Sunday, February 6, 2022

From walking on water to drowning in the sewer

 What would have happened if terrorist-cum Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir had not gone to America and told the schmucks of the political circus out there: Zey know nossing about za terrorist damacracy of za Israel? You must go kick their asses before they come kick yours.


What would have happened if before that, the French had not been beaten to a pulp, and got the idea of warning the Americans that if Vietnam falls, the domino chips will follow one after the other, and before you know it, Communism will have taken over all of Asia, and beyond?


What would have happened if before that, Winston Churchill had not hypnotized the Americans and brainwashed them into believing that the Soviet Union was a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma; a power that has caused an iron curtain to descend across the continent from Stettin in Poland to Trieste in Italy — therefore a power that must be circled with military bases lest it breakout, conquer the rest of the world and turn it into a Communist Empire?


If none of that had happened, America would today be walking on dry land as well as the waters of the world with the halo of sainthood shining bright over its head. In fact, that’s how America was after the Second World War. That image lasted for a few years and then faded as America began to listen to those who recognized a sucker when they saw one, and started to milk America for all it could yield.


Today America is regarded as the has-been policemen of the world that got corrupted by the influences of the devilish opportunists, and maintained in a zombie-like state that allows it to serve only Israel and the Jewish causes. It does so at the expense of the American Republic and that of everyone else.


It was therefore natural for other rising powers to think of getting into the abandoned shoes of the now reviled policeman, work to repair the damage that he caused, and get the world ready to resume the journey it had projected for itself into a future that was full of promises. Yes, all of that was first projected, but then suspended by two ruinous world wars that marked the twentieth century as the bloodiest in the history of Planet Earth. But now the journey has been projected again, and humanity is eager to move into a future that’s full of uplifting promises.


The responsibility to take over from America, fell on the shoulders of a China that was thought incapable of challenging Superpower America only a few years ago. It also fell on the shoulders of a Russia that rose from the ashes of a Soviet Union that was defeated in the Cold War; a war that was sparked by the work of the demonic Winston Churchill whose contribution for winning the war for Britain, was so exaggerated, his people tossed him out of office; an event that induced him to pull a fast one on America.


A news item that tells what is unfolding today in that realm, came under the headline: “China and Russia unveil plan for new world order,” written by Joel Gehrke, and published on February 5, 2022 in The Washington Examiner. The following paragraph is a condensed version of the preamble that introduces the reader to what is developing on the international stage at this moment:


“China and Russia have outlined a vision of international relations anchored in their potential to reinforce each other in disputes with the United States while cooperating on an array of economic and diplomatic fronts. Chinese General Secretary Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a joint statement that forecasts the ‘transformation of the global governance architecture and world order.’ That transformation would be marked by the progress of concepts and initiatives that Moscow and Beijing conceived, often in opposition to the US, and now could develop into a challenge to American power — their message to America being: We are the future, and you are the past”.


The confidence of the Chinese and Russian leaders in their newly acquired powers, and their resolve to use those powers to deliver to humanity what it was robbed of during the dark decades of the twentieth century, could not be lost on anyone who would read that preamble. But the two leaders did more than talk the talk; their work on the ground shows what they are doing to fulfill their promise to humanity.


In fact, Joel Gehrke proceeded to show that Putin and Xi have pledged to restore and to adhere to the post-war world order. It is an order that was instituted by those who won the war, which includes Russia and China. But that was the order that America shredded when it fell under the hypnotic trickery of the foreign powers that suckered it into fighting their wars, and by the trickery of the local warmongers who, in reality, are treacherous Fifth Columnists in disguise.


To fulfill their pledge, Gehrke says that the leaders of China and Russia have revealed they plan to oppose any external forces that might want to undermine the security and stability in their respective neighborhoods. And while doing this, China will proceed with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) that should guarantee prosperity to all those who will join in. As to Russia, it expects that great benefits will accrue from linking BRI with the Eurasian Economic Union, a modern project that revives the old economic union of the Eastern European countries known as the Comecon.


That history would not have happened were it not for Winston Churchill, the French Diplomats, and Yitzhak Shamir advising the Americans to self-mutilate, and the American political schmucks loving the gruesome exercise.