Monday, December 25, 2017

The Jewish-trained Monkeys blew it for America

To see how and why America––that used to be a superpower worshiped by friends and former foes alike, and used to be a welcome policeman in any neighborhood––became the despised bully in every corner of the globe, we need to understand two developments.

First, we need to mentally grasp the methods that the Jews employed to abuse America's democratic system of governance, and how they got away with it. We also need to grasp how this approach has allowed them to take over the country and reorganize it to serve their interests … chief among these being the non-stop promotion of Israel, and the unending catering to its unlimited needs.

Second, we need to understand how the challengers to America's supremacy took advantage of what they interpreted as being the Jewish sabotaging of America. We need to appreciate the effort that these challengers put into making themselves seen as the defenders of law and order, protecting the world against the outlaw state of America and its terror arm, the worldwide criminal syndicate of Israel and World Jewry.

While some of the Jewish abuses were implemented at the Executive level of the American government, most were implemented at the Congressional level. What needs to be said is that the Congress is governed by its own rules. This means a small number of the members can get together and instantly create the rules that suit their current purpose – as long as they do not violate the Constitution.

But given that the Constitution is both precise and limited in reach, it leaves a great deal of room for the members to mess with the old rules or enunciate new ones on the spot. Thus, by amending the quorum rule, for example, a handful of Jews and their lackeys can pass any law they want, and claim that it passed by a unanimous vote. They do this to convey the false impression that the full chamber sided with Israel.

Another trick that's frequently used by the Jews is the rider provision. That is, if a bill is important to the business of America, it tends to command a bipartisan support, which means its passage is assured. This is when the Jews add a pro-Israel attachment to ride with it. Because a line-item veto is not allowed in America, the President finds himself blackmailed into signing the bill into law, however abhorrent the rider may sound to him. Well and good; but having this leverage in their hand, what can the Jews accomplish?

To answer that question, we take the example of an actual case. Using a host of parliamentary sleights of hand, the Jewish lobby was able to have the Congress pass a law (The Jerusalem Act) violating two international laws. They are UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, crafted and adhered to by America for fifty years. Well, believe it or not, this beastly behavior, played out as it was on the international stage, has turned America into an outlaw nation in the blink of an eye.

To take advantage of the situation and build on it, China and Russia, who love what North Korea is doing a thousand times more than they loved North Vietnam when the latter was kicking America's ass, now join the other nations in voting to sanction North Korea at the UN Security Council. They do so to look like they stand on the side of the law, thus make themselves seen as the new policemen of the world. What's more, they cherish taking on the allure of protecting humanity against outlaw America and terrorist Israel.

While that reversal of fortune is taking place in the Pacific region, a similar drama is unfolding in the Middle Eastern region. A quick way to get acquainted with the details of what's happening there is to read “Stabilizing Lebanon Is Iran's Way of Helping Hezbollah Take Over,” an article that was written by Hanin Ghaddar, and published on December 20, 2017 on the website of the Washington institute.

While it is important to read the full article – given that it was written by an experienced journalist and researcher from Lebanon – the passages under the rubric marked “conclusion” tell how much America was marginalized in the region because of Israel's doings. In this regard, it is worth recalling that Israel was supposed to protect America against non-existent threats, but turned out to be the albatross that did more than anything or anyone to rub America's nose in the mud.

Here is the pertinent segment that's unveiling that reality:

“Hezbollah and Iran do not want war in Lebanon; the status quo works for them. Tehran is trying to establish its presence in Syria while awaiting the Iraqi elections, which it hopes will consolidate its influence in Baghdad. Lebanon is important because Iran wants to keep using it as a stable operations room for regional conflicts”.

It sounds like Hezbollah and Iran have taken on the allure of elder statesmen, having become the new force that's establishing itself solidly in the region. The force is here to protect the region from the activities of a former policeman now gone rogue and working for the Jewish syndicate.