Sunday, April 18, 2021

A Mosaic of Parts breaking apart, and melting into a woke Pot

 For a long time, those in America who were in charge of piloting the ship of state, fooled themselves into believing they were sailing a perfect melting pot on their way to a paradise of their imagination that would make Adam and Eve green with envy.


The American pilots developed that notion because they started with the false belief that they were running an exceptional operation. It was an idea based on the observation of a foreigner who traveled throughout America. In fact, that observation turned out to be a complete misunderstanding of the facts. This happened when the Frenchman, Alexis de Tocqueville compared the concept of citizenship in Europe and America. In so doing, he inadvertently put down the foundation for a paradigm upon which a tall tower of quackery was built one shaky stage on top of another, decade after decade after decade.


Here is the problem. Whereas Europe is made of nations, each populated by a cohesive group, America of the nineteenth century was populated by groups that left the cohesion of the “old country” behind to start a new life in a new place among strangers of various cultures. Whereas the Europeans held on chauvinistically to their ethnic origins, the Americans surrendered their ethnicity, and adopted the American designation, not knowing what exactly it was meant to represent.


Still, Tocqueville was impressed with that American composition, unaware that it will not withstand the test of time. As it turned out, the offspring of immigrants that rejected the old to adopt the new, developed an attachment to the ethnic origins of their ancestors, an attachment that became so strong, it would have surprised their immigrant forefathers. And then, it gradually began to happen that the American melting pot, as fantasized by the early pilots of the ship of state, transformed into a tenuous mosaic whose artificial parts are now coming unglued at the seams.


Confused as to what's happening to them and their country almost two centuries after Tocqueville, a younger generation of Americans began to realize they are in the same boat. They reckoned they are all heading toward one and the same destination, supposedly as equals, even if some appeared to be more equal than others … a la George Orwell's pigs in the Animal Farm he envisioned. The young generation rejected that setup after a while, and adopted the adage that says, the wheel that squeaks the loudest gets the grease. And so, they started to squeak as loudly as they could, not only with their vocal cords, but in deeds such as destroying the symbols that represented America's history of slavery, repression and unfairness.


A showdown began to take shape between the descendants of the early pilots of the ship of state, now calling themselves nativists, and the rest of the population which adhered to the precepts of a still forming paradigm referred to as woke. The battle is ongoing at this time, as can be seen in the Washington Examiner's editorial that came under the title: “Biden administration's woke apology tour gives China and other evil governments cover,” published on April 17, 2021.


The excuse for writing and publishing that editorial, was that America's ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, gave a speech at the National Action Network, a civil rights movement that has been around for some three decades –– saying that: “Slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles … when we raise issues of equity and justice at the global scale, we have to approach them with humility”.


This was enough to prompt the editors of the Washington Examiner to make this pretense: “Of all the nations of the world, the United States of America is the greatest force for freedom, human dignity, and democracy. Our leaders ought to uphold this role on the world stage and to proclaim it boldly.”


And level this accusation: “President Joe Biden believes that the US's role in the global community is to apologize, and that America should stand as a symbol of shame and oppression”.


And spew this slander: “China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran have used the UN to propagandize against the US on human rights. Thomas-Greenfield's picture of America is the one that the Chinese use to defend their genocide. Her suggestion that the US should breach the issue of China's genocide against the Uyghurs with humility, is disgraceful”.


What this demonstrates, is that in trying to hide its deficiencies, America is accusing others of being deficient. For a while, America succeeded at intimidating others and keeping them silent about her deficiencies. But then it happened that both the American public and the world at large could not take this hypocrisy anymore. They shouted the truth from the rooftops, and the shameless culprits responded the only way they knew how. They lied about who they really were, and what they wanted.


This attempted deception makes up the content of the Examiner’s editorial. Like other similar pieces, it fails to convince anyone of its message because the playing field has been levelled for everyone, and those editorial writers are no match to the crowd that’s equipped with the truth of the woke.


Moreover, thanks to the effort of the young who are working to spread the woke culture, America is at last turning into a true melting pot.