Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Cure that perpetuates the Disease

 Look at this headline: “It's time to stand up against the muzzling of America.” What's that, you ask? Is it a quote from half a century ago? No, it's not. It's a recent utterance by Josh Hawley who was born 10 years after it was time to stand up against the massive scheme designed by the Jews to silence everyone and make themselves America's official orators.


Actually, that headline is the title of the article that Josh Hawley wrote and had it published on January 24, 2021 in the New York Post. He was motivated to write because something serious happened to him, he says. In fact, He wrote to complain that his social credit score, “seems to have taken a nosedive,” where he defines social credit score as follows: “the latest corporate import where government and big business monitor every citizen's social views and statements”.


Totally unaware of the ways that the Jews have used to plant their dictatorial rule in North America, Josh Hawley went on to describe social credit scores as being, “the latest form of cancel culture, as corporate monopolies and the left team up to shut down speech they don't like and force their political agenda on America.” And it is this lack of historical perspective that prompted him to advise the following: “For those who still believe in free speech and the First Amendment this is the time to take a stand.” Poor Johnnie-come-lately does not realize he is half a century too late.


Without once mentioning Jewish organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League, the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Simon Wiesenthal Center and others that monitor every move we all make and every word we all say, Josh Hawley goes on to tell how under the cancel regime, you must comport yourself to earn the right to live without being harassed. Here is how he expressed this thought:


“If you want to get a good job, stay at hotels and be served at restaurants, you will need to do a few things. You will need to voice the right opinions. You will need to endorse the right ideas. You will need to conform. That's what the corporate chieftains tell us, anyway”.


Finally, Josh Hawley decided to tell what happened to him. He says he was canceled because he raised a challenge to the electors of his state. He goes on to advise that whether or not you agree he did the right thing, “corporate America's rush to cancel those it dislikes should trouble you.” To be specific as to how the events have unfolded for him, he went on to explain that it all started when someone demanded he resigns his job. This prompted a publishing house to cancel a book it had asked him to write. This, in turn, was followed by corporate America canceling all his political events, he went on to explain.


When I finished reading this part of the article, I exclaimed: Is that all he’s complaining about! What would he say, were he appraised of what happened to me beginning a decade before he was born, and continuing to this day? It happened that when I got tired of hearing the Jewish hate machine and its army of prostitutes in the print and audio-visual outlets, repeatedly tell their audiences that the Arabs were mad dogs and wounded animals, I wrote a letter to the editor saying that Egypt (where I had come from) was a civilized country. In the eyes of the Canadian Jewish Congress, this meant I committed a sin for which I was to be canceled for life. And that wasn't all, my friend. That wasn't all.


The Jews recruited the staff of the newspaper that used to see itself as the flagship of Canadian journalism, and had these people keep an eye on the other outlets to make sure that not one of them would violate the blacklist that was keeping me canceled. They also recruited the security apparatus of the country to make sure that no prominent person such as a politician or a “renegade” editor would break ranks and try to help me end the nightmare of Jewish tyranny suffocating my professional life. In fact, they canceled one editor who tried to help me by revealing that his son was a pedophile. And they canceled one politician by revealing that he fathered a child out of wedlock. After that, no one that had a skeleton in their closet or none at all, has wanted to associate with me or be seen talking to me.


Starting a new paragraph with the sentence: “It will get worse,” Josh Hawley went on to speculate what might happen that would further erode the freedoms Americans are used to. He painted a bleak picture but then said this: “Here's the good news. The cancel culture agenda will only succeed if we let it. We need live in fear only if we choose to say nothing,” which is a good and hopeful sentiment to express. But then guess what...


Like the chef that cooked a sumptuous meal then stood on the table and urinated in the soup, Josh Hawley pulled his political zipper down and politicized the whole thing like this: “In this time of testing, conservatives must not shrink back. We need to stand up for the right of every American to be heard”.


By turning the right to live and speak freely into a partisan political issue, Josh Hawley played in the hands of the Jews who will now stand on the congressional table and urinate on both sides of the isle in a true bipartisan spirit.