Tuesday, January 19, 2021

To peddle the artificial as natural is to commit a criminal fraud

 When someone you know to be a Christian says he converted to Judaism, you say to him, that's your business. You may go on to say: But I don't know if I should congratulate you or feel sorry for you.


When someone you know to be of Caucasian descent says he is of African descent, you say to him: That's a fraudulent claim. If you cash in on this fraud, you'll commit a crime for which you can be prosecuted.


When someone says he was immersed in two or more cultures, and must in some circumstances choose to follow the wisdom of one culture or the other, you envy him because you see him as culturally richer than you, having more choices from which to pick what suits his undertakings.


When someone says he is glad his child––who did not serve in the military of his country of birth––has volunteered to serve in the military of a foreign country to which he did not emigrate, you know this is a family of dual loyalty if not a family of traitors.


Why do you need to mull over these hypothetical situations? You need to because Douglas J. Feith is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. To do so, he wrote an article under the title: “Why I'm a Zionist,” and the subtitle: “And how support for a Jewish state is eminently compatible with American patriotism.” It was published on January 18, 2021 in National Review Online.


When you strip the article of the fluffy garbage it contains about Israel being a democracy and blah, blah, blah, what remains that's useful for the purpose of this discussion, is the analogy that Feith has drawn about his own case and that of John Kennedy who was Catholic, yet got elected President of the United States.


What Douglas Feith is disregarding out of ignorance or malice, is that being of a given ethnic descent is not something you can get into or out of at will. Rather it is something as natural to you as the blood that runs in your veins. This is why to pretend you are what you're not is to commit a fraud that can earn you severe punishment. As to the idea of belonging to one religion or another; this is a choice you can make any number of times because a religious ideology is an artificial construct that's treated like a political ideology, or the ties you wear to suit your daily moods. How about socks? Do you choose them to suit the day of the week?


Kennedy was a Catholic of Irish descent and born in America. If he were a private citizen, he could be loyal to the pope or any foreign star but not to Ireland or any country because he was expected to be loyal to America. As President, which made him employee of the government, he could not be loyal to the Pope in any personal or political sense because he was supposed to be loyal to the Constitution. As to his Catholicism, the principle of separating Church and State, compelled John Kennedy to publicly declare he will adhere to that principle while keeping his religion to himself.


John Kennedy did exactly what he was supposed to do. But taking advantage of a complex situation, Douglas Feith says that because John Kennedy could do it, he too can do it. No, he cannot. Kennedy was loyal to America and its constitution, and loyal to no one else while practicing his religion in private.


Douglas Feith, on the other hand, is fusing religion which is an artificial construct with an ethnicity he plucked out of thin air, and says this is like Kennedy being faithful to Catholicism. This is sick. Still, Douglas Feith goes on to assert that it is okay to be Jewish and be so fanatically loyal to the foreign entity that is Israel, he can spend all his time defending and glorifying that entity while pretending to be American. It is what he says makes him a Zionist. He also wants everyone to believe it is morally acceptable for every Jewish American to dodge the American draft, serve in the military of Israel, return to America and use it like a cash-cow to live the highlife while spending his time deviously glorifying that disgraceful foreign entity.


When someone is morally screwed up to this degree, what else do you think he would do? Well, let him tell it in words he borrowed from Louis Brandeis. The latter was himself a Jew that uttered the words at a time when there was a Palestine full of Palestinians and only a handful of Jews. The words went like this: “Every American Jew who aids in advancing the Jewish settlement in Palestine, though he feels that neither he nor his descendants will ever live there, will be a better man and a better American for doing so”.


Here again Douglas Feith used words that applied to one situation, and made them sound like they strengthen the argument he is making in favor of different situation. In fact, Louis Brandeis was urging wealthy American Jews to send money to help poor Jews in Palestine. Brandeis even remarqued that wealthy Irishmen were sending money to help potato-starved Irish in Ireland. And nowhere did Brandeis justify anything like the situation which exists today in occupied Palestine.


Douglas Feith has proven, with every word he uttered in that article, to be a fraud and a traitor to an America that served him and his family well. He is a thankless disgrace to everything noble that the human species stands for.