Sunday, January 3, 2021

My Cousin isn't a Cousin, he's an Impostor

 A massive con job is in the making, and it can only end badly for those who got themselves involved in it.


It is the story of Jews that have gone through the full cycle of trying to team up with someone, anyone at all, inciting them to hate the Arabs, claiming that they were the true Semites whereas the Jews were no longer connected to the Semitic ethnicity.


In fact, for a time, the Jews had it that, by virtue of having lived with, and been diluted by their interbreeding with the Aryans of Europe, they had overwhelmingly become carriers of European blood, more so than Middle Eastern blood. Their message to the Caucasian people as well as the Turks and the Iranians, was that they were so similar to them, and so different from the Semitic Arabs, they should all want to be friends with the Jews and be anti-Semitic toward the Arabs who were the only Semites left in the world.


However, when none of their cockamamie schemes worked as planned, the Jews found themselves at a loss as to what to do next; a situation that lasted a number of years. Then one day, the situation that Donald Trump did not expect to see, did happen: The polls were indicating that he'll lose the bid to get reelected President of the United States. He panicked, and while in that state, called on Israel's Netanyahu to send him a lifeline by accepting the Arab League initiative that had been sitting on the table for nearly two decades.


Netanyahu had no choice but to knuckle under what sounded like a serious threat. He hoped that once Trump gets elected, the Jews will go back to relying on America supporting them while they play the game of constantly scheming to have it both ways. This time, it would have been gaining Arab recognition of Israel, and having all to themselves, the land of Palestine without its Palestinian inhabitants. However, little did Netanyahu or Trump know that the American voters had a better idea. They voted for “sleepy” Joe Biden rather that Donald Trump, to be the next President of the United States.


Netanyahu and the clique which passes for government in charge of the entity they call Israel, responded as they always do. They played the wild card of deception they call election. It was the fourth time they resorted to this trick during this round, prompted by the need to mark time and see how the American electoral campaign will unfold, and how the government, whichever it will be, will decide to treat the Middle East.


Meanwhile the Jews turned on the propaganda machine and programmed it to undo everything it concocted previously. This time, they made it so that the Jews are not Caucasians or even diluted Semites but full-blooded Semites from hair to toe, and certified by DNA testing as being cousins of the very Semitic Arabs. You can see such false presentation when you read the article that came under the title: “An Abrahamic family reunion,” and the subtitle: “Israel is in the process of moving closer to its natural roots in the East.” It was written by Gary Schiff, and published on December 30, 2020 in the Jewish News Syndicate.


Gary Schiff began his presentation with this false assertion: “US President Donald Trump orchestrated the peace agreements between Israel and its Arab neighbors.” Of course, none of this is true because what Trump was trying to orchestrate was giving Palestine to the Jews, and having the wealthy Arab nations pay the Jews for being so good as to lap the Palestinians for breakfast and have them for lunch too. The Arabs took one look at the Jewish offer and said: No thanks, we have enough toilet paper as it is.


True to form, the Jews then turned their fantasy into an illusion that has the sound of reality. They did so by calling on their mob of pundits in the media, and their moral prostitutes in the American Congress, and telling them to speak and act as if what did not happen, had in fact happened ... and everything was hunky-dory.


But real or fake, what is it that can happen to spoil this illusion or turn it into tragedy? We find two revealing passages in the Gary Schiff article that point to the mentality of Jews which makes them their own worst enemies. It is what has been leading them to tragedy, while believing they were on their way to a cool and pleasant nirvana. What they found instead at the end of the line was death like no one should experience.


Here is the first revealing statement, “We have direct discussions about what can be done to stop the incitement that breeds terror attacks.” And here is the second statement, “...moving the Jewish nation back to its traditional moorings by helping us connect with our traditional neighbors”.


What this says, is that when getting together with the Arabs for a friendly chat, the Jews will want to establish that the Jews are such saintly creatures, God is making an effort to bring them to their ancient homeland. But while this is happening, say the Jews, the evil Arabs incite their young to commit acts of terrorism against the Jews so as to frustrate the will of God.


Well, my friend, take it from me: The Arabs will tolerate a certain amount of this garbage. Meanwhile, seeing no objection from the Arabs, the Jews will escalate their vile rhetoric. The Arabs will reach a boiling point, and without saying a word, will cut every connection they had established with the Jews, thinking of them as incapable of rising to a human level of decency.


And the Arabs will cry out: Never again will we make the mistake of befriending the Jews. Never again.