Monday, November 30, 2020

What counts is neither the Data nor the Intent but the Logic of both

 Professor Lamont Colucci wants the world to believe he came up with a great theory when in fact, what he came up with is only half a theory that has been around for a time. In fact, the full theory is now used regularly with results that satisfy its users.


Colucci articulated his thoughts in an article he wrote under the title: “US lacking focus on partnership between Iran and North Korea regimes,” and the subtitle: “Attention must be directed to root problems, not nuclear weapons data points.” The article was published on November 28, 2020 in The Washington Times.


Lamont Colucci says that the Trump administration has been focusing on the data pertaining to the performance of the missiles which are produced and tested by Iran and North Korea. This is not helpful, he adds, because what matters is the intention of the two regimes. They are evil, he asserts, and they intend to harm the United States. This is where the roots of the problem lie, he concludes, and that's what we need to address, he goes on to say, not debate the missile data points.


Having mentioned Israel to point out that Iran developed a missile with a range that's long enough to hit it, we are surprised to see that the professor has overlooked the diplomatic performance of the Israelis over the decades. In fact, what the Jewish propaganda machine has been doing, is use both the data and the intent methods to brainwash America's political leaders. The propagandists have managed to make the Americans believe that the armed Jewish home invaders of Palestine are saints whereas the disarmed Palestinian defenders of their Palestinian homeland are demons. Try to wrap your head around that.


But how did the Jews manage to pull it off? Well, the operators of the Jewish propaganda machine have recognized the necessity to describe different demons differently. For this reason, you'll find that they reserved the data method to describe the relationship which the Jews have with the long-term demons they have been battling since the beginning of time. This would be the entire human race. As well, the operators of the machine have reserved the intent method to describe the relationship which the Jews have with the weak demons they have been suppressing for as long as the two have battled each other. These would be the disarmed and weakened Palestinians.


Whereas humanity is represented by the agencies of the United Nations (UN), and whereas a large subset of that humanity is represented by the American society, the Jews have been complaining about both with the use the data method. With regard to the UN, the Jews speak bitterly of the number of times that Israel is condemned at the UN, as compared to other nations. As well, the Jews have been citing tons of statistics they say show conclusively that Jews are discriminated against in America.


But when it comes to their relationship with the Palestinian people, the operators of the Jewish propaganda machine speak of the intent of the Palestinians to harm the Jews. They consider this to be a good reason for the Jews to treat the Palestinians savagely, even preempt them by target killing them one at a time or a handful at a time. The Jews see the intent method as necessary to eliminate the damage that the Palestinians may inflict on the Jews. There may not be evidence that a Palestinian is planning an operation of any kind, but that is immaterial to the Israelis who decide to target kill, not on the basis of facts but on the basis of the level of hate they have for someone.


And so, if the use of the data method alone is not adequate to suggest the appropriate response to an event, and if the method of intent alone is not adequate to suggest the appropriate response to an event, and if the use of both methods leads to savagery as shown by the behavior of the Israelis, what is the best way to proceed at a time when the data and the interpretations of intent overwhelm us every moment of the day?


The short answer is that there is no rule of thumb. Every case is unique in that it has characteristics proper to it even if it shares some characteristics with other cases. This means we are left only with whatever abilities we may possess to analyze the situation, understand it as well as we can, and go on from there to formulate the best response we can develop for the situation.


When it comes to Iran and North Korea, the first thing that the incoming American administration must remember is that “you cannot keep a good man down for long.” Sooner or later, he will rise and you'll know you’ve been nudging a once sleeping giant. In this case, logic dictates that America must treat the two foes with respect by first ridding itself of the belief that they have such malign intentions, America must suppress them to protect itself and its people.


But this has been America's stance all along, and staying on this course will have the effect of strengthening the two giants in-the-making even more. When they rise, they will not want to give-and-take with America; they’ll tell it to take a hike and get lost for good.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

They pray a Rosary of Lies to feel holy

 Ilan Berman wants something from America that will help Israel continue realizing its expansionist agenda in the Middle East. Berman could have said so after listing what he wanted, and after showing how this would help Israel. But he didn’t.


Berman did not tell the truth in the article he wrote under the title: “Why Iran's Syria Strategy Is Shifting,” published on November 27, 2020 in The National Interest. What he did instead was list what he wanted, having lied as to why he wanted it, and lied as to what it was that prompted him to write the article.


Because lying is a form of prayer for the Jews, every paradigm they construct relates to the truth in the way that a Picasso painting relates to the real world. Also, in the way that a monk lives by his rosary, the more that the Jew lies, the holier he feels, and the closer he gets to being elevated to the rank of rabbi.


Rather than admit to the reality that the American public is changing, which caused a change in the government, therefore urge the Jewish lobby to shift its strategy when addressing the new government to plead Israel's case, Ilan Berman started the discussion by saying it was Iran that shifted, thus urged America to change in a way that will respond to Israel’s needs.


Caught in the intractable paradigm that the Jews have been advancing for nearly a decade, Ilan Berman saw no alternative to hanging on to it while describing a new situation that requires a new approach. What was said then to describe the paradigm came out both sides of the mouth. And what Berman is saying now comes out both sides of the mouth. These are two discourses that run parallel to each other while being contradictory to one another.


Here is one discourse, “Israel has carried out hundreds of airstrikes on Iranian targets in Syria in recent years to send a clear message: Iranian entrenchment on Israel's northern border will not be tolerated.” Whether or not that message was clear to the Iranians remains to be proven. But what is clear to the reader of the article is that Israel claims to have turned Iranian installations into rubble as fast as they were built.


Then comes the second discourse which reads as follows, “Iran has erected scores of military installations throughout the country in an attempt to institutionalize its presence there. All of this has been done based upon the longstanding Iranian view that Syria's security is its own security.” This reveals that the claims of Israeli airstrikes were lies or duds that were called successes.


Successful airstrikes or duds, Ilan Berman acknowledges that Assad has won the war with the help of the Iranians who are now consolidating their gains in the country by, “rebuilding schools and restoring health facilities in the war-torn nation. Tehran has also spent millions of dollars to open universities throughout the country. These institutions are designed to influence a new generation of Syrian citizenry through an educational invasion”.


This is what Berman fears, and he sees no way to push back against Iran without America's intervention. There was hope that this could happen while Donald Trump was president, but that hope has dissipated when Trump lost the election. And so, while holding on to the old paradigm that's made of lies about Israel winning, Berman wants the incoming administration to take into account that, “by every social, communal and economic metric, Iran's presence throughout Syria has grown. The result is pronounced: Iran is in Syria for the long term,” airstrikes or no airstrikes.


