Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Amnesty International is fixing an old problem

 What is a fictitious paradigm? It is the creation of a paradigm that bears some resemblance to a real setting, but that is also different from it in key areas. The purpose for creating such a fiction is to confuse people who would have been targeted for entrapment in a hoax by making them believe that elements of a fictitious paradigm are part and parcel of the real setting … and then pulling a fast one on them.


For more than half a century, the Jews of Israel and those of America have been contriving a fictitious paradigm, targeting America’s political elites first and foremost, but also targeting everyone else in America and the world. Their purpose for doing this, is simple to understand. It is that they stole a country from the Palestinians, and they determined that the way to explain and defend their crime, was to make-believe that they are the aggrieved saints whereas the Palestinians are the aggressive demons.


Their method of operation has been to constantly identify the key areas in the existing setting as it unfolded, and tweak those areas to change the premise of the narrative in such a way as to turn reality upside down. One of the American Jews who contributed much to this demonic exercise, is Clifford D. May. He’s been at it again recently, in that he wrote an article under the title: “Amnesty International spreads the virus of antisemitism,” and the subtitle: “It defames, demonizes and attempts to delegitimize the Jewish state.” It was published on February 8, 2022 in The Washington Times.


To respond to Amnesty International, Clifford May rehashed the tweaked areas that turned the real setting into a fictitious paradigm. And so, the thing to do, is for us to expose the Jewish lies by showing how the author mixed them with a little bit of truth or with irrelevant observations to construct frivolous arguments, a situation that suits thieves who would steal a country, just fine.


Here is the first tweak that is irrelevant on the surface, but hides within it the seeds of a crime against humanity. Clifford May wrote this: “Zionism merely holds that the Jewish people have a right to self-determination.” The distortion is in the fact that the sentence is a play on the word “people.” Here is the explanation. If I say to you that the room is full of people, it means that every place in it is occupied by men, women or children who are not necessarily related to each other, or have anything in common.


But if I say to you that the Jews are a people, you automatically assume a genetically connected ethnic group. This is a false assumption because, like Christians and Muslims, the Jews are everywhere on the planet, belonging to all kinds of ethnic groups. They are of the same religion because they converted to it at some point in their lineage. But they are not of a genetic stock that is eligible to inherit the estate known as Palestine or any estate that’s not given to them voluntarily by its owners or given to them by law.


In fact, Clifford May says this much, but mixes an undeniable reality with a big lie that distorts what is real, while giving credence to what is false — at least to the people who are not paying attention. Here is what Clifford May did. First, he wrote about “Jews living in a slice of their ancient homeland.” He did so to claim Palestine for those he falsely identified as a genetically connected Jews. But this being a problem that blew in the face of the rabbis decades ago, Clifford May quickly rectified his mistake by making a bigger one. In fact, it is one that demolished his entire argument. Here is how he did it:


“Israelis come in all colors, including Black Jews from Ethiopia and Brown Jews from India. Most Israeli Jews are of Middle Eastern and Northern African descent. What’s more, of every 100 Israeli citizens, 20 are not Jews. They are Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Druze, Baha’i, Circassian”.


How can someone sane call this assortment to be one and the same, and claim that the artificial concoction, made of parts from everywhere, is the true heir to Palestine whereas the Palestinians who lived there since the beginning of time are imposters who should go somewhere else?


Let Clifford May answer that question. Meanwhile, he promulgated other falsehoods that need to be responded to, but because of the lack of time and space, I shall respond to only one more. It has to do with the question of when a colonial situations becomes an apartheid situation.


Until the decade of the 1950s, the Arab nations surrounding Israel had no armies to speak of because they had been colonized for hundreds of years. They were allowed to have lightly armed police forces that kept the peace locally, but not a military that’s equipped to fight a foreign army. When the Jewish infiltrators into Palestine started to massacre the local farmers on a large scale, the Arab governments sent their police forces to protect the fleeing Palestinians, and secure their own borders. These forces collided against the armed Jewish marauders from Europe who were equipped with state of the art weapons, including an air force made of at least two warplanes.


Nevertheless, Jordan was able to secure the West Bank and save Palestinian lives while Egypt was able to secure the Gaza Strip and save Palestinian lives. The people of Palestine did not mind the Jordanians or the Egyptians being on their territory because they viewed them as protectors. They considered the enemy to be the Jews who occupied a big chunk of their Palestine which they sought to liberate.


All of that changed in 1967 when Israel launched a sneak attack on its neighbors and occupied the West Bank and Gaza. Not only did the Jews gain still more land, but they also gained a population that was not Jewish. This meant that sooner or later, Israel will become a democratic minority of Jews with the semblance of equal rights for everyone, or become an outright apartheid state where a Jewish population (whether a minority or a majority) enjoys rights denied to others.


Not much thought was given to this reality-in-the-making when the situation was that of a colonial paradigm in which the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was fighting a Jewish colonial force of occupation. But when the Oslo Accords ended the state of war between the Palestinians and Israel, which Yasser Arafat recognized as a state, the colonial paradigm ended, and was replaced by the apartheid situation that it is now.


In fact, it’s still there for all to see and recognize as did Amnesty International.