Monday, September 14, 2015

Bolton's new Job is not being a Butler

When a small man develops a fascination for someone he believes is bigger than himself, he seeks to join the big man's team for the chance to serve him well and be praised. The preferred position is to be his butler, but if this position cannot be secured, the second on the list of preferences is to be his chauffeur.

A few more positions appear further down the list, but John Bolton invented a new one and volunteered to fill it. It was necessary for him to do so because too many in America were competing for the positions on the list. These people were conditioned to shed every iota of self-respect they carried in their hearts, and wait till called to duty when the time will come for them to serve. Since Bolton could not wait, he took the matter in his own hands, creating a sidekick position near to his master – big man Benjamin Netanyahu.

Bolton can be seen doing his job in the article he wrote under the title: “Scuttling a done deal on Iran,” published on September 12, 2015 in the Pittsburgh Tribune. To understand what goes on in a position like this, we must understand what the American Congress was created to do by the Founding Fathers of the American Republic nearly two and a half centuries ago; and what the Jewish parasite has been doing for half a century to transform that Congress and make it do something different.

Originally, the Congress was meant to be an assembly of people who had permanent jobs in the communities they represented, and were elected to work as legislators for a day or two each week … being paid a nominal sum or none at all. These people – called members – were replaced after two years when new elections were held. Life changed over the following two centuries, and the Congress changed with it, but without losing sight of the purpose for which it was created. And so, it remained faithful to its vocation.

Then, half a century ago, the Jews who went to America fleeing the fate they met whenever and wherever they went on this planet since the beginning of time – decided to ply in America the tricks that got them into hot water and cold pickle everywhere else. They inculcated in the heads of the members of Congress the notion that to be a leader meant to “man up” and take an adversarial stance against all ideological opponents rather than sit with them like “sissies” in a collegial and cooperative setting to discuss the issues of the community.

Slowly but surely, the Congress was transformed into a creature that more often than not, paralyzed the business of America. And while the transformation was taking hold, the idea of forging ties of affinity with members of the same ideology in other lands were infused into America's legislative body. The biggest beneficiary of this article turned out to be the Likud Party of Israel whose leader Benjamin Netanyahu became the effective Monarch of America. He was chosen by the Republicans to stand in opposition to the Republic's elected President, and advise them on how to run their country. Thus was defeated the effort of America's early revolutionaries whose aim was to keep the American people from becoming subjects of a foreign king.

This is not to say that America's presidents did not fight back against the Jewish phenomenon. In fact they did since President Nixon. But the struggle to control America's destiny remained subdued and subterranean most of the time, which is why the Jews were able to hold on to their modest gains till the Presidency of George W. Bush when America was handed to them on a silver platter by Dick Cheney and Karl Rove.

Barack Obama was then elected President of the United States, and did not like what he saw. He pushed back against the Jewish encroachments into the affairs of his country, and the Jewish leaders responded the way they always do, which is to explode the proverbial “nuclear option.” They called him anti-Semite, and called upon their barking dogs everywhere to badmouth him. Obama survived the worst of their onslaught, a feat that turned Netanyahu's attempt to 'man up' into something worse than the defeat of a sissy. The boss of the Jewish leaders became, in the eyes of the world, the eunuch that pretended to be a stud when, in reality, he never was.

Enter stage right, John Bolton who came up with the idea of fabricating a rubber dildo and placing it between the legs of Netanyahu to make the world believe he was a stud. Now Bolton seems to have dedicated his life being the keeper of that dildo. He is not a butler or a chauffeur; he is the one who will forever be seen waxing and shining – not his master's fender but – his master's tool.

That's what Bolton's latest article is about. Read it and be scandalized.