Monday, September 21, 2015

The Erosion of America's Liberal Democracy

It is a truism to say that the way something appears to the naked eye depends on the features which are proper to the thing; also on the place where you stand from which you look at it. This reality applies to objects that occupy a physical space; also applies to ideas that exist inside the human mind.

For example, if you are an American of the Progressive Liberal stripe, you view abortion as the act which gives women the right to choose. But if you are an American Conservative ideologue, you view abortion as the act which takes the life of a helpless child unable to defend itself. To be sure, there is no dispute in that the physical operation of aborting a fetus looks the same to both sets of eyes, but the perception as to what such operation means, is what separates one beholder from the other.

In the situations where perception does not matter, the way that an act is perceived has little or no consequence. However, in the situations where perception motivates people to take action, huge consequences can follow. This would be the case in the political arena where ideas are generated, where they are perceived differently by different people, and where they are acted upon according to the way that each perceives the thing; a reality that often means they will act at cross purposes to each other.

Think of the situation in North Korea. Imagine you are a young Korean aspiring to join the ruling elite. You look at the different factions as they jockey to be in the right place from where to move up the ladder while avoiding the possibility of landing in front of a firing squad for something you did or something you neglected to do. To you, the situation on the ground is all that matters because it is more real to your mind's eye than anything else in the universe. But if you are a non-Korean, and you stand outside the country looking at the situation from the proverbial 30,000 feet up, the minutia of what's going on below, means nothing to you because what you see is an overall dysfunctional system that's impaired because it is based on the Communist ideology.

Well, the same method of measuring the effectiveness of a system of governance, applies to the situation in America as well. Whereas the people who live in that country are totally absorbed by the various factions operating on the political stage, and seeing nothing else on earth or in the universe as a result, the rest of the world looks at America from 30,000 feet up, and sees something very serious if not very disturbing. It sees an overall dysfunctional system that's impaired because it is based on the Liberal Democratic ideology.

Jonah Goldberg is a member of a faction called Jews of the Neo-Conservative (Neocon) stripe whether or not he admits it. This faction is opposed to the Progressive Liberal group that's headed by the current President of the Republic, Barack Obama. Most of Goldberg's writing follows the Neocon line, which consists of relentless attacks on the President for what he does and what he chooses not to do. The latest column written by Goldberg affirms this reality in that it came under the title: “Syria: Just One of Obama's Foreign-Policy Failures,” published on September 18, 2015 in National Review Online.

Look at any place in the world, look at America before the Jewish domination of its media, and you'll find that attacks heaped on the administration with such relentless ferocity, happened only when the chief executive was caught red-handed in a scandal of “Watergate” size and caliber. So you go over the Goldberg article once again to see if he is alleging something that comes close to that level of outrage … but find nothing of the sort.

What you find instead is that the Pentagon – now as always – is spending lots of money and delivering little. It is also expressing itself in a funny language that used to be called Pentagon-speak, now called “word salad.” As to the intelligence community, someone has alleged (no proof yet) that it is putting out inaccurate reports. The description of these inaccuracies remain nebulous and ill-defined, but are nothing of the “WMD in Iraq” magnitude or consequence.

As to the sins – however minor they may be, and certainly not scandalous – committed by the President, Goldberg says that he misjudged the strength of the enemy, calling it jayvee squad when it is more than that. There is also the irony of him writing about a nuclear-free world while a student, an event that contrasts with the Neocon predictions that Iran will build a bomb and will be emulated by its neighbors. But given that the Jews always say they can predict the future only to be proven wrong when the future comes, their latest predictions do not pass the laughing test. So guess what, my friend, those so-called sins can't even be classified as sins.

Goldberg ends the article saying something about the President giving a speech at the site of the Berlin Wall, only to be confronted by Europeans building walls to keep refugees out, and by Americans who increasingly cherish the idea of building walls. What exactly the author means to convey by that, remains obscure.

What is becoming less obscure as time passes, is that the influence of the Jews on America has been the single most effective agent at eroding the system of Liberal Democracy in the country. These people are using the freedom that comes with democracy to stifle the democratic right of others, thus monopolize the governance of the ship of state.

They are doing it by heaping a Niagara of criticism on anything and everything that does not serve their purpose, and they are throwing an avalanche of anti-Semitic accusations at those who dare to ask just how many of them can there be in the country.

The truth is that the Jews have been eroding the system which made America prosper and grow strong. It is the very system that gave them a new lease on life, having been pushed out from everywhere else. This is their thank you note to America; a gesture that is so very Jewish, that the people of America have noticed.