Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Crybabies need not apply to go to War

Soldiers do not go to war expecting that someone on the other side will welcome them, kiss them, hug them or shower them with flower petals. They go to war full of hate in the heart, fire in the belly and fingers itching to pull the trigger as many times as necessary to kill every enemy they encounter.

This has been the reality of war since the beginning of time, and every soldier and their loved ones knew it. From those who volunteered to fight the enemy because they wanted to save the homeland and its people ... to those who were drafted despite their objections, and were sent to fight for a cause they did not believe in – the soldiers understood that there was a high probability they will be killed or wounded whether or not they manage to kill or wound a single enemy.

When the war ends and the smell of death has disappeared, you'll find that some soldiers on the winning side and some on the losing side were ennobled, while others on both sides were brutalized. Give it a little more time, and you'll find that most of the hate in the hearts, and most of the fires in the belly have vanished, leaving no trace of the old bitterness which they now wish to forget about.

Instead of itching fingers, eager to pull the trigger on the enemy, you'll see those same fingers go through the records of what used to be the enemy. That's because you'll be surprised to learn that the noble winners are now searching for individuals they once tried to kill but did not succeed. They no longer see them as the enemy, but see them as honorable soldiers who fought with valor for their country and for the causes in which they believed.

This story played itself out in real life after every major war, opening the door for the civilian populations to forgive one another and seek ways to learn more about each other. Thus, you see that in Europe, the two sides get together every year to commemorate the end of the war. And in Asia, America and Vietnam became the best of friends, trading goods and services instead of bullets and bombs.

But then, a culture that maintained itself in a state of alienation with the rest of humanity since the beginning of time invaded its American counterpart and disfigured it beyond recognition. This is the parasitic Jewish culture which is based on the belief that it owes nothing to anyone whereas everyone owes it something. In matters of war and peace, such belief translates into the Jews having the exclusive right to raid the unarmed and loot them; also having the divine right to blitz the unsuspecting neighbors for the pleasure of destroying them.

This is how Israel has lived since the days when the Brits brought the Jews to Palestine only to see the terrorists among them bomb British soldiers and civilians alike out of the colony. In time, the Arab neighbors learned to defend themselves, and when they responded to Israeli aggression, however moderately they did so, the Jews hollered their pain, asking the suckers of the world to come rescue them. Ever since America was contaminated by the Jewish culture, it has responded to those calls, risking the lives of its own people, and paying a heavy price in terms of treasure and loss of standing in the world.

Worse, the Jewish contamination has made the Americans respond to the realities of war the way that the Jews taught them to. The Americans now expect someone on the other side of every war they trigger, to welcome them, kiss them, hug them and shower them with flower petals. When it does not happen, they holler their pain, asking the suckers of the world to come rescue them … but nobody comes because, for now at least, there are no other suckers around.

You can see how this comes together in the article that came under the title: “Iran responsible for deaths of 500 American service members in Iraq,” written by Rowan Scarborough and published on September 13, 2015 in the Washington Times.

Look at this: “A wounded warrior has been appearing in a TV ad urging senators to vote against the [Iran] nuclear deal. ‘Every politician involved in this will be held accountable,' says the warrior, his scarred face looking into the camera. 'They will have blood on their hands.' He urges viewers to call their senators. 'I was blown up by an Iranian bomb.' he says.”

The Americans never said that about the Germans, Japanese, Koreans, or Vietnamese because the Jews had nothing to do with these people. They had with the Iranians, which is why they dragged America into their mess.