Thursday, April 22, 2021

Defeat is in the Eye of the Beholder

 How do you take down a superpower when it suits your purpose to do so? Well, that’s easy to explain.


You present yourself as a friend. You infiltrate the thing. You make yourself sound like a wise man. You turn reality upside-down. You give the suckers in charge of the superpower, the wrong advice. You watch the superpower decay, and like magots, you and yours feed on the corpse.


Clifford D. May and those like him did all of that to America during the last half century, and they are now beginning to feed on America’s dying corpse. If you must hear it from the horse’s mouth before you’ll believe it; you’ll find the answer in Clifford May’s latest column. It came under the title: “US chooses defeat in Afghanistan,” and the subtitle: “America’s many enemies will be encouraged and emboldened.” It was published on April 20, 2021 in The Washington Times.


Reading the piece, you get the sense that you’re watching two undercurrents move the Clifford May narrative towards a single goal. One undercurrent says to America, never stop fighting those who refuse to submit to your will such as the Taliban of Afghanistan because if you do, you’ll look like you have accepted defeat such as you did with the Vietnam War. The other undercurrent says, whether you win the war such as you did in Europe and the Pacific, or you lose it such as you seem to accept has happened in Afghanistan, it is always good to keep residual troops where your soldiers’ boots have dwelt before.


Clifford May goes on to explain that because America is maintaining troops in Germany, Japan and South Korea with the apparent intention of keeping them in there forever, it makes sense to also keep troops in Afghanistan forever despite the scheduled withdrawal. May’s justification is that the presence of American troops has kept the peace in Europe and East Asia for three quarters of a century, and they can do the same for the Afghan region. But that’s where the Clifford May analogy fails.


A more accurate explanation goes like this: America won the shooting war against Germany and Japan. This has allowed it to station troops in those countries without facing a popular resistance because the civilian populations were exhausted, thus welcomed the end of the war at the cost of occupation. As time passed, the younger generations of those countries grew up seeing the American troops nearby, and did not think of them as an odd sight. In fact, they considered the troops as foreign mercenaries who get paid by their government to be there.


As to South Korea, America did not win that war. But if it did not lose it either, all that can be said is that it was able to secure a stalemate. Whichever way you categorize the outcome of the Korean War, the result has been anything but the securing of the peace on the Korean Peninsula. Whereas there hasn’t been a shooting war, there has been the rise of a nuclear juggernaut in the North; one that can cause serious trouble in the region. All of that worry has resulted from America’s military presence in the region.


The best end-of-war outcome came about when America lost decisively in Vietnam. No residual troops were stationed in there, and there was no need for the Vietnamese to develop a nuclear arsenal to defend against an erratic America that takes orders from the eternal losers of the planet; those who call themselves Jews. Instead, what happened in Vietnam was that a unified country became an economic tiger in Asia, and a very good friend to America as well as a friend to the rest of the word.


This is undoubtedly the history that the Biden administration studied when it decided to pull out of Afghanistan after trying the Jewish forever-war for 20 years, and deciding that enough was enough.


Also, this is undoubtedly why Clifford May is reciting the dire predictions that were manufactured at Jewish Central about the world coming to an end if America were to pull out of Afghanistan. Still, bringing the soldiers home is the promise made to the nation by President Joe Biden, and he intends to keep it. With this, he signals his refusal to be a stooge for the magots that smell the decomposing corpse of a dying superpower, and are developing a very wet appetite. Here is a taste of what Clifford May is spewing in an effort to hypnotize the President and get him to follow, not his own judgment, but that of Jewish Central:


“By choosing defeat, the United states confirms the Islamist faith that the global jihad enjoys divine endorsement. Islamists will redouble their efforts wherever they can. As for Iran’s rulers, they can now be confident that Mr. Biden represents no threat and will give them the deal they want, a deal that paves the way for a nuclear-armed Islamic state”.


These people have been wrong for something like 4,000 years with every decision they took pertaining to their own security, and with a straight face, are now trying to convince the world, they can protect it better than it can itself, from the pogroms and holocausts with which the Jews have become eternally associated.


Who is the sucker they hope will believe them and hand them the store?