Saturday, February 19, 2022

To normalize by artificial means is to live a contradiction in terms

Since the beginning of time when the early hunters and gatherers settled down and farmed the land near the rivers, human life has done well by following the dictates of the natural order of things.


Since the beginning of time when the nomads that call themselves Jews realized they missed the opportunity to settle down and build a nation for themselves — they turned to the one thing they knew how to do well: they stole Palestine which belongs to the Palestinian people who settled in that piece the land at the beginning of time and never left it.


Since the beginning of time the Jews have tried to keep or retake the stolen property but were kicked out of it each time one way or another; and ownership of the land was returned to the Palestinians who remained on it despite being occupied on and off by several colonial powers, ranging from ancient Rome to the modern British empire.


Since the beginning of time, the Jews have represented the personification of the perpetual losers. Like the scum who keeps getting into deliberate accidents to claim charity and compensation — which pay for his upkeep and his mischiefs — the Jews have managed to make Germany, America and others, set up streams of money that continually go to replenish the Jewish bank accounts.


The latest of their gambit in this vein has been the Holocaust that turned out to be a very lucrative enterprise for the Jews. In addition, the pity that was generated by the intensity of their plight, gave them a small enclave to make their home in Palestine, which they called Israel. But as it turned out, this was the mistake that has allowed the Jews to sucker the Americans, not only for cash, but also for the most lethal military equipment and above all, for the moral support that consists of pimping for Israel, and protecting it at the Security Council with the American veto of infamy.


In addition to vetoing all that tells the truth about the crimes committed by Israel, the moral support that America extends to that entity, translates into blocking the natural unfolding of the events that pertain to Israel and those who deal with it, replacing those events with artificial alternatives. For example, the natural method of doing commerce is that you gain the goodwill of your customers by addressing the concerns they tell you about when they reduce purchase of or boycott your products. The artificial way invented by the Jews, has been to force the braindead zombies governing the American States, to make laws that force their own people to buy and consume Israeli products they don’t want.


Another more poignant example is what came to be known as the Abraham Accords. It was a few months after 9/11 that the Arab nations, meeting in Beirut at the request of Saudi Arabia, agreed that Israel being the one factor poisoning the relations between the Arabs and the United States, if not the entire Western World, it will be wise to offer Israel the security and recognition it wants. To that end, the Arabs agreed unanimously to recognize Israel, establish full diplomatic and commercial relations with it, and open the door for cultural and touristic exchanges to be established. What the Arabs wanted in return was that Israel abide by the various United Nations resolutions calling on it to end the occupation of Palestine, and return to the 1967 borders.


It turned out this was not what Israel wanted. What the Jews of America and Israel wanted was the status quo as far as Israel’s relation with America was concerned. As to the status of the occupation, they wanted the continued creeping annexation of Palestinian lands. And so, neither the Jews of America nor Israel responded to the Arab proposal. Not a yes or a no or a counter offer came from them.


What happened more than a decade later, was that the former American President Donald Trump, saw the pole numbers and knew he would lose reelection unless he created an artificial situation that would raise his polling numbers. The only thing that came to mind was that Netanyahu of Israel owed him one. Trump called Netanyahu and told him to announce his acceptance of the Arab proposal or else. The reluctant Netanyahu knuckled under and did as he was told. And this is how, in the most artificial of manners, the so-called Abraham Accords came to be.


When this happened, the Jews that neglected the Arab proposal for more than a decade, suddenly went into a state of prolonged orgasmic jubilation. They are still celebrating and calling on America to do the very thing that always turned a sumptuous meal into breakfast for dogs. The Jews wanted America to artificially “build” on the Accords instead of letting things develop naturally from here on.


And that’s what you see in the Abraham Cooper article. He is chiding Representative Jamaal Bowman who was swarmed by the Jews when first elected, and made to believe that the Accords will improve if placed in the hands of the Jewish leaders to build on, but then changed his mind when he realized that fabricated normalization was a bad idea to begin with. Worse, when normalization is based on bribing the reluctant Arab leaders to go against their conscience and the will of their people — well, this is to invite the kind of disaster that has been the hallmark of Jewish existence for thousands of years. These people never learn, and so they keep repeating the same insane mistakes over and over again.


Like the rest of his clan, Abraham Cooper is smitten by the juvenile idea of worshiping the numbers regardless of what the numbers signify. And so, he and they love to count the number of American States that have adopted the Jewish definition of antisemitism. As well, the Jews point with pride and with fake sorrow to the number of anti-Jewish incidents in America as reported by the FBI. They believe that the bigger the numbers, the better their arguments to get more taxpayer money.


The Jews say they need the money to improve their security, but what they do is fund their various other causes, such as importing losers from around the world to kill Palestinians and steal their properties. And there is one more thing that’s as dear to the Jewish heart as anything: They argue to get more legislations passed that tell the public their own government prefers the Jews over them, which is why the Jews are classified as a privileged lot.


Now, Abraham Cooper wants to take this mentality to the international stage, and count the number of Arab countries America will bribe to make them enter the Abraham Accords with or without the approval of their populations and damn the consequences.