The problem in Berman's view is that the incoming President, Joe Biden is saying the wrong things. Instead of taking as tough a line as that of Donald Trump or even a tougher one, which is what's required, he says, Biden has done the opposite. Berman went on to lament that, “Joe Biden has already made clear that he plans to take a more accommodating, less confrontational approach to Iran than the maximum pressure strategy employed by Trump”.


Berman goes on to cry out that neither Biden nor his appointed advisers to the posts of Secretary of State and National Security, “have explained how, precisely, they plan to roll back the Iranian regime's [ever growing] influence throughout the Middle East.” And so, Berman sent the usual blackmailing note to Biden. It is a veiled message that boils down to this:


“Iran's deepening footprint in Syria represents a significant flashpoint in the Levant. Israel's activism says that officials are worried about Iranian entrenchment, and are committed to preventing such an eventuality by any means. It's a warning [a threat actually] that Washington would do well to take seriously. It would do even better to formulate a serious plan for diminishing Iran's ability to shape Syria's future”.


So, this is how it all ends when you become a friend of the Jews, and you try to help them. They either threaten to stab you in the back or threaten to commit suicide by attacking someone stronger and smarter than they.


This is what it came down to with Israel and with the self-appointed leaders of America’s Jews who pretend not to have double-loyalty and worse, lie about not having singular loyalty to Israel. Ilan Berman just lit his pants on fire.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

The rash Fifth Columnists and their Discoverer

 It is called the scientific method but fundamentally, it is the logical method that science has adopted, and then added a few more steps to it so as to obtain a greater accuracy.


Both methods begin with observation. From there, they do the collection of data and the analysis of the collection. After this point, the two methods split. Not too fussy about accuracy, the logical goes on to draw conclusions after which it implements the measures that would be suggested by the analysis of the data.


The scientific method, on the other hand, considers such conclusion only preliminary, and breaks up its parts to test each of them separately. The cumulative effect of the tests leads to a formula that describes with great accuracy the behavior of what’s being tested. Combining the formulas leads to the discovery of a law of nature, which is usually expressed as a mathematical equation.


Typical of the Jews is that they follow neither method when it comes to making the necessary effort to understand human behavior and interact with human beings. What the Jews do, is observe then collect the data and catalog it into the good column or the bad one, and they stop here. It is as if they believe they are the eyes and ears of a God who likes to stay hidden. They see and hear for Him, and leave it up to Him to do what He wants with the information. And history has shown it always ends very badly for the Jews.


You can see how that works out in an article that came under the title: “The importance of the Quint and the Quad,” and the subtitle: “If appeasing Western Europe extends to the Middle East, 'the Squad’ and the Quint could find common ground.” It was written by Shoshana Bryen, and was published on November 26, 2020 in The Washington Times.


What Bryen has done in this article is play the game of the “Good, the Bad and the Ugly.” That would be respectively the Asian Quad, the European Quint and the American Squad. The latter identifies the 4 House Representatives who are said to be on the extreme progressive wing of the Democratic Party. As to the Quint, it designates the 5 European nations that sometimes support Donald Trump and Israel, and sometimes do not. Shoshana Bryen thinks of them as mildly bad because she considers them wishy-washy. The group she likes the most is the Asian Quad because it listens to Trump who––in her view––is good to Israel, therefore a near perfect human being in every way.


Given that Shoshana Bryen has never displayed deep knowledge regarding Asian affairs, we consult the work of someone whose credentials regarding knowledge of this subject are second to none. He is Chris Patten who used to be British Governor of Hong Kong. He wrote an article that came under the title: “America's Fifth Column,” published on November 25, 2020 in the online magazine Project Syndicate.


The interesting thing about Chris Patten's article is that it does what Shoshana Bryen did, which is to correlate the situation in Asia with both the character of Donald Trump and what's happening in Washington. With this commonality between the two works, we have a tool that can help us assess Bryen's view regarding what's happening in Asia. This will also help us judge the effectiveness of Trump's leadership on Asian issues. Here then, in condensed form, is what Chris Patten had to say about Trump and Asian affairs:


“Few took notice of the presidential elections in the US. There was a large orange fly in the ointment in the form of Donald Trump. He sulked, tweeting claims that he could lose only if Democrats cheated. Trump is behaving as he did when he was an expensively failing businessman. His mendacious claims of electoral fraud damaged America's global image and the cause of liberal democracy everywhere. Trump has done Putin's and Xi's destructive work for them. He managed it with the collaboration of other Republican leaders in the Senate. Lindsey Graham described Trump as a xenophobic, race-baiting religious bigot, then lobbied in Georgia and Arizona to disqualify votes cast in Democratic areas. The commander of this fifth column is Mitch McConnell. Consensus is an alien concept to him. He is bad for democracy, and his behavior sabotages the case for it around the world. Fox News has been the principal Trump megaphone. The founder and owner of Fox News is Rupert Murdoch”.


What Chris Patten did in those passages, is say the equivalent of: “It looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck,” but then left it to the reader to complete the sentence by thinking: “then it probably is a duck.” Patten chose to express himself in this literary style rather than tell it like it is, because the duck in this case, is a metaphoric representation of the Jew.


Chris Patten meant to say that Mitch McConnell is a tool in the hands of the Jewish fifth columnists, and he is sabotaging America's democracy to serve the interests of Israel. But Patten didn’t say it for obvious reasons.

Friday, November 27, 2020

America's Image as Bordello out of Control

 Long ago when the Jews started their conquest of America, there were those of us who warned the Americans that by letting the Jews do what they want, America will end up resembling the complete wreck into which the leaders of Israel dreamed to transform their neighboring states.


That's because, as we said it then, what the Jews are trying to do to us who left the “old country” behind to make a life for ourselves in North America, and you're letting them do it, they'll do it to you tomorrow. Well, that tomorrow has arrived for, if you look around, you'll see that it is here today. Worse, the Jews have lost so much respect for an America that's allowing them to treat it like they treat Palestine their other colony, they now execute their plans for America without even partnering with an American nativist.


And so, it happened over the decades that the Jewish lobby in America, working hand in hand with Israel's team overseeing the colonization of America, and working hand in hand with the Jews who were elected to both chambers of the American Congress, formulated and passed hundreds of laws that had the effect of paralyzing the democratic work of the American system of governance.


And that's not all because, whereas America's business has effectively come to a halt, the Jews in Israel and those in America were handed the freedom to shape America's response to world events. In fact, to the rest of the world that's watching America and trying to make sense of what's going on, the people out there are seeing nothing but a Judeo-American bordello that has gone out of control.


And so, it happened that when an Arab country decided to buy advanced American warplanes and waited for a response, America found itself shackled by the legislative chains placed around its neck, around its arms and around its feet by the Jews of yesteryear. These people had thought well ahead of time, and made it so that America became the slave of its Jewish masters. Thus, the decision was left to a couple of those masters –– the Prime Minister of Israel and his defense minister –– to make the final judgment as to whether or not the purchase of the warplanes by an Arab country should or should not go through.


