Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Effect of Jewish Pathologies on the Mideast

Clifford D. May, who says he is president of the band of second-rate clowns calling itself Foundation for Defense of Democracies, has pronounced himself on the phenomenon of refugees streaming out of the Levant, and heading towards Europe. He says the tragedy is the result of an untreated pathology ... without identifying the true nature of that pathology.

He discusses his views in the article he wrote under the title: “The exodus to Europe's promised lands” and the subtitle: “The population transfer is a symptom of an untreated pathology.” It was published on September 15, 2015 in The Washington Times.

The reason why Clifford May wrote the article that he did, and why he reached the conclusions that he did, is that he reversed the natural order of things; the very chronology of history and the principle of cause and effect. That is, he began by chiding the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Arab League for not taking in the refugees.

Only after that, did May discuss the root cause of the phenomenon. Had he followed the logical order of things, starting with the cause rather than the effect, he would have faced the reality that this is a European problem first and foremost. It is not that he didn't know what happened, he did, and he said so himself. His own words are that: “the European colonial experiment” had collapsed due to the war that was raging in Europe and elsewhere under the name World War II.

Moreover, the demography of Europe and that of the Arab and Muslim countries are such that migration has for decades been going from the high birth rate nations of the developing Arab and Muslim countries to the low birth rate countries of Europe. Still, despite these realities, countries like Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt – already suffering from a high level of unemployment – took in as many refugees as they could possibly handle. And when these refugees felt that they were out of danger, they sought to “upgrade” their situation by going to the places where more opportunities will be open to them.

As can be seen, everyone that's involved in this phenomenon has acted as normally and as rationally as can be expected. Well, that's everyone except for one group of people. You may call them members of the Jewish propaganda machine which comprises among others, Clifford May's band of clowns, and Dennis Prager who wrote an article on the same subject under the title “Europe Is Making a Fatal Mistake,” published also on September 15, 2015 in National Review Online.

Unlike Clifford May who reversed the order of things to open the door for blaming the refugee situation on the Arabs and the Muslims, Dennis Prager does not even bother to mention the historical events that have led to that situation. What he does instead, is to say that there might be the appearance of a parallel between the situation today and the one when the Jews were refugees, but the substance of the problem is different.

And based on that argument, Prager goes on to explain why Europe and America had the obligation to take in the Jewish refugees then, but would be making a fatal mistake if they took in the Arab and Muslim refugees today. His solution to the problem is this: “The West should supply the good guys in the Muslim Middle East with vast amounts of military hardware.” That is, the upside-down brain of Dennis Prager is telling us that while large amounts of military hardware have created a bad situation, vast (not just large) amounts of it will be necessary to cure that situation. That's a horrifically superior mind, isn't it?

As to Clifford May, he wonders if the leaders of Europe and America understand the pathologies behind the migrant phenomenon, and if they are up to the challenge which they face because of it. And so he asks: “Do they have the diplomatic skill to persuade Arab and Muslim leaders to become productively engaged?”

The truth is that the bad situation began with the colonial Sykes-Picot agreement a century ago, and has been exploited by World Jewry for the benefit of Israel ever since. The challenge for the leaders of Europe and America is to stop promoting the Judeo-Israeli pathologies – which they do – by destroying the governments of the region then blame the ensuing disorder on the victims. Enough is enough.