Wednesday, January 6, 2021

How Advice from the Fanatics ruined America

 There is lightweight wisdom, and there is heavyweight wisdom. There are those who expound wisdom with every speech they enunciate, and there are those who remain silent, keep their wisdom to themselves, and use it only to navigate the difficulties of daily life.


When someone is of both the lightweight and vocal kind, he can inflict a great deal of damage on the innocent who take what they hear at face value without doing critical analysis on what's dished out. At the start of the twentieth century, the American population was generally innocent and trusting of others. What made it even more so, was that times were good, and people were optimistic. They were easy to persuade.


This was also the time when the Jews of Europe were beginning to immigrate into America where they played the usual game of know-it-all, and claiming to do everything better than anyone. And the Americans were naive enough to believe them. In fact, what the Americans were hearing was lightweight wisdom of the kind that the Jews are using today to flood the media and political gatherings of all kind. The gamut spreads from the White House and State Department to the town-halls of the smallest municipalities.


What the Jews did a century ago, and continue to do today, is explain to anyone who would listen, how things are. They explain it by speculating on what people, be they near or far, think, as well as what they intend to do, and what the consequences of their actions will be. This kind of speculation is what makes the wisdom of Jews of the lightweight kind, especially when you compare it to the heavyweight kind, which is advice based on the observation of hard facts, followed by the deduction as to how those facts may play out among human beings.


You can see the destructive effect of lightweight wisdom when you go over the article that came under the title: “Why going back to Iran nuclear deal is folly,” and the subtitle: “Rejoining the Iran deal puts Middle East normalization and regional peace at risk.” It was written by James Jay Carafano and Adam Milstein, and was published on January 4, 2021 in The Washington Times.


What follow are the speculations that were bandied about for several years. Having nothing more intelligent to say regarding this matter, James Jay Carafano and Adam Milstein amassed them and then regurgitated what people got sick hearing over the years. Ranting about the possibility of the US returning to the Iran Nuclear deal, here is how the Jewish speculations sounded:


“The cascading consequences of that decision could destabilize the Middle East and trigger problems around the world. Tehran is more desperate now than it was in 2015. To hand the Iranian regime a new old deal would be interpreted as a sign of American weakness and humiliation. Such act would trigger a cascade of chaos. The moderate Arab nations would view the US as feckless and unreliable partner. The process of normalization between the Arab nations and Israel could die still-born. We could see rapid proliferation in the region. Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Egypt could seek nuclear weapons. The Arab nations will look to cut deals with China and Russia. North Korea and Iran observe closely how Washington treats others. Pyongyang will escalate and act aggressively”.


Imagine for a moment the naive and innocent era of a century ago, a time when people were jolly, optimistic and happy about their good fortune. Have you done this? Now imagine a bunch of Jews invading the space of these people and assuring them that because they are Jews, they can read the minds of other people, and can foretell the future. How do you think the innocent and naive Americans responded?


Did they ask to see their membership card in the tarot association? Did they ask to see their Ouija board? No, they did not. Instead, the Americans believed the Jewish braggadocios, confided in them, and worse of all, took their advice. And this is how the early Americans set themselves and their country on the road to Jewish ruination.


Well, my friend, that was a century ago. Did America change enough to be wiser today? Yes, most of ordinary people did change and have become wiser because they live in a universe of real people who learn from each other. But that's not the case with those who enter the universe of politico-journalism.


Those are the ones who still believe that the Jews are the chosen people whose advice is as good as the word of God. Do you know why this is happening even today? It is happening because the zipper-down perverts who call themselves televangelists are telling their prostituting evangelical sheep that the Jews are the apple of God's eye.


The televangelists go on to advise their naïve flocks that they and their children must worship the Jews, take their advice however outrageous it may sound, or be prepared to spend an eternity burning up in the hellish fires of Satan’s domain.


And this is what James Carafano and Adam Milstein are telling the incoming Joe Biden administration to continue taking as advice; to implement and feel good about ruining America.