The same thing happened again, this time regarding America's relationship with the Palestinians. You can see how firmly the Judeo-Israeli hand is holding on to the controls of America's ship of state when you read the article that came under the title: “Can Biden renew foreign aid to the Palestinians while still adhering to Taylor Force Act?” It was written by Israel Kasnett and published on November 24, 2020 in the online publication, Jewish News Syndicate.


What's playing-out here is the Jewish logic of whores which contends that the armed Jewish home-invaders of Palestine are the victims whereas the unarmed Palestinian home-owners of Palestine are the aggressors. This makes it so that when there is a skirmish between the two, the contorted Jewish logic dictates that the Palestinian defenders be called terrorists, and the Jewish invaders be called the defenders.


Armed with that monstrous logic, the Jews have managed to pass laws in the American Congress that tie-up like a chain around America's neck and around its arms and legs. And this was sufficient to paralyze not just the legislative operations of the Congress but the business of the whole nation.


However, with the election of a new government, Kasnett was prompted to write the article in which he wondered and worried sick if the incoming administration can, or will try to get around those laws, thus leave behind the savagery of the previous years and decades. He worried that this might also mean the start of a new civilized chapter for America; one that will sideline Israel. In fact, this was Kasnett's response to what the newly elected vice-president had said … which is the following:


“We will take immediate steps to restore economic and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people, address the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, reopen the US consulate in East Jerusalem and work to reopen the PLO mission in Washington”.


And so, in the same way that the Prime Minister of Israel and his minister of defense made the decision as to how America will respond to the Arab country with regard to the purchase of warplanes it has ordered, Jonathan Schanzer and Yossi Kuperwasser are probing what they will allow the incoming administration to do, and what they will forbid it from doing. It is clear that they too think of America, not as an ordinary colony but an out of control colonized bordello.


Just for the record, Jonathan Schanzer is vice president of the very Jewish and very clownish Foundation for Defense of Democracies. As to Yossi Kuperwasser, he is an Israeli Jew that calls himself intelligence and security expert. He happens to be a fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs from where he makes the decisions that affect the people of America –– bypassing the braindead congressional zombies that have earned the labels “good for nothing” and “utterly useless dudes”.


And so, whereas the Jews have used America to temporarily send Iraq and Libya into the Stone Age in fulfillment of the vision that the leaders of Israel dreamed to transform their neighboring states, they managed to put America on the road to becoming a glorified Third World country.


You have much to thank the Jews for on this Thanksgiving Day, America!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Disqualifying the self by disqualifying others

 They are fond of saying that antisemitism is the oldest hatred on the planet, not realizing that in saying it, the Jews denounce themselves as the architects of their own misery.


This reality is reinforced by the fact that the Jews have been hated to morbid levels not by one race at one time but all the races, all the time. To paraphrase the well-known saying attributed to Abraham Lincoln concerning deception, it is that they could fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but they could not fool all the people all the time. And this is what they are trying to do yet again.


But what is it that they are trying to do anyway? They are trying to fool the human race into believing that antisemitism has nothing to do with their obnoxious behavior. That it has everything to do with a genetic defect in the human species. And that it can be cured by amplifying and protecting the behavior that singles them out as being the obnoxious characters which they are.


Two articles published recently show how the Jews are trying to pull it off this time. One article came under the title: “Douglas Macgregor's anti-Semitic comments disqualify him from serving at the Pentagon,” written by Melissa Braunstein, and published on November 23, 2020 in the Washington Examiner. The other article came under the title: “Anti-Semitism threatens our democracy,” written by Daniel Elbaum, and published the next day, November 24, 2020 also in the Washington Examiner.


Before you even get to read the articles, the two titles have the effect of warning you that you're about to get slapped on the face, not once on one cheek but slapped on both cheeks again and again. This will be followed by a “one-two” punch on the nose, carried out by the very obnoxious attempt to make you believe there is something sick about you. And that's not all, because you'll be advised that you can be cured by being coerced into becoming a lover of Jews … not despite their faults but because of them.


Just think about what Melissa Braunstein is saying that's reflected by that title. Did you make it out? Let me tell you: She is saying, screw democracy. That distinguished American, Douglas Macgregor must be canceled because he is thinking the wrong things, and letting the world know about it. And then, instead of seeing that his fellow Jews are a threat to democracy, Daniel Elbaum comes out the next day and writes that it is anti-Semitism that’s a threat to “our” democracy.


Well my friend, tell me what can be more obnoxious than to be told you are so genetically sick, you can be canceled for thinking the wrong things unless you willingly submit to being cured of your sickness, or being coerced into a forced treatment that will make you love the Jews? Here, in condensed form, is the worst of what Douglas Macgregor has said, according to Melissa Braunstein:


“Macgregor made comments about the Israel lobby, which he claims has bought off high-level American officials, including John Bolton and Mike Pompeo. He criticized the enormous influence Israel supporters have on Congress and attacked AIPAC. Outlets such as the Hill reported on his saying that Germany's efforts to grapple with its role in the Holocaust was a sick mentality”.


This is a typical example of Jewish autocracy. When Douglas Macgregor chose to articulate what he has been observing, a Jew named Melissa Braunstein speaking in the name of all Jews, responded not with a rebuttal as required by the democratic system that's supposed to govern America, but by commanding that the man be deemed unfit to serve in the position to which he was appointed. Well, this was the first part of the Jewish “one-two” punch delivered to America's face. And here, in condensed form, is the second part of that punch, courtesy of Daniel Elbaum:


“While there is a national conversation regarding racism and prejudice in America, there has been very little discussion of working to instill understanding of anti-Semitism. Fortunately, there is a tool that can help explain anti-Semitism. The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Working Definition of Anti-Semitism has been adopted by dozens of countries around the world, as well as the US State Department and Department of Education. This trend should continue. The Jewish community needs America's political and civil society leaders to identify and denounce anti-Semitism wherever it is found. Increased education and solidarity from our friends and allies can stem the tide of rising anti-Semitism”.


So there it is, my friend. Instead of having a democratic discussion about antisemitism like the open debate we're having about racism, the Jews went into hiding in some European basement and came up with a piece of paper titled: Definition of Antisemitism. They coerced the vulnerable zombies to adopt it, then started the domino effect by telling about the last zombie to fall, thus convinced the next zombie to adopt the definition, and on in this manner with one braindead zombie after another.


The ultimate goal of the Jews is to have all of America's political and civil society leaders run around like prostituting sleuths, identifying every pupil, every student, every colleague, every parent, every neighbor and every stranger they meet … reporting them to some authority as harboring anti-Semitic sentiments so that they can be sent to a “reeducation camp” or better yet, be canceled altogether from the face of the Earth.


