Monday, May 20, 2013

Cultural Genocide By False Headlines

For those who still believe in the absolute innocence of the Jewish leaders – past and contemporary, and still question the authenticity of such works as the Protocol of the Elders of Zion, there is a new case that should prove to them not only the correctness of the view that the Jewish approach is destructive, even genocidal toward the cultures that allow it to infiltrate them, but also show the recidivist character of the Jewish leaders as well as the people who follow them.

The case is actually an article that was published in the May 20, 2013 edition of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). It was written by Arthur Herman, was given the title: “A Refuge for Charlatans” and the subtitle: “The median pay for public-college presidents is now $441,392, with four presidents being paid more than $1 million a year.” It is this title, this subtitle and the juxtaposition of the two that tell the story of the Jewish tendency to annihilate the cultures that welcome it in their midst.

Arthur Herman, the writer of the article had nothing to do with the choice of the title or the subtitle. And neither did William Bennett or David Wilezol who wrote the book that Arthur Herman is reviewing in his article. The choice of that title and that subtitle was made by the editors of the Wall Street Journal, and they are the ones responsible for the ongoing genocide of the American culture. Yes, the phrase that makes up that title; and yes, the sentence that makes up that subtitle came up both in the Herman article and the book he is reviewing but the two ideas were never juxtaposed. So then, what's the problem?

The problem is that when you read that title – which is a headline in bold characters, then read the subtitle just below it, you are led to believe that the author is saying college presidents use the colleges as refuge because they are overpaid charlatans. This is completely false. In fact, speaking of the students who go to college and have no business being there, the wording for the title came in the last paragraph of the article in this form: “the American university … has become a refuge for timeservers and charlatans.” As to the subtitle, it came before that, in the middle of the article, and came between parentheses like this (From 1993 to 2007, per-student administrative costs leapt more than 61% … the median pay for public-college presidents is now $441,392...)

If you do the math, my friend, you find that when something goes up by 61% in 14 years, it means that the thing has increased at an average rate of 3.46% a year – hardly an increase of charlatan dimensions. In fact, I would say show me a charlatan that is satisfied with this sort of increase and I'll show you a charlatan that's qualified to be an investment banker or even the editor of a so-called business newspaper.

So then, what could have motivated these people to do what they did? Well, you will find the answer to that question by looking at this incident and a few similar ones to see a pattern. You could, for example, look at an article I published on May 19, 2013 under the title: “The Lee Habeeb War On Common Sense” which itself mentions an article I published even before that, on May 9, 2013 under the title: “Where A False Title Becomes The Editorial”.

When you do that, you will clearly see the pattern of deception that the editors of the Journal employ to make the readers believe they are seeing something different from what the contributors intend to communicate. In fact, Fox News, which is the audio-visual sister publication of the Wall Street Journal, is engaged in the same sort of deception. That is, the hosts of every show are trained to do one thing only – to put words in the mouth of the contributors that these people generally do not intend to utter. 

Is this happening only to WSJ/Fox-News, or is it a practice that can also be detected in other publications? In fact, there is a history of twists and turns to this phenomenon that goes back several decades. It is that before any Jew had owned a publication, the rabbis, the other Jewish leaders and their organizations hammered at the existing print and audio-visual publications, demanding that they get off the annoying habit of presenting the facts as they were, and get on with the business of promoting the Jewish point of view while suppressing everything that did not toe the Jewish line.

While this was happening, and while the Jewish leaders were making progress in their endeavor, a second group of Jews were infiltrating the profession. They got to the point of becoming editors and publishers of some print publications as well as directors and producers of audio-visual publications. As well, a third group of Jews began to buy publications of both types. And they all played the good-cop, bad-cop game. That is, while the non-Jewish publications were made to express a harsh Jewish point of view, the Jewish publications remained moderate, even accommodated points of view that were critical to the Jewish line.

Whatever strategy was behind that approach must have failed because there arose a bunch of Jewish hot heads who became dissatisfied with the arrangement, and they tried to do something about it. I know of an example that unfolded here in Canada well enough to discuss it. As to the United States, I detect signs that something similar is unfolding there too because Jewish matters always replicate themselves across the continent.

The Canadian case started when a Jewish big wig in the Liberal party of Canada, named Israel (Izzy) Asper decided to buy what was then the Toronto based Global television station. He got all sorts of grants and loans from all sorts of places in government and in the private sector to conclude the deal, and to expand the empire by buying up other television stations as well as print publications throughout Canada. He was fair, even handed and accommodating to points of view that were opposed to the Jewish line.

This is when the hot heads infiltrated the Asper empire, and pushed it to carry extreme Jewish points of view while suppressing all opposite views. Not only did they control the editorial content of the publications, they also controlled the business side of it. Their motto went something like this: “Yesterday was Canada; why not the world today.” And so they borrowed like crazy to open shop in Australia. More importantly, they targeted that other place; the one that was so sweet to their hearts – all the more so because it is a Muslim country that was in love with Israel and in bed with it. That, of course, was the lovely and beautiful Turkey; the apple of their eye – their Turkey, their sweet Turkey, the love of their life.

Alas, before they were able to consummate all that love and all that desire, their finances cracked up, the old man died of a heart attack – certainly a broken heart – and the company went bankrupt. A Greek tragedy played in the Yiddish style. If that's not multi-culturalism, what is?

What I see play out in America at this time is a similar scenario in that the WSJ/Fox-News may be run by a bunch of hot heads against the wishes of Rupert Murdoch, and I see it play out in Bloomberg News against what I am sure would be the wishes of Michael Bloomberg because I know he is a fair and even-handed man.

May these two avoid the fate of Izzy Asper and his Global empire.