Friday, February 11, 2022

These hapless editors missed their own lesson

 The editors of the Washington Times thought they had a great lesson to give the nation, especially the folks in the White House. But the editors did poorly because they missed the essential ingredient that would have made their argument hold together and be convincing.


To make their point, the editors wrote a piece under the title: “Biden buckles before Iran,” and the subtitle: “President’s ‘discretion’ resembles concession,” and published the piece on February 9, 2022.


What the editors did, was point out that the expression, “policy discretion,” used by US diplomats to explain the latest move the administration made with regard to the Iran nuclear deal, looks to them more like a concession of the weak rather than the discretionary choice of the strong.


The point of contention between the two sides, arose because the Biden administration waived the economic sanctions that the Trump administration had imposed on Iran’s civil nuclear program. Because the immediate effect will be that $29 billion of Iran’s own money deposited abroad, will be unblocked and made available for Iran to use and pursue its economic plan, and whatever else sovereign nations do with their money, the editors of the Washington Times, guessed that the outcome of the unblocking will be two nefarious results. However, what the hapless editors did not realize was that from the logical point of view, the two results are mutually nullifying. Here they are:


On the one hand, the editors say that the Biden administration’s move will “help Iran complete its nuclear program.” On the other hand they say that without that help, “the regime is [already] within weeks of producing enough highly enriched uranium to build a bomb.” This sounds like the kind of help the regime does not need, thank you. But how did the regime get this far under the Trump sanctions, anyway? The editors are not saying for the good reason that there is nothing they can say.


What the editors’ weak argument has done, however, is point out that despite the sanctions, Iran was able to accelerate its nuclear program, and go full speed ahead relying on its own resource. And because it was America that reneged on the deal, Iran went ahead with the production of enriched uranium beyond the limits set by what the editors have called “the moribund Iran nuclear agreement”.


And so, despite the deceptive rhetoric of the editors, the true story of what happened in the file known as the Iran nuclear deal, is that pressured by the Jewish lobby to do what’s necessary to destroy Iran, the Trump administration reneged on the nuclear deal and imposed so-called crippling sanctions on the country. The result has been that instead of being crippled, Iran relied on the dissolution of the deal to go ahead and do what the deal was prohibiting it from doing.


If anything, this is a bitter lesson that the Biden administration is well aware of and does not need to relearn. It is a lesson that continues to escape the editors of the Washington Times who wrongly believe they have a lesson of their own to give to others. And it is a lesson that the world had been warning America it can only ignore at its own peril and that of Israel.


This brings us to the question: What is the ingredient that America had been missing till now?


The short answer is that, tainted by the Judeo-Yiddish culture, America lost the wisdom that had been motivating it while performing on the world stage right after its spectacular triumphs during the two world wars of the twentieth century. And lacking wisdom, is what makes the editors of the Washington Times fail to see that reneging on the nuclear deal and imposing sanctions on Iran, resulted in the opposite effect of what the Jewish lobby had asserted will happen.


Thus, the lesson for all to learn and retain, is that discretion is indeed the better part of valor in this case and all similar cases. That’s because there is no valor in repeating the same mistake in the hope of getting a different result. What there is, however, is insanity pure and simple. It is insanity of the kind that’s displayed by the editors of the Washington Times.


To consider insane the position taken by the editors, is not an exaggeration when you see where else it was leading them. Here, my friend, get a hold of the following passage in their editorial:


“Other global adversaries see opportunity in Mr. Biden’s ‘policy discretion.’ Russian President Vladimir Putin has perched divisions on Ukraine’s borders, poised to revert its neighbor from a NATO wanna-be state to a Soviet-era buffer zone. And Chinese President Xi Jinping, having finished digesting formerly free Hong Kong, likewise is now busy probing Taiwan’s preparedness for an invasion. Speculation is rife that either leader — or both — could unleash his forces once the Beijing Olympics conclude. They may figure that Mr. Biden has little moral authority to wield when others overrun theirs”.


So, there you have it, blinded by the hatred instilled in them for their president by the barrage of Jewish propaganda, the editors of the Washington Times fail to see that the Ukraine and Taiwan situations did not develop overnight or even in a year or a decade.


Those situations had been simmering for several decades, fueled by persistent warmongering of the kind that’s spewed by the likes of Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) whose only accomplishment so far has been to strip the West of any credible defense it may have had in the past.


What that organization and others like it have done, is alert potential foes of America that the superpower getting into dozens of futile wars since the last Great War, was no accident. The wars happened and will continue to happen because they serve the agendas of FDD and others like it.


This is why powers such as China and Russia are banding together to defend themselves against an America that has gone rogue and promises to get worse.