And they call this the highest form of democratic practice. Now you know why they always end up disqualifying themselves for being treated as anything but the obnoxious killers of the democratic system of governance.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Taking Advice, as in Computer: it is Garbage in, Garbage out

 You don't have to be a nerd to know that when programming a computer, what you feed into it is what will come out at the output. The colloquial English to express this reality goes like this: Garbage in, garbage out.


Believe it or not, the same principle applies to human professions that require the input of advisers. Here too, how the professional performs depends on the quality of the advice he or she receives. Applying the same old colloquial to this case; it is again: Garbage in, garbage out.


Knowing this bit of truism can help us find the answer to the most pressing question of our time: How is it that the democracies, chief among them, the United States of America, have deteriorated to rank below many of their rival autocracies? The answer is that to appear like they are operating on sound democratic principles, the democracies listen to those who offer them advice whether or not it is solicited, whether or not it is wanted, whether or not it is useful.


Adam Lammon who is assistant managing editor of The National Interest, seems to have discovered the perfect case study to discuss and shed light on that phenomenon. He wrote about it in an article that came under the title: “How Biden Can Move Beyond Trump's Failed Iran Strategy,” and the subtitle: “US sanctions were intended to wring new concessions from Iran, but, for Tehran, the juice was never worth the squeeze.” The article was published on November 21, 2020 in The National Interest.


Appropriately enough, Adam Lammon started the discussion by asking the pertinent question: “How is it that President Donald Trump and the Republican Party have gotten Iran so wrong?” In response, he went on to tell in great detail, how it all began and how it proceeded.


Those who have a minimum of familiarity with the subject, will immediately recognize two patterns. One is the pattern that's exhibited by the army of clowns representing the so-called Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), and are always available to advise the Executive as well as the Legislative branch of America. The other is the pattern you see implemented by Israel on the disarmed and helpless people of Palestine in their occupied homeland.


The founder and president of FDD is Clifford D. May who frequently writes on subjects pertaining to Iran, giving advice to anyone that reads him. He has been doing it for years while his army of five dozen or so comedians are incessantly pacing the corridors of the Congress, telling the legislators how to deal with Iran; with the Middle East and the World. Adam Lammon captured the essence of their message in the following paragraph, written here in condensed form:


“Insisting that Iran submit to the policies saved for the losers of wars when Iran is far from a defeated power, is no strategy at all. Security is a precondition for trade and economic growth, not the other way around. To believe that Iran would abandon its security for the lure of foreign investment and trade misunderstands that Iran values its sovereignty. It is that Iran's leaders define their economic crisis as a security problem. Therefore, in Iran, security and economics are intertwined; neither can be sacrificed for the other. Iran's leaders have warned that the West is using sanctions and trade as part of its soft war against Tehran”.


Now that he has managed to identify the real problem plaguing America's democracy, and by extension all other democracies, Adam Lammon found himself caught in a situation of having to suggest to the incoming Biden administration how the problem––which he called a Gordian Knot––can be untangled and resolved. He said that everything must not be tackled at once. Instead, a level of priority must be assigned to each item, and all items must be resolved one at a time.


However, for the effort to succeed, a philosophy to guide you every step of the way, must underlie your effort. A prudent philosophy would have you begin resolving the aspects of the trouble that pose the greater danger to the region and to America. You go on from there to the lesser troubling aspects of the problem. Lammon gave an example of how this can be done. Here is his description of it:


“Joe Biden should start by prioritizing Iran's nuclear program before discussing additional points of contention with Tehran. Rejoining the existing nuclear deal is the most effective means to regaining international support for US priorities … Iran's support for terrorism and its ballistic missile program can be successfully managed by US conventional forces and by working with allies. In contrast, an Iranian nuclear weapon poses an unparalleled challenge. Little else could so greatly upset America's Middle East national security portfolio”.


The message there is clear and easy to implement.


Finally, what the Adam Lammon article demonstrates, is that taking advice from the Jews is why America is in such a mess today.


Whereas the relationship in occupied Palestine is that of the conqueror and the conquered, it isn’t so between the United States and Iran. And yet, this is how the Jewish advisers have been telling America to behave when dealing with Iran.


Time after time, that demonic pattern proved to be bankrupt, but the Americans never saw it this way because they grew up indoctrinated with the belief that Jews are infallible.


For this, the Americans are now paying the ultimate price: The rapid deterioration of their superpower.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Shape-shifting Jackasses disguised as Hawks

 Every time that America was involved in a Middle Eastern war, there were two players on one side, and one player if not two on the other side. The two on the same side in our story, happened to be the United States and Israel. The player on the other side has always involved at least one Arab or a Muslim country.


In the case of the war in Afghanistan, Israel had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack on America, or the American response to that attack. But Israel got involved shortly thereafter when it activated its Fifth Column of Jews and gentile moral prostitutes who lobbied to continue the war at perpetuity. As to the other side, there had been two players this time. There was al-Qaeda that carried out the 9/11 attack, and there was the Taliban that refused to hand Bin Laden to America for prosecution.


The two original combatants were America on one side, and al-Qaeda on the other. America won this battle in that it defeated al-Qaeda in no time at all. As to the other two players –– the Taliban and the Jews –– the Taliban may not have been crushed, but their country of Afghanistan suffered enormously. As to the Jews, neither Israel nor the lobbyists suffered one iota of loss.


And then, there was the bottom line as to what the cost has been to America in lost lives and wasted treasure. The 9/11 attack cost it 2,977 mostly civilian lives. The war in Afghanistan cost it not a single casualty to defeat al-Qaeda, but then cost it at least 2,355 dead soldiers during the 19 years that followed. In addition, the allies that America dragged into the war, suffered a total of 1,147 dead soldiers.


The total dead soldiers, not including the wounded who died later by suicide or because of institutional neglect, comes to 3,502, which surpasses the 2,977 of the 9/11 attack (they were supposed to avenge) by 525 dead soldiers. As to treasure, America forked out at least a trillion dollars in direct cost to pay for the war, in addition to the indirect costs that come up to several trillions of dollars. Does that make any kind of sense?


When you add all of America's losses to those of the allies that fought alongside it, the number comes to 6,479 dead soldiers and civilians. And there is no way we can estimate what the other side has lost. But the one thing we are certain about, is that Israel and its Fifth Columnists in America, lost not one dead or one dollar. So then, who do you think is instigating for the war to continue in Afghanistan at perpetuity?


To find out, we consult an article that came under the title: “Afghanistan hawks act like it's still 2001,” written by Daniel DePetris and published on November 21, 2020 in The Washington Examiner. Here is how DePetris started his presentation:


“Opponents of President Trump's decision to draw down troops in Afghanistan to 2,500 by January have used a number of arguments to bolster their case. The most prominent ones have little basis in fact”.


