Friday, April 16, 2021

The useless Bees that Produce bitter Honey

 Except for the elements of the periodic table, which are singular occurrences, everything else in the material world is made of a combination of elements. The same is true in human affairs where most events that do occur, come to be when two or more happenings come together and create new possibilities.


And so it is with the situation in which America finds itself at this point in time. In fact, America is now the product of two trends that have been interacting with each other for a while. One trend has to do with the rise and fall of empires, a fact of life that has been the inevitable reality throughout history. The other trend has to do with the Jewish influence in the country, as manifested by the Judeo-Yiddish character that was imposed on a fragile American culture, managing in the process to dominate it and alter its character.


The reality is that America has gone into the cycle of a declining power. It is so because it has aged and has become sclerotic. Under normal circumstances, this may not have been a serious problem. But it has become serious for America because it is happening at a time when other powers, most notably China, are rising fast. As to the role that the Jews play in determining what America looks like –– it is the kind of tricks that hustlers pull in their quest to get something for nothing. The Jews have turned America into a pushover that cannot say no to any abusive hustler.


You get a fuller sense of how the two trends interact with each other, and make America what it is today, when you study two recently published articles. One came under the title: “Biden bows to Khamenei,” written by Jackson Richman, and published on April 13, 2021 in the Washington Examiner. The other article came under the title: “Is Biden quickly caving in on the Iran deal?” written by Abraham Wagner, and published a day later, on April 14, 2021 in The Washington Times.


As can be seen from the titles of the two articles, both writers are using the approach of questioning Biden's manhood. They make it sound like it is more important for the American president to exhibit the firmness of a strong man, than to preoccupy himself with the fate of the Iran nuclear deal. This is very much the product of the Judeo-Yiddish character that's constantly hustling others, as he tries to come out with something without putting in a thing to begin with. At this time, the Jews are so used to taking America for granted, they expect something for themselves and for Israel without contributing as much as a puff of hot air.


To America that still wants to feel big and powerful, this is the sort of thing it would have ignored when it was at the height of its power. It would have had the confidence to absorb a little irritation and not be bothered. But deep down, America knows it is now a declining power. Normally, even this would not be enough to make a superpower feel inferior. But when the opportunist Jews get involved, and they start working on milking the situation, what is normal changes into chaotic in the blink of an eye. This is what happened to America, causing it to cede control over its destiny to the marauding Jews who go to America from around the world because they know that's where they'll hit the jackpot without having to lift a finger.


This is how the Jews have transformed America's behavior and made it respond, not to the exigencies of the people's needs, but the needs of Israel and those of world Jewry. Let's take an example which shows that despite the mistake of Iraq's invasion, the Jews still managed to drag America into an idiotic situation that would shock even a child. Do you remember what they were saying to convince America that sanctions against Iran will work? They were saying that if America implemented a regime of maximum pressure, the Europeans will go along because they'll prefer to do business with an economy the size of America's, than an economy the size of Iran's.


And do you remember what was the response given by those of us who knew better? We said that the Europeans will choose to do business with an economy such as Iran that needs what they have in surplus, at a time when Iran has in abundance what they need to fuel their economies. Time has passed, and look what Abraham Wagner has finally come around to admitting:


“The change in US policy comes, in part, from pressure by the European nations, including France and Germany, for any agreement that gets the sanctions lifted on Iran. Their interests are purely economic, and they have no serious concern over a nuclear armed Iran, or what takes place in the Middle East. They don't see this as their problem”.


Convinced that they and America are alone in this, and that America is beginning to have second thoughts about their advice, the Jews have changed their approach. Instead of talking about the merit of the case where they failed to make a case, they are now concentrating on shaming the individuals that make the decisions on behalf of America.


Look whom Jackson Richman is trying to tackle now, and question their manhood. They are the old guard that sired the Iran nuclear deal in the first place. Here are some of the names:


“Key members of the Biden administration include National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Secretary of State Tony Blinken. Another member of the US negotiating team is Robert Malley whose appointment provoked considerable controversy at the time”.


Like bees that were smoked out of their hive for producing honey more bitter than sweet, they are buzzing around, disoriented and looking for someone to sting, as well as a new place where to land, build another hive and start the cycle of perpetual losers all over again.