thus determine what hidden agenda may be motivating its writer. The text is an article that came under the title: “Justified contempt for the International Criminal Court,” written by Jonathan S. Tobin and published on September 3, 2020 in the Jewish News Syndicate.


This is a complicated case because it has two kinds of observables. There is the kind that you see now, and there is the kind that was seen in the past, but has gradually been kept out of the public debates and hidden from view. Those of us who are old-timers, remember those observables and wish to keep them in full view of the public, but this is why we too, have been kept out of the public domain.


Today's observables are there for all to see. They exist in articles such as those written by Jonathan Tobin and other “opinion makers” who think like him. Reduced to their essence, the opinions which these people express, boil down to telling America it must stop engaging in dialogue with those that have contrary opinions. Instead, they urge America to coerce everyone into seeing things the American way, which increasingly is becoming the Jewish way. This is not surprising given that America itself has been coerced over the decades into seeing things exclusively through the Jewish lens.


And the way to coerce others the Jewish American way, is to begin by threatening military action, and then dictating the terms of their surrender. When this fails to frighten a collective such as a government or a large institution, America is instructed by the Jews to target the key individuals of the collective to force them making the decisions that suppress and thwart the will of the collective.


When the complaint pertaining to such behavior reaches an international body, seeking advice or adjudication, the Jews use the media to attack the body and the key individuals that run it. They instruct America's politicians and diplomats to do likewise, then have America officially declare that it rejects international laws, even if they were made with American participation. From here on, say America's puppets of the Jews, America will only consider American law to apply internationally.


When America began to play-up this approach on the international stage, some of us foresaw that the Jews will work on applying the same approach domestically. And sure enough, this began to happen in America as the Jews trampled all over the Constitution, and they openly advocated the denial of the First Amendment to those that hold different opinions. The victims were ordinary citizens as well as elected politicians serving their constituents, and refusing to betray their country by serving Israel as commanded by the Jews.


Not only that, but the Jews also coerced the State and Federal Legislatures of the Union, forcing them to pass laws that make coercion of the public legal. In the interim, they even managed to coerce the Executive branches into signing directives that accomplished the same criminally-minded dick-headed ends.


Now my friend, you should consider all of the above as being the components of the contraption, which future historians will want to call the “attempt to Judeo-Nazify America.” You can see why they'll form such opinion when you look into the Jonathan Tobin article which reeks of the Nazi mentality. What follow are some of the pertinent excerpts you'll find in Tobin's article, which lead to such conclusions:


“The Trump administration has no respect for norms and traditions. By placing sanctions on officials at the ICC, Mike Pompeo rejected the notion that multilateral institutions deserve respect. Fatou Bensouda is the ICC's chief prosecutor. Since assuming office, she has sought to prosecute Israel for war crimes committed during the various campaigns conducted against Gaza. Bensouda hasn't just used her post to snipe at Israel. She has also sought to attack the US by threatening to prosecute Americans for crimes committed in Afghanistan. The ICC's defenders say these [measures] are justified in the post-Nuremberg consensus that declared the international community would not tolerate crimes committed by nations that, like the German Nazis, could claim they were following their own laws. The UN and its many branches is a cesspool of corruption, hypocrisy and anti-Semitism. It's high time that the US acted to warn the ICC that they will face the wrath of the world's lone superpower”.


So then, what is the true nature of the hidden agenda that Jonathan Tobin and those like him are stealthily implementing? There can only be one answer to this question. It is the following:


Considering the Jewish rejection of the post-Nuremberg consensus that you cannot extend your laws to jurisdictions beyond your borders, it is now clear that while rejecting what they call the idea of a “world government,” the Jews do want to establish a world government that will be run by them according to the kind of authoritarian and cannibalistic laws that would punish a ninety-year old man for a crime he did not commit as a teenager; one that was caught by evil people in the wrong place at the wrong time, and forced to endure inhuman treatment.


And so, the Tobins of this world, fear that the International Criminal Court will succeed in demolishing their demonic plans.