DePetris goes on to list those arguments; he then critiques them one by one. The most preposterous of the arguments is often expressed as follows: “If we don't fight them over there, we'll have to fight them here.” And this forces the question: “Why do they want to fight us at all, be that out there or over here? When the hawks answer the question, it proves to be the most useful thing they ever uttered. To see why, look what the clowning jackasses who think of themselves as hawks, give for answer: “It's because they hate freedom”.


There is no doubt that those who pronounce these words are clowning jackasses. But those who invent this kind of excuses for the sake of perpetuating a war the public is rejecting, and then stuff the words in the mouths of the jackasses to regurgitate –– are actually astute individuals. They count on simpletons such as Liz Cheney and Lindsey Graham to be the jackasses that pop in front of the cameras and show the world what a bunch of embarrassing buffoons they can be.


To begin with, it was President Ronald Reagan that made a deal with Usama Bin Laden. Here is how it happened: Upon learning that no one was more opposed to the Soviet system which oppresses religion and other freedoms than do the Muslims, Reagan determined that bin Laden's Mujahideen (practitioners of Jihad) can be America's perfect allies in the effort to kick the Soviets out of Afghanistan they had invaded.


Reagan worked a pact with Bin Laden whereby the Muslim Mujahideen will do the fighting in Afghanistan, and America will pull its troops out of Saudi Arabia, home of Bin Laden. The latter delivered on his part of the bargain, Ronald Reagan double-crossed him by not withdrawing the American troops stationed in Saudi Arabia, and bin Laden retaliated by engineering the 9/11 attack.


For the clowning jackasses of the Liz Cheney and Lindsey Graham caliber to come now and say that the al-Qaeda Mujahideen attacked America because they do not like freedom, is to say that they attacked the Soviet Union because it stood like a paragon of freedom.


Come now, ye braying and clowning jackasses of the hawkish feather, do you really mean that?

Monday, November 23, 2020

The Demon accusing the Angel of Mischief

 If only Jed Babbin knew what is escaping him, he would have written a smarter column. Apparently, he is unaware that in the long history concerning the development of Civilization, the relationships that existed between the various ethnic groups were different from what began to change around two centuries ago.


Let's begin by acknowledging that from the ancient empires to the struggling nations of modern times, the only moment that cultures came together in what may be considered a political alliance aimed at excluding or rebuffing someone else, is when a number of small powers formed the Non-Aligned Movement in the middle of the twentieth century.


Even then, the five nations of the movement did not come together to stand against the two existing superpowers; they came together to declare their independence of them, and practice a foreign policy that was compatible with their philosophy. The reason why no anti-someone grouping happened throughout much of history, is that the necessary ingredient for coming together to exclude someone and oppose them, was unknown to humanity. That ingredient is what we now call racism.


Nevertheless, it must be said that the idea of racism in the sense that an ethnic group thinks of itself as superior to others, began with the Hebrews who justified the killing and robbing of their neighbors as being a right given to them by God who made them his favorite children. The Romans picked up the practice to justify starting the institution of slavery, but the idea of racial superiority had not yet taken firm roots in their culture. True racism did not begin to happen until the advent of the European Renaissance when some groups started to think of themselves as genetically superior to others.


This is when groups came together and formed larger groups we might call “protection rackets.” Their aim initially was to defend against real and imagined “barbarians at the gate.” This stance evolved to become a firm belief that some people owned possessions to which they had no natural right. This being the case, they were game to be robbed of what they possessed. It did not take long after that for the practice to become full blown colonialism. Thus, Africans had no right to their Africa, Asians had no right to their Asia, the indigenous of the newly discovered worlds had no right to their continents, and more recently, the Palestinians have no right to their Palestine.


This brings us to the article of Jed Babin which he wrote under the title: “Joe Biden: Iran's economic savior,” and the subtitle: “An economically-recovered Iran has no reason to stop its nuclear weapons development.” It was published on November 21, 2020 in The Washington Times.


Babbin began his discussion by quoting a tweet of Iran's Javad Zarif, and falsely interpreting it to mean that Zarif was calling for the establishment of a gangster-like protection racket with the Arab nations. In fact, forming an Arab pact that would “protect” its members was attempted by the British, and later by the Americans. Both attempts failed because the Arabs would never team up with one to stand against another. Whereas this is true, the real protection rackets that threaten the world today are NATO, which is headed by America, and the Israeli-American alliance, which is headed by World Jewry.


The reason why Jed Babbin came up with that cockamamie interpretation, is to warn that Iran will so benefit from the election of Joe Biden to the presidency of the United States, the World Jewry's protection racket will dissolve and Iran will have the field to itself. Of course, Babbin did not admit that the relationship between America and Israel is fundamentally a protection racket. In addition, he made the false assertion that absent America's persecution of Iran, the latter will grow in strength and swallow the entire region.


Here, in condensed form, is how Jed Babbin expressed his fears:


“The first thing Mr. Biden intends to do as president is rejoin the Iran nuclear deal. He will abandon Trump's maximum pressure campaign of economic sanctions, which has delivered Iran's economy to the trash heap. As a result, Iran's economy will recover quickly. Iran will never give up its nuclear weapons ambition as a result of diplomatic pressure or international agreements. Mr. Biden said that the nuclear weapons deal with Iran was working, and said he wanted to get Iran back into the agreement. None of the other signatories will cooperate to force Iran to do anything. Iran, probably slowed its nuclear weapons development because of the expense it entails. An economically-recovered Iran has no reason to slow or stop its development of nuclear weapons. Iran's struggle is against the West and the Sunni Arab states. Its ideology compels it to obtain nuclear weapons. So what, Mr. Biden, are you prepared to do?”


Jed Babbin may or may not have exaggerated Iran's potential to grow, let alone become a threat to its neighbors. But the fact remains that Iran is a resilient society that has every right to take its place under the sun. As to Iran becoming a threat to its neighbors, there is nothing in Javad Zarif's quote to suggest this is the language of gangsters, like says Jed Babbin. See for yourself. Here is Zarif's tweet:


“We extend our hand to our neighbors for dialog to resolve differences. Only together can we build a better future for all”.


By contrast, here is what Jed Babbin is saying on behalf of the Trump administration:


“Mr. Trump's 'maximum pressure' campaign of economic sanctions against Iran, has delivered Iran's economy to the trash heap”.


Which of the two would you say talks like a gangster?

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Those Losers sliding into a State of Madness

 If you believe that Rudy Giuliani is the only loser in the Trump Team that seems to slide into a state of madness, you have not been attentive lately. Whereas Giuliani's madness represents a small danger to America, something else is happening that has the potential to start a war with catastrophic consequences.


You can get a sense of what this is when you read the piece that came under the title: “Joe Biden can calm Iran war talk by backing off vow to bring back Obama's nuke deal,” an editorial that was published on November 20, 2020 in the New York Post.


