Friday, May 17, 2013

Marxist Moguls And Capitalist Communes

After going round and round and round, the errand Jew has finally returned to the starting point where he may have always belonged in the first place. From the totalitarian money lending Pharisee in the temples of Palestine, he went on to become the unwelcome Merchant of Venice in Europe to the worldwide poster child for victimhood, and claimant of compensation now squatting in occupied Palestine to the obnoxiously parasitic mogul feeding off the flesh and blood of occupied America.

He, at last, made the trip to Beijing, home of the other Marxist moguls where the ideas of Karl Marx the Jew easily blend with the principles of the Kibbutz-like communal living that still attests to the Jewish Leftist tendencies. It so happened that Mahmoud Abbas who is the President of Palestine, and Benjamin Netanyahu that is the Prime Minister of Israel were summoned to China for talks with the leaders of that rising superpower.

You will get a sense of all this and more when you read the article written by Michael Auslin in the Wall Street Journal of May 16, 2013. It comes under the title: “From Beijing to Jerusalem” and the subtitle: “Xi Jinping's plan for peace in Israel is another sign of global Chinese ambitions – and waning U.S. influence.” You will find that the author is more interested in inflating the importance of Israel and Netanyahu than he is at describing the existing reality. But if you can cut through the fog of propaganda, you'll be able to pick out a few nuggets.

Whichever way the events will unfold from this point on; whichever way history will be written from this moment on, the one thing we can be certain of is that China's influence will steadily grow in the world at the same time as America's influence will gradually wane. As inevitably as night follows daylight, such outcome will take place because no Netanyahu or someone like him will ever be allowed to do to China what he and the other Jews have done to America.

In consequence of all that, you will never see Chinese members of Congress do what their counterparts do in America which is to bite each other in the back for the privilege of genuflecting in front of this Netanyahu or another one, and praise him for the speech he gave in the hall of the Congress. This would be a speech that is said to be worth as much as 29 standing ovations given by hundreds of monkeys lobotomized to think of the Jews as gods worthy of trumpet, worship and applause. There will still be plenty of this sort of thing going on in America, and there will be none in China. As a result America will keep sinking and China will keep rising.

You can see why something like this happened to America when you read Greg Lukianoff's article in the May 17, 2013 edition of the Wall Street Journal. It has the title: “Feds to Students: You Can't Say That” and the subtitle: “The Justice and Education departments issue a dangerous new speech code for colleges.” The author, who is president of the Foundation for Individuals Rights in Education, takes up a debate that has gone on and off for two decades now but whose roots go further back several more decades. He is, in this piece, discussing specific incidents I am not familiar with, therefore shall not take up myself. What I wish to do, however, is shed some light on the history that brought us to this point, and draw the appropriate conclusions.

What happened half a century ago was that some Jewish organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League said it was time to “educate” the public on Jewish sensitivities because they were violated by people who did not follow the politically correct protocols while addressing issues of importance to the Jews. The way they did the education was to sue people left and right, forcing many to go on television and pour tears down their cheeks, apologizing for being as insensitive as to say, for example, that Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice is a good stage play because Shylock depicts the Jewish character with such realism.

What the Jews knew then and were counting on – having had centuries of experience in such matters – was something we know now as the “chill effect.” That is, when enough people come out and do acts of contrition in public, a critical mass is reached in the spirit of the public that forever compels the individuals in it to feel a chill run down their spines when thinking of something that may be associated even remotely with a Jewish issue. Thus, people become paralyzed and they abandon the subject, leaving the field entirely for the Jews to do what they want.

When things had reached that point, and the Jews felt secure in the knowledge that no one will dare take them on, they opened up with heavy artillery against everyone they chose to be enemy of the day. Thus, while no one could or would say something like: “those Jews have gone too far,” the Jews were saying with impunity things like: those Arab mad dogs, those Arab sick dogs or what have you. And they ran cartoons that depicted the Arabs as bugs running for their lives while a hand bearing the Star of David was spraying them with chemicals. They called this not hate speech but the exercise of free speech that the Arabs knew nothing about.

Effectively chilled, no one opened their mouth to object. No one that is, except some tenured professors in a number of colleges and universities where they could no longer stand the double standard that allowed the Jewish dagger to be planted in the heart of America's constitution and America's ideals. These were the ideals that liberated the Jews from a Nazi regime that used to burn the books it did not like the same way that the Jews were now burning not only books but also the career and dignity of every honorable person who committed the crime of appreciating a play by William Shakespeare or committed such infractions as criticize the Israeli apartheid regime or the bombing of women and children in their bedrooms using American weapons.

This is when the Jewish “heavy duty” lawyers such as Alan Dershowitz came out with guns blazing, demanding that those professors be fired if not tenured, or that they be put on a watch list if tenured. Of course, they were hoping to extend the chill effect to the colleges and universities, but they failed because the professors were exercising the right to articulate political speech. This is protected by the Constitution and is available to everyone. In fact, the Jews have written and are still writing thousands of books and tens of thousands of articles criticizing the politics of everyone who does not toe the Zionist line. They get paid for that, and no one is demanding that they be fired from whatever position they occupy.

But the evildoers were never happy, so they responded by attacking the symbols of Muslim religion to establish a kind of equivalence between this kind of attacks and the political speeches of the good professors. When this did not gain traction, they threw everything into the pot, including hate speech and sexual harassment to accomplish one thing and one thing only – to silence everyone while allowing the Jews to say anything they want.

Whatever motivates Greg Lukianoff to do what he is doing, he better keep in mind that the current situation is such that the more America stands by Israel and the Jewish evildoers operating internally, the stronger that China will grow in relation to it. If he really loves the American Constitution and its First Amendment, he should work to protect political free speech but not hate speech, incitement or harassment.