Monday, December 4, 2017

Good History but missing several crucial Links

Monica Duffy Toft has an interesting article that came under the title: “On Rationalizing U.S. Foreign Policy” and the subtitle: “No More 'Whack-a-Mole,'” published on December 2, 2017 in The National Interest.

Her point is that the United States of America responds militarily too quickly where it should not. It does so, she says, at a time when the wise thing to do would be to try other means at resolving many of the foreign issues that crop up from time to time. To be honest, no one in his right mind could or should argue against that.

Monica Toft also makes the correct observation that America started adopting the wrong method dealing with world issues after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Well, there can be no counter argument here either. But where her discussion falls short is in giving a complete picture of the current situation. In fact, Toft has failed on that score because she chose to adhere to the requirements of political correctness.

The problem with her development of the article began at the point where she correctly said: “Since 9/11 we have been constantly reminded to walk fearfully,” but failed to elaborate on one important point: Who was it that kept beating the drums of demagoguery to scare the American people? Also, she only gave a partial elaboration on a second point: What has the full gamut of consequences been?

Having neglected to answer the first question for fear of ruffling feathers of the overly sensitive Jews, the writer covered the consequences of America's responses in a manner that leaves no doubt she meant to say the New-York/Tel-Aviv Syndicate worked overtime––using its control of the media and other levers of American power––to scare the people about the Arabs and the Muslims. But she never quite said it this openly.

Still, she went on to explain that the result was that America relied excessively “on military force and interventions abroad to spread U.S. values [but] failed either to inspire or intimidate.” Again, the author neglected to say that U.S. values were re-engineered to serve not the countries where they were lectured but to make those countries open themselves to the idea of serving the interests of Israel. And this is why America's values failed to take root in the targeted countries.

Toft also made a number of points that say much of what is accurate, yet baffle the reader by what they leave out. Look at this: “We have no clear national objective in foreign policy … others have positive national objectives … Our national goal should be leading the world toward a future where all people are subject to and privileged by due process of law”.

Here too, the writer failed to say that while America has no objectives of its own in foreign policy, it has definite objectives dictated by the Jewish Syndicate, and articulated in America by the Judeo-Israeli lobby. And she failed to say that American officials made a mockery of the claim they adhere to the rule of law when time after time, America worked with obsessive fanaticism to protect Israel's habit of skirting the law.

Not only that, but America's lawmakers went out of their way to blackmail the Palestinians who did nothing worse than try to have their case against Israel adjudicated in a court of law. The bizarre behavior of lawmakers making a law threatening someone who seeks to have recourse to the rule of law, has left the world with an image of America akin to that of a Congress of Harvey Weinsteins preaching respect for the personal integrity of young actresses. Animals! The world does not see a Congress of human beings; it sees a Congress of animals … sick and pitiful animals!

Monica Toft seems aware that the antics of the Jewish Syndicate are responsible for the political stalemate in which America finds itself at this time, but neglected to point the finger at the culprit. Instead, she quoted George F. Kennan who said: “America must not be internally divided, and must never cease in the education of its young people in order to enable policymakers to be rewarded for wise policy, whether foreign or domestic”.

And right after that, she lamented and warned as follows: “Endless military interventions and the people's lack of literacy in military and foreign affairs present dangers to the national security and prosperity of America”.

Do you know why Americans are illiterate in military and foreign affairs? They are because instead of learning these subjects, they are taught all about the Holocaust and the fictitious accomplishments of Israel.