To better understand this editorial, we need to start with a couple of definitions. The word “scatter” means to break something and spread out the parts. The word “scatterbrain” refers to people who are incapable of thinking logically, fail to see the nexuses that hold together the parts of a single idea, thus scatter the parts all over the place and fail to appreciate the reality of an existing situation.


Scatterbrain is the word that comes to mind when you read the editorial of the New York Post. This is a piece that's made of 383 words. The first 12 words go like this: “Joe Biden's victory has touched off new fears of war with Iran.” It means that the editors of the New York Post are linking Biden's victory with war. Since neither Biden nor Iran would start such a war, the editors mean to say that the Trump administration would be the one to start it.


And then, in the middle of the editorial, comes a paragraph made of 41 words that read as follows:


“Since the Obama-Biden folks turned a blind eye to Iran's evil to reach the nuke deal, the regime may think Biden's victory means it can again get away with such belligerence again –– and perhaps even extort concessions in the process”.


The hint in that passage is to the effect that Donald Trump would start a war with Iran before leaving office, perhaps believing that Iran will take advantage of the Biden victory to extort concessions from his administration, the way that it did when Barack Obama was President. Or perhaps unstable Donald Trump would start a war for an entirely different reason.


And lastly come a paragraph and a half near the end of the editorial, which go as follows when crammed together into a single paragraph:


“The Obama administration tried to discourage Israel from even covert action against the Iranian menace. Team Trump helped enable it. What will Biden choose? Fear of escalating hostility and ramped up nuke development may also be worrying Trump, who reportedly sought options to stop Iran”.


The suggestion here is that Donald Trump had decided to act on the constant Judeo-Israeli drumming to attack Iran regardless of the cost to the people of the region and the rest of the world, including America. Trump sought options from his military, and when they were analyzed by the Security Council, which includes the military, the overwhelming opinion was that if Trump got away with giving Israel and the Jews what belonged to the Palestinians and the Syrians, he will not get away giving them what will result in lost American lives and wasted American money.


The brutal message being that if Donald Trump wants to fight the Iranians, America's generals will gladly give him a gun and take him to the border where he can shoot a few bullets in the air, and before he gets his ass kicked by the Iranians, turn around and run into the arms of Netanyahu where he'll receive his much cherished pat on the back, and maybe a kiss on the cheek too.


And so, my friend, as can be seen from what came at the start of the editorial, in the middle of it and at the end of it –– are the scattered parts of one and the same idea; all relating to the Judeo-Trumpian desire to plunge America into a war with Iran. They wish to do so, not because Iran is suspected to have weapons of mass destruction at this time, but because some of its leaders are suspected by the Jews to harbor the desire to produce weapons of mass destruction at some distant future.


Well then, this being the truth as you'll find it scattered all over the editorial, what did the scatterbrained editors of the New York Post make of it? Here is what they made of it:


“Iran triggered the fears when a UN nuclear watchdog confirmed that Tehran has begun operating underground centrifuges and has enriched and stockpiled uranium in violation of the 2015 deal. Iranian-backed group fired rockets at the US embassy in Iraq. Iran's neighbors are worried: Officials from Israel sounded alarms. Who can blame them? Tehran won't change: it built up its missile arsenal and sparked violence in Israel and elsewhere. Biden can do much good by letting the mullahs know: He won't be a patsy. And a change in the White House won't weaken America's resolve”.


As can be seen, the editors blame Iran for the occupant of the White House growing desirous of Netanyahu's pat on the back, and deciding to risk WW III to receive it. To make it sound like their blame of Iran has merit, the editors mentioned old news that were dismissed as having little or no consequence; these being the centrifuges, the stockpile of uranium and the rocket attack on the American embassy.


This done, the editors of the Post ended their piece by counseling the incoming president to tell the mullahs of Iran he won't be a patsy. What is not clear is if the editors meant patsy to the Mullahs who wish to have nothing to do with America, or patsy to the Jews of America and Israel who wish to cannibalize what's left of America.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Fire Blight has penetrated the Apple

 The fire blight is a disease that affects apples and pears. It is so contagious it will go from tree to tree and destroy an entire field if not treated early with the right kind of pesticide.


And that is a perfect analogy for what's happening to democracy. This was supposed to be the ultimate in good governance until it proved susceptible to suffer from a weakness that promises to be fatal when infested. Like the apple that's penetrated by the fire blight, democracy has been penetrated by the Judeo-Yiddish culture that caused the deadly infection to spread.


For all practical purposes, you may consider that democracy has died or has come close to death in the English-speaking countries, with the exception perhaps of New Zealand. As to the countries that used to be communist and converted to democracy, they quickly renounced their conversion when they realized it was a mistake to convert in the first place. Those countries are currently experimenting with other forms of governance, working on perfecting one that will coexist harmoniously with their culture.


There was a time, shortly after the fall of communism in the old Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, that some people in America thought this was the “End of History” in the sense that the whole word was going to convert to democracy and live happily thereafter as one loving family. Alas, this was a pipe dream that did not materialize. It did not because whomever came up with the idea, neglected to take into account the Judeo-Yiddish factor that's operating as a fire blight inside the democratic apple.


The disease took hold in America, contaminating the English-speaking world, and spreading from there to infest the rest of the world. For this to happen, there had to be a venue where the journey into darkness began, and a vehicle to transport the disease from one country to another and from one continent to another.


The vehicle was the Jewish mode of operation. It attacked every precept on which stood the American system of governance, letting the world know that when it comes to Israel and the Jews, principles like the rule of law, territorial integrity, human rights, free speech, freedom of thought as well as the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness –– are pulled out of America's window of cultural achievements and flushed down the Jewish toilet. As to the venue where the world normally gathers to exchange ideas and do other useful business, and from where the Jews begin each new journey to go spread the Judeo-Yiddish cultural blight –– it is none other than the United Nations.


And this brings us to the article that came under the title: “Slow Death or New Direction for the UN?” It was written by British diplomat Mark Malloch-Brown, and published on November 19, 2020 in Project Syndicate. The first thing we notice when reading the article, is that despite the writer's intent to cover the troubles at the UN, he neglected to mention Israel, the biggest source of problems at the UN. This says that the British man who wrote the article has been affected by the disease he is analyzing.


However, despite the writer's attempt to hide the destructive role that Israel is playing at the UN, some of the things he mentioned should remind the reader of what went on. Look at this passage: “There was broad member support for a strong UN only in its initial years and during the early years of Kofi Annan's tenure as secretary-general in the late 1990s.” What was that, and why did it end?


Here is the full story: Before Kofi Annan, the UN secretary-general was Boutros Ghali. He was Egyptian, and the Jews did not want him to serve a second term. They found the most whorish senator to call on, and had him work with Madeleine Albright to engineer the defeat of Ghali's renomination. When this happened, and to prove that it was a good move, the Jews stopped nudging the Americans to sabotage the work of the UN for a while. It happened, and the UN proved capable of functioning as well as it did during the initial years when the Jews were not around to spread their fire blight.


