Friday, April 23, 2021

The usual lies and those stirring visceral hate

 Did you ever ask yourself why there seems to be two kinds of hatreds in this world? The usual hate that’s reserved for everyone, and the visceral hate that’s reserved for the Jews.


Did you ever consider that of all the reasons which stir up hatred in humans, the most effective is the lie that’s generated by the “bait and switch” method? It is the one that makes you believe the liar that’s addressing you is talking about angels when in reality he would be talking about the devil.


Did you ever postulate that Jews are unique in their ability to stir up the bait-and-switch kind of visceral hatred which leads normal humans to wish they could be exterminated from the face of the Earth, never to be heard from or heard about ever again?


If you haven’t considered this kind of topic previously because you didn’t think you’ll get to the bottom of the case or reach a satisfactory conclusion concerning the truth of the matter, you can change all that now. You can do it by letting members of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) take you by the hand, and show you why the Jews stir up the hatred that has led normal human beings to pogrom them and holocaust them throughout space and time.


Morton A. Klein and Susan B. Tuchman are members of ZOA. They teamed up to write an article that will answer all your questions, and leave you with a solid knowledge about the reasons why the Jews have been singled out and reviled wherever they went and whenever the mask of innocence fell off their faces to reveal the reality of what they stand for.


The article that Klein and Tuchman wrote came under the title: “The many anti-Israel falsehoods in Obama’s memoir must be fixed,” published on April 22, 2021 in The Washington Examiner. The purpose of the article is to inform the readers what ZOA did with regard to Obama’s book. Here are their words:


“The Zionist Organization of America recently urged the publisher, Penguin Random House, to recall all printed books and correct them — or at least correct the book’s digital version and future print editions. Since this book is the first of two volumes, we also urged that volume two begin with a chapter correcting volume one’s many errors”.


The Jewish mentality comes out clearly in that passage. You may or may not be familiar with what it has produced over the decades, but even if you never heard of the attempts that the Jews mounted to alter or cancel passages in publications ranging from Shakespeare’s plays to Walter Cronkite’s broadcasts, as well as UNRWA’s textbooks, Palestinian opinion pieces, and books written by American Presidents such as Jimmy Carter and now Barack Obama — your bile will be stirred by what Klein and Tuchman are trying to accomplish with their latest piece.


Here, in their words, is why it will happen: “ZOA’s letter to Penguin Random House identifies 15 separate material falsehoods, followed by the facts,” which they want President Obama and Random House to correct. Let’s take a close look at one of those instances, expressed here in condensed form:


“Obama describes Mahmoud Abbas as the preferred Palestinian Arab leader ‘in large part due to his unequivocal recognition of Israel and his long-standing renunciation of violence.’ But Abbas never recognized Israel as a Jewish state. Also, Abbas has never renounced violence. In fact, he glorifies and incentivizes it, naming streets, schools, and sports teams after Arab [combatants] rewarding their families with pensions. Abbas is a longtime Holocaust denier and a racist, having made it clear that if there is a Palestinian Arab state, it will be cleansed of Jews. Under Abbas’s leadership, selling [West Bank Palestinian land] to Israeli Jewish settlers, is treasonous. Abbas is not committed to peace with Israel”.


You see here the repeated use of the Jewish style “bait and switch” sleight of hand. For example, President Obama wrote that Mahmoud Abbas recognized Israel, which is a fact. Because it makes Abbas look good, something that Klein and Tuchman wanted to rob him of, they did not do what a normal human would have done.


That is, they could have minimized the importance of Abbas’s act by saying something like, “so what!  In time, other Arabs have recognized Israel too. Big deal!” This would have been lying about their true feeling, an occurrence that’s common to normal human beings when they wish to minimize the value of the debt they owe someone that handed them a valuable favor.


But Klein and Tuchman are Jews. They could not tell a usual lie because they can only tell the lies that stir up visceral hatred. What they did instead, is to say that Abbas never recognized Israel “as a Jewish state,” which is a whole other kettle of fish. In fact, by recognizing Israel, Abbas recognized Israel’s right to exist. Had he recognized Israel as a Jewish state, he would have given the Jews the legal right to cleanse Palestine of every non-Jew that lives in it. By baiting and switching in the Jewish style, the two authors covered the fact spoken by Abbas, and replaced it with their own intent … while making you believe they were talking about the same thing.


And so, having told that Jewish lie, Klein and Tuchman proceeded to build on it. They falsely accused Abbas of encouraging terrorism, of being a Holocaust denier and a racist; one who wants to cleanse Palestine of Jews, when it is exactly what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians.


Now you know how they generate the visceral hatred that sends them to the gas chamber and the incinerator. Plagued as they are by their acquired handicap, you can only pity them.