Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Jews whine that Obama chose a civilized Course

Please go along with me on this one for a moment; it will all clear-up at the end. Suppose I told you that God sent an angel to the Jewish editor-in-chief of the New York Daily News and told him that He will put an end to the horror that is unfolding in the Levant if he, as editor and publisher of the publication, wrote a piece welcoming the end of the horror.

The angel goes back to heaven and sits beside God waiting to see what the opinion page of the NY Daily News will carry in the next edition. To Their surprise – or maybe lack of it – the editor of the Daily News does the Jewish thing by lamenting that God and His angel wish to end the horror that's unfolding in the Middle East and spilling into Europe. Worse, he goes further and blames President Barack Obama for this turn of the events because the latter had an earlier opportunity to compound the horror but decided to do the humane thing of choosing life over death, says the editor.

Of course, that scenario did not unfold in the way that I told it here, but this does not matter because how things happened is of less importance than what did happen. That's because the aim of this undertaking is to shed light on an important reality concerning the reason why this planet has been plagued by wars since the beginning of time. It is the evil intent behind what motivates the Jews to do what they do, and to incite others into doing.

The way that the scenario has actually unfolded can be seen in the editorial that came in the New York Daily News under the title: “Letting Syria bleed” and the subtitle: “On Syria, Obama and Kerry follow Putin and Rouhani's lead.” It was published on September 21, 2015.

Right off the bat, the editor reveals the intent which motivates him as if proudly displaying the trait that sets the Jews apart from the rest of humanity. He says this: “Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Russian President Vladimir Putin are in sync about how to end the Syrian civil war.” Why is this bad? Because it entails: “Help[ing] Bashar Assad fight his opposition, including ISIS.” Can you imagine? Putin and Rouhani wish to take out ISIS, when “taking out” someone or something is the exclusive right of America under Jewish command.

And who is to blame for that? It is of course, the current President of the United States of America, Barack Obama. And here is how the editor of the Daily News reveals this part of the story: “United and muscling increasingly into Syria, Rouhani and Putin are bending President Obama to their will five years after he called for Assad's ouster.”

To prove his point, the Jewish editor of what is supposed to be an American publication, pits his logic against that of the Persian Rouhani by quoting what the latter said in a recent interview: “How is it possible that we fight the terrorists of this country without supporting and helping the government of that country? … Of course, after we have fought terrorism and a secure environment is created, then it is time to talk about the constitution, or the future regime to talk and discuss, opposition groups and supporters sit at the table.”

What a scandalous idea this must be to the mind of a Jew. Someone wants to do first thing first and secure an environment in which everybody can then come and discuss the future of Syria. What will happen to chaos, mayhem, blood and refugees? There are 15 million more Syrians, 20 million Iraqis, 6 million Jordanians and 5 million Lebanese that have not yet been displaced. Why not send the mighty US air force and bomb the hell out of them all, thus engineer the biblical apocalypse that will force the Messiah to come right away, and hand the world to the Jews? It sure beats the idea of an angel going to the editor of the New York Daily News, telling him about a divine plan to end the civil war in Syria.

And look at the temerity of that guy Putin. Not only does he want to put an end to the horror, he is also inviting everyone, including America, to join in the effort. Hear him talk and let his words blow your mind: “We support the government of Syria in the fight against a terrorist aggression … and we call on other countries to join us.” What's this guy trying to do? Does he not realize that Israel feels lonely being the only terrorist state on the planet? Does he not want to see the self-proclaimed Islamic State remain in the region as soul-mate and comrade-in-terror with the self-proclaimed Jewish State? What a couple: Islamic State/Jewish State.

And so it goes with the apocalyptic Jewish vision of the world. And so it goes with a human race that has it up to here with these people.