Here is another passage that points to the good things the UN used to do, but cannot do now because of the destructive role that the Jews are forcing America to play at the UN:


“During the Cold War, the UN launched major initiatives to address humanitarian crises and to support new members emerging from colonial rule. UN development and humanitarian agencies often drew on their own mandates and international law to intervene when the circumstances required it”.


This is not happening now because the Jewish administration of Donald Trump has declared war on the UN agencies that used to do the good work. Trump has also encouraged Israel to continue exercising its colonial practices in occupied Palestine as well as the Golan Heights and Southern Lebanon.


Thus, it is not an exaggeration to say that the election of a new government in America may prove to be the necessary first step to saving the world, not just from the COVID-19 blight, but from the blight that is the Judeo-Yiddish culture as well.

Friday, November 20, 2020

This is a Case where two Wrongs make a Right

 An old saying goes like this: “Two wrongs don't make a right.” It probably came about as a result of the Christian doctrine which says if someone does you wrong, forgive him instead of thinking retaliation. Pushed to the extreme, the doctrine might even urge you to love the aggressor and pray for him.


Well, this is not how the real-world works. It might work in a monastery full of monks who are attacked by hungry marauders that came to steal food. In this case the monks might even help the marauders haul the food they have in storage, and go hungry themselves till they can harvest the new crop.


In the real world, people hold a grudge against those who do them wrong, and “return the favor” when they can. This kind of behavior is accepted by society because it concurs with the concept of justice that is at the foundation of civilization. Of course, where such conduct violates criminal law, the remedy is left for the legal system to mete out the proper level of justice. An example where aggression and retaliation are not covered by the criminal code, and practiced all the time, were discussed in two recent articles.


One article came under the title: “AOC & Co.'s loathsome plan to keep lists of pro-Trumpies,” written by John Podhoretz, and published on November 11, 2020 in the New York Post. The other article came under the title: “Beware Trump supporters: Kamala Harris and the Democrats have a list, and that's a fact,” and the subtitle: “The thirst for pay-back.” It was written by Everett Piper, and published on November 14 2020 in The Washington Times.


It takes a great deal of gall for a Jew like John Podhoretz to characterize as “loathsome” the practice of keeping a list because if he believes that, he must believe he is the most loathsome creature to ever disgrace Planet Earth. You must have guessed why, my friend. Yes, it is that the Jews were the ones to start the practice, are the ones practicing it all the time, and this includes John Podhoretz. The following is the pertinent passage in his article that tells all about what he is and what people like him are. He speaks of:


“A group of petty and loathsome enforcers of pious attitudinal orthodoxy who have appointed themselves to the collective post of Lord High Career Executioner. They talk about the lists they are making of people who have committed the grievous evil of working for the Trump administration they hated, with the stated goal of ensuring such people don't find employment afterward. Their founding manifesto contains these words: We should welcome in our fellow Americans with whom we differ politically. But those who took a paycheck from the Trump administration should not profit from their efforts to tear our democracy apart”.


These are only 100 of the 700 plus words that John Podhoretz has spewed to describe those who keep a list of the people they wish to punish. You should read the whole thing to see how little he thinks of himself and his kind. And remember all of that every time that you read him or read his friends incite the public to distance themselves from the likes of Louis Farrakhan and other outstanding Americans.


As to Everett Piper, he sort of apologized for retweeting something that was inaccurate about Kamala Harris. He then went on to say this: “But here's the thing. The statement from Ms. Harris is so close to the comments from other players in the Democratic Party that, at first blush, it didn't strike me as out of order”.


Having done that, he quoted 10 people who said something to the effect that it would be inappropriate for the incoming administration to hire for the White House the people who were working for Donald Trump, and tried to reverse the result of an election won by the team that would be hiring them.


Here are the 10 people that Everett Piper mentioned: Jennifer Rubin, Alexander Ocasio-Cortez, Michael Simon, Robert Reich, Chris Hayes, Keith Olbermann, Evan McMullin, Dick Costolo, Bhaskar Sunkara, Joe Biden. And here is what he said about them that Kamala Harris should have said but did not in his view:


“Kamala Harris has said nothing to condemn any of their comments. She has said nothing about Jennifer Rubin’s, Keith Olbermann’s, Chris Hayes’ and Robert Reich’s thirst for pay-back. She has said nothing about the implied Bolshevik violence of Bhaskar Sunkara and Dick Costolo. She has said nothing about the spooky Orwellian lunacy of Evan McMullin. She has said nothing to condemn the derogation of Judeo-Christian people by her own boss. Nothing. Crickets. Total silence”.


But why was I interested to write about those two articles? Well, it happens that everything John Podhoretz and Everett Piper have said about the 10 people they dislike, I could have said it about the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Canadian security apparatus and the editors of a major Canadian newspaper.


You see, my friend, it happened that in 1968 I wrote that Egypt was a civilized country, contradicting the Jews and their running prostitutes who were saying that the Egyptians were cockroaches, wounded animals and sick dogs. The three entities did not like what I wrote and so, they began a campaign to make sure I’ll never again get publish. When I got wind of what they were doing and spoke about it, they became so terrified I might embarrass them by going public with my story, they wanted to see me vanquished.


That’s when their campaign took a morbid turn. They tracked me and badmouthed me everywhere I lived, everywhere I worked, everyone with whom I spoke to make life so unlivable for me, I would be driven to do something spectacular they could point to and say it is why they kept an eye on me. In fact, they wanted me to so despair, I would go mad and do something they can claim they knew I was so evil, I had it within me to commit such act. And they planned to then claim credit for doing their job trying to protect society from me.


Well, I did not go mad and did not commit the horrific act they were hoping I would commit. Instead, they made me feel so above them, I slipped into the role of anthropologist, and started studying them like they were monkeys trying to outwit me, a human being. It was a journey to remember.


If what I did was wrong, let it be said that this was a case where two wrongs made a right.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

This Institution houses only one Inmate

 We are lucky this time in that we don't have to imagine how the inmates of a mental institution could have taken over the institution. That's because what we have this time, is an institution in which the former inmates have been cured and discharged with the exception of one who believes he is the only one sane, in a world that's full of crazies.


That inmate is referred to by the initials JF as in Jewish Factor, and he happens to have many who speak on his behalf, and they are not institutionalized. They may or may not be crazy like him, but that's of little consequence because the important thing is that he is the big kahuna around whom orbit the millions of minions who bow to his wishes whether they are sane wishes or of an insane variety.


