Thursday, December 7, 2017

A redundant Lesson for the Western World

President Donald Trump decided to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem based on the belief that: “After more than two decades of waivers, we are no closer to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. It would be folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula would now produce a different or better result”.

The well known saying: “To do the same thing and expect a different result defines insanity,” is, of course, a valid principle, but only if we have a clear idea what is meant by the “same thing.” And so, we examine where President Trump is applying the saying, only to find ourselves sucked down the Alice rabbit hole.

That's because the culprit responsible for the failure to reach a peace deal was never the waivers. The culprit was the Judeo-Israeli repeated sabotaging of the peace process because the Jews felt they were well served by the status quo, and did all they could to maintain it. Doing the same thing was letting Netanyahu play his game over and over again. Doing worse than the same thing is strengthening his hand, and allowing him to play an even more ferocious game.

As to the nature of the game that Netanyahu has been playing and continues to play, you can discern two versions of it. One version applies to the Palestinians, and one to the Americans. What Netanyshu does with the Palestinians is negotiate a quid pro quo like this: “What do I get in return if I give you this?” When the Palestinians say what they will give, Netanyahu takes it by force of arms, and says to the Palestinians: “come and negotiate again what it is that you want in return”.

As to the game that Netanyahu plays with the Americans, it consists of saying to their President – and getting his surrogates to endlessly echo-repeat – that he can conclude a Mideast peace deal tomorrow if he'll do this or that for Israel. When the President of the United States gives Netanyahu what he asked for, the latter spits in the President's face and calls him a sucker.

Netanyahu, more than any other Israeli Prime Minister did that to American Presidents. The most glaring example happened when Netanyahu commissioned the Israeli and American media to repeat that because former President Barack Obama visited Egypt and Turkey but not Israel, the Israelis felt so despondent, they were in no mood to discuss peace. But if Obama would visit Israel, a peace deal can be signed tomorrow. Obama bought and swallowed this Jewish pie of horse manure, visited Israel and got spat in the face. And so, Obama developed a well deserved hatred for Netanyahu.

Now that Donald Trump has relinquished the leverage of the waivers he held in his hand in return for the promise that Netanyahu will not sabotage the upcoming negotiations – if and when they happen – the odds are that Netanyahu is beginning to see Donald Trump as his latest sucker. He'll spit in his face and ask: what else do you have that might be useful to me?

This raises the following question: How will Trump react to this affront? Will he do what Obama did, which is to hate Netanyahu in silence and give him the cold shoulder? Or will he let his anger grow to the size of a King Kong, and retaliate in ways never seen before?

While there is question as to how America will react, there is none as to how the rest of the world, especially the Europeans will. In fact, most Europeans – individually as nations and collectively as a European Union – have already restricted the Jewish ability to mess with their democracies. Now that they have a complete outlook as to how the Jews turned the American Congress and the Executive into a Jewish toilet bowl and a urinal, the Europeans will want to restrict the Jews even more.

Thanks to Donald trump, the Europeans were given a redundant lesson on the perils of treating the Jews like responsible human beings.