Thursday, December 21, 2017

They never imagined; they'll never re-imagine

Clifford D. May wrote an article under the title: “Reimagining a more realistic 'peace process'” and the subtitle: “President Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital could be the beginning.” It was published on December 19, 2017 in The Washington Times.

What is needed to end the occupation of Palestine is not imagining or reimagining a peace process; what is needed is imagining peace, and implementing it. In fact, the Jews in Israel and America have reimagined the process over and over again for half a century, and used this trick as a substitute for the real thing: ending the occupation and implementing the peace.

What Clifford May did this time, is openly advocate use of the formula the Jews have used during all these years to sabotage the quest for peace. They kept reinventing the process to maintain the status quo while implementing the measures that made the end of occupation impossible to achieve. They did so while denying they were stalling to buy time. Clifford May changed all that by admitting it is what he wants to see happen for an indefinite period of time.

This time, however, the excuse that Clifford May has latched on, is a meaningless American pronouncement recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Never mind that Jerusalem is not in Israel, and that no one except a Congress of Jewish-trained circus monkeys makes that assumption. Still, the pronouncement was good enough for May to suggest that an endless Jewish process of haggling should be started while the cultural genocide – and in some cases physical genocide – of the Palestinian people continue unabated.

Speaking of Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, Clifford May said the following: “He has been orchestrating a campaign to delegitimize and wage economic warfare against Israel (through BDS) to cast doubt on whether the Jewish people has any historical connection or claim to Jerusalem where Jews have lived since long before those lands were conquered by foreign empires”.

This guy, Clifford May, is a lawyer, and the one thing that lawyers depend on to show how smart they are, and what a strong case they have, is encapsulated in the word “nexus.” For this lawyer to say that engaging in BDS leads to the rejection of the claim that Jews have a connection to Jerusalem, without him showing where the nexus between the two situations begins or ends, tells why this guy is not practicing law. He would be kicked out the courtroom in a minute. Maybe he should find a twelve year-old kid who will help him develop a taste for logical thinking because his level of comprehension does not seem to have reached that stage now.

Perhaps a few words regarding the Palestinian side of the case will help him understand enough of it that he'll want to know more, thus study the subject earnestly. Here, in brief, is the logic that's involved:

An authentic Egyptian – like yours truly – that left Egypt more than half a century ago and has adopted the Canadian citizenship, cannot go back to Egypt, push someone out of their property and take it. I would have to be a criminal gangster to do that.

Likewise, an authentic Hebrew, no matter his current religion – Jewish, Christian or Muslim – that left Palestine, cannot go back, push someone out of the land and take it. He will have to be a criminal gangster to do that.

A descendant of authentic Hebrews that left Palestine a generation or two ago has even less right to claim ownership of a piece of Palestine no matter how much of a connection he feels for that place.

A descendant of Jews that intermarried with non-Jews over centuries – whether he is now a Jew, a partial-Jew or whatever – would be lying if he said he feels so much connection to the land of Palestine, he must go back, push someone out of their property and take it. That's a dangerous mental case that should be locked up.

A non-Jew that converted to Judaism only recently, and claims he suddenly began to feel connection to the land of Palestine has earned the name: animal.

Well, my friend, all those who say they are European Jews, yet claim they have the right to the land of Palestine, fit that last category. They cannot prove they have one drop of Hebrew (or the generic Semitic) blood in their veins; but even if they did, they have no divine right to thievery.

Despite the accepted norms of human behavior, a few millions calling themselves Jews are willing to kill Palestinians and steal their properties while hiding behind religion. Do you know why that is, my friend? It's because there is an American Congress of Jewish-trained monkeys willing to sacrifice their own country to turn Palestine into the sacrificial lamb they'll offer to their Jewish trainers in return for one favor or another. No, these are not just monkeys; they are animals.

Thus, what must be done to bring sanity to our planet is not to begin by recognizing the false connection suggested by Clifford May; it begins by recognizing the bogus nature of the Jewish claim to Palestine. And start the bargaining from this point.