Thursday, February 3, 2022

Iran helps weaken America’s cerebral Prowess

 We, human beings, owe our existence on Planet Earth to a couple of events that happened despite the fact that the odds against them were astronomical. One event was the asteroid that hit the Earth millions of years ago, causing the extinction of the dinosaurs who were standing in the way of our rodent-like ancestors from evolving to their full potential.


The other event was that despite the rodents being small in size, they were smart enough to outwit the larger animals that survived the asteroid catastrophe along with them. And so, the rodents that we were, remained a viable species, even thrived against powerful odds. With time, evolution allowed their intelligence to increase in accord with the growth of their physical bodies, especially the growth of their cranium and the brain inside it. The rodents evolved to become who we are today, we who extended our dominion to encompass the entire planet, and look ahead to conquer intra-planetary space.


Despite the blunders that we cause when we make the wrong decisions and act on them, thinking rational thoughts remain our best guarantee for survival and advancement as a species. The downside to thinking, however, is that we now have the means to scheme and satisfy the damaging impulses we inherited from our animal past. We do that by fighting each other, often for trivial reasons, with consequences that always turn out to be destructive.


As animals, we fought each other with the tools that nature provided us with, such as the teeth, the horns, the bite that injects poison into the enemy’s body … and many more such tools. But, as we evolved, we learned to make new tools, which we then adapted for use as weapons. We increased the lethality of those weapons to the point of threatening not just the enemy we fight, but threatening to destroy the entire planet. And yet, our hunger to make and use weapons that elude the enemy, pushed us to come up with ideas that are so devious, they make the enemy consume them like toxic fruit coated with sugar, not realizing how badly they will be hurt by them.


One such example that can be studied, came under the title: “Why is Joe Biden letting Iran off the hook?” It was written by Nikki Haley who is said to be senior adviser to an outfit calling itself United Against Nuclear Iran. The article was published on February 2, 2022 in The Washington Examiner.


Nikki Haley used the word “sanction” or a derivative thereof 8 times in the short article that she wrote. The word is used twice to refer to sanctions imposed by Iran on her, and used it six times to refer to sanctions imposed by America on Iran. Haley says that she wears the sanctions imposed against her like a badge of honor, but does not say how Iran wears America’s sanctions imposed against it.


The argument that Hailey is making boils down to saying that President Joe Biden is soft on Iran when he should be tough because Iran is an evil actor that must be prevented from obtaining the means to cause mischief in the world. Without mentioning that Iran and America have been at war with each other for the last seven decades, Hailey cited the aggressive acts that Iran is committing in the execution of that war without mentioning how America is executing its side of the war. And so, Hailey goes on to say the following, which is here presented in condensed form:


“Biden is letting the No. 1 state sponsor of terror off the hook. He should be holding Iran accountable for much. The US has applied unprecedented sanctions on Iranian oil shipments. Yet last year, Iran shipped 40% more oil than it had the year before. Iran has made at least $15 billion that should have been off the table. So, where is Iran’s oil going? To a who’s who of America’s adversaries — China, Russia, Venezuela, Syria. United Against Nuclear Iran shows that Iranian oil trade to China was up to 62% as of November. The ayatollahs were continuing their march toward a nuclear weapon. They’ve also strengthened their support for terrorists while building advanced drones and a cyberwarfare operation. The regime now refuses to rule out enriching uranium to weapons-grade levels. All the while, Iran has been arming [combatants] across the Middle East with powerful drones”.


These being the standard talking points which are regularly put out by the Jewish propaganda machine, rattling them off thoughtlessly by Nikki Haley, without value added that would have made them proprietary to the author instead of the disguised plagiarism that they are reveals that Nikki Haley remains as tabula rasa as she was when the Jews plucked her from among the aspiring multitudes, and “educated” her to become their erasable and programmable mouthpiece for all seasons.


For a long time, characters like her were ignored by the enemies of America. But it now seems probable that the Iranians have found a way to use her like a sugar coated toxic fruit that will end up harming the Jews who will eat it. But how did the Iranians do that?


The Iranians did it by sanctioning Nikki Haley, which raised her profile. She seized the opportunity and wore the sanction like a badge of honor. It is that the Iranians designed the badge to fit exactly in the skull cavity that has remained vacuous since her birth.


And now, the Iranians have joined a world that is laughing at Nikki Hailey, and laughing at the America whose cerebral output, she helped diminish.