Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Alley Cat that did not see a Sewer Rat

 Charles Hurt, who is the opinion editor of the Washington Times, thinks he discovered a species of “Sewer Rats,” which lives in Washington, and exploits human catastrophes for personal political gains. (Democrats led by a whole Squad of ghoulish opportunists, April 15, 2021­)


Well, let's be fair to Charles Hurt by acknowledging that he was speaking metaphorically because there really isn't a species of rats that would exploit human catastrophes for whatever reason. Not even Hilary Clinton's basket of deplorables, who consistently vote for the wrong candidates, would be as bad as that.


So then, what is it that Charles Hurt is talking about? Well, he's talking about three members of the US House of Representatives who spoke metaphorically like he did. Also, in the same way that people are prompted to talk about reconsidering the Second Amendment every time there is a mass shooting in America, the three members, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez talked about reconsidering the funding of police departments out of which comes an inordinate amount of police shootings, and the killing of innocent Black men.


Aside from Hurt's confusion pertaining to the technicalities linking the reality and the metaphor, what else is there that's notable about his presentation? Well, what's notable is that he accused the three members of Congress of trying to score political gains. He did not define what this is, but there has only been one definition for it since there has been politics. It says that the politicians whom Charles Hurt mentioned, stand to increase their popularity among their constituents by calling for a review of police conduct. And this leads to the obvious question: Did Charles Hurt discover another basket of voting deplorables that escaped the attention of Hilary Clinton?


Next, Charles Hurt did something that shows his schooling is incomplete. In fact, he has shown himself to be at best, a half-baked intellectual. What happened is that, speaking of the fatal shooting of Duante Wright who is a Black young man, the following mini-debate ensued between Ilhan Omar and Charles Hurt:


OMAR: Violence is a basic part of police interactions with communities of color.


HURT: Really? The killing of Duante Wright was a basic part of policing in Minnesota?


Hurt then turned to the audience and asked these questions: What does that say about a murderously racist state that it would elect someone like Omar? How much blood is on Ms. Omar's racist hands?


It is obvious that Hurt's lack of sophistication caused him to take Omar's metaphoric words at face value. This is what led him to think she was accusing every policeman and policewoman in Minnesota of being a killer of Black men. Badly confused, Hurt proceeded to pin the crime of murder on everyone in Minnesota, including Ilhan Omar herself. In so doing, he turned his argument into an exercise in absurdity.


Charles Hurt went on to display another deficiency in his schooling. To see how he did that, imagine two adults talking in the presence of a 6-year-old. One adult says to the other: “The whole world seems to be going mad.” Upon this, the child runs to the nearest closet and shuts himself in. The adults pull him out, and ask why he did this. The child says he must hide from a world that's going mad. They explain to him they were speaking metaphorically. Here is what Charles Hurt actually did:


“Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) of New York said the following, 'Duante Wright's killing was the outcome of an indefensible system that grants impunity for state violence.' Like Omar, how much blood is on her hands? Impunity for state violence? What part of impunity includes charging Officer Kim Potter with manslaughter? Charging Derek Chauvin with murder in the death of George Floyd? This is not impunity. It is the opposite of impunity”.


It is obvious to anyone who is not a child, that AOC did not mean to say no killer-cop in America gets to be prosecuted. They do, and she is not denying it. The problem is that the vast majority of the cops and many non-cops get acquitted by jury nullification, a purely American phenomenon that's becoming a stain on the criminal justice system. Just ask O.J. Simpson and George Zimmerman how they got acquitted.


Finally, Charles Hurt took on Rashida Tlaib, whom he said joined the other two in attacking the police, because she craved being in the limelight. In so doing he committed what you’d expect from someone at his low level of mental cogency: he shot himself in the foot. Here is how he did it:


“There is no doubt that officer Potter made a mistake. But there were a great many mistakes that led to that tragic moment. Blame for those mistakes does not lie with Officer Potter. She was simply enforcing the laws made by other people –– lawmakers such as Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib. Far more blame for the situation lies with the people who now exploit the situation for personal political gain”.


As you can see, Charles Hurt used almost the entire article to paint Omar, Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib as odd and different from other legislators, if not from other Americans. But then, in trying to pin on them the mistake committed by Officer Potter, he lumped them together with all the other legislators.


He did so, knowing that they take their job so seriously, they decided to fix what's wrong regardless as to who broke the system: other legislators or a feeble-minded alley cat that knows not what he is doing, having assumed the job of opinion editor at a preposterous rag.