A most dedicated minion of the big kahuna, is Clifford D. May who just spoke on behalf of JF to reiterate that his boss continues to be the only one sane on a planet that's full of crazies. To explain himself, Clifford May wrote: “UN and other international organizations hijacked by despots,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “Now bloated and corrupt bureaucracies.” It was published on November 17, 2020 in The Washington Times. Here is how Clifford May attacked the UN Human Rights Council:


“The UN and other organizations have become corrupt. Evidence supporting this conclusion has been abundant. Start with the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC). It is dominated by violators. China and Russia demanded that America root out racism and police violence. Cuba called on Washington to provide equal access to health care. Iran and Venezuela chimed in as well. North Korea expressed grave concern over violations committed by the US at home and abroad. Allies too joined in. France called on the US to halt executions, close Guantanamo Bay, and guarantee women and girls access to their rights and sexual and reproductive health. Britain called for ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health services”.


And this is how Clifford May attacked the World Health Organization (WHO):


“Move on to the World Health Organization. Its inquiry into the pandemic is to be led by Helen Clark that has close ties with Beijing. The WHO named Peng Liyuan, wife of Xi Jinping, as goodwill Ambassador. Its annual assembly spent hours beating up on Israel for violating the health rights of Syrians”.


And this is how Clifford May attacked the UNESCO:


“The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has designated Peng Liyuan as a special envoy. Earlier this month, 138 member-states approved a resolution referring to the Temple Mount as an Islamic holy site. Among the countries supporting the resolution were America's allies: France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Britain and, yes, Germany”.


And this is how Clifford May attacked the International Criminal Court:


“Another organization working on American cases, is the International Criminal Court (ICC). Its prosecutors are targeting US military and intelligence personnel for war crimes in Afghanistan. Israelis are also in their sights. The German Ambassador declared: By giving our full support to the ICC, we defend the progress we made towards an international rules-based order”.


So, that's where it's at, my friend. The loony believes that the whole world––which includes all his friends and all his foes––has gone mad, and he is the only one sane. But let's be careful now because using the word loony in this context may give the impression it is used affectionately. Far from it. The situation is serious considering that the Jews have been at it for centuries, and have been responsible for countless deaths and immeasurable misery to our species. We must not allow them to repeat their signature tragedy one more time. We have to do something about it.


Here is what we can do. The concept of “responsibility to protect” has been around for a while, and has been used already. Its use may not have been a great success, but that should not deter us from using it again, and try to make it a great success this time.


Here is the idea. Two things are happening simultaneously at this time. For one, a young generation of Jews see their self-appointed leaders as bloodthirsty monsters who work to start a war and have them carted away to the proverbial gas chamber and incinerator –– and they want no part of this game.


Concurrently, the Jewish leaders are sweet talking the state and federal governments to create “findings” and make “laws” that seem innocuous when looked at separately, but will be combined to ambush and trap America into a state of paralysis when a future president that may be unstable, will order the wholesale jailing of teachers. Why would the Jews wish to do that, you ask? They'll want it when the teachers will fail to “properly” inculcate their pupils with the newly minted definition of antisemitism, for example.


It is time for the media, the Congress and the incoming administration to speak openly and clearly about this growing menace, and about the responsibility to protect the world, the American people and the young Jews who want nothing more than the chance to live a normal life like everyone else.


Tell it loudly that from now on, no request made by the self-appointed Jewish leaders will be accepted for consideration at the federal or state level.


It is the only way that Human Civilization will progress normally. It is time that we make it happen.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Policing with the consent of the policed

 Whether you are policing a town, a province, a nation or the world, the best way to do your job is to have the consent of those you police. This is how things happen some of the time but not all of the time. It's a long story how things got to be this way, but we can gallop through it quickly enough.


A peculiarity of the human species is that its offspring are born helpless and must be cared for by the parents. This is how nature dictated that there must be a nuclear family among human beings. In addition to feeding the young, the parents also teach them the skills they must acquire to survive, and they police them to prevent them from getting out of line and cause trouble.


This is how the principle of governance was first established among human beings. When they settled down to farm the land and start producing and storing what they will use to survive through the harsh seasons, the families got together and formed the clan that grew to become the tribe that grew to become the city-state that grew to become the nation.


With the passage of time and the proliferation of city-states and nations, there arose various cultures that fashioned a variety of ways by which to govern and police large populations made of individuals who were stranger to each other. Still, the more monolithic the nation, the more it adopted the idea that the village elders were the benevolent and wise figures who know best. Therefore, they were asked to pontificate on all matters concerning the nation, and adjudicate all disputes.


But where vast stretches of empty lands were populated by people that came from different cultures and formed city-states of strangers, a new system of governance and policing had to be devised. Slowly and painfully, sometimes quietly and sometimes violently, the people were guided toward the development of a system of governance and policing we now recognize as being liberal and democratic. At the core of this system, is the principle that those who govern and police can do so only with the consent of those whom they govern and police.


This is how the world was beginning to look in the middle of the nineteenth century when the rapid progress of science, technology and industry threw human Civilization into a tizzy. Wars, pestilence and upheaval ensued to persist for a century and culminate in the Second World War. Whereas the debris was seen throughout the planet, one nation remained almost unscathed. It was the United States of America that was adopted by the world as the wise and benevolent village elder who should police the world and give counsel as to how all nations should be governed.


A consequence of that turmoil we might think of as the silver lining in this painful saga, is that human beings everywhere came to realize we're not so different from each other after all. This being the case, why not create an institution we may appropriately call United Nations, where we would gather to resolve our differences by talking rather than fighting?


And so was born the United Nations. It turned out to be not the epilogue of the old saga but the prologue of its new sequel. In fact, all that transpired in the previous century, saw its shadow cast well into the new era. Continuity being the order of the day, the Jews who were reviled throughout history by everyone on the planet, continued to behave the way they always did despite the fact that pity had moved the world to give the Jews a homeland where they promised they will mind their business and leave everyone alone. What they did instead was break their promise from day one, and never relented breaking it day after day.


What the Jews have been doing during the past seven and a half decades, is long and complex. But you can get a sense of what it is when you go over a recent editorial that shows how the Jews of Israel have been behaving, and how the world that created Israel was compelled to respond. The title of the editorial is: “WHO they hate: The World Health Organization vs. Israel,” published on November 16, 2020 in The New York Daily News. Here is the opening sentence that summarizes the relationship which exists today between the world as represented by WHO, a United Nations agency, and Israel:


“Even though COVID has infected more than 50 million humans and claimed more than 1.3 million lives, the 180 countries that make up the UN's World Health Organization wasted four hours last week in Geneva debating how bad Israel is”.


This tells you that after seven and a half decades of effort, trying to get Israel and its Jewish supporters in America to behave in a manner compatible with human norms, that entity and these people have consistently shown they remain beyond redemption.


The vexing problem is that the Jewish troubles do not begin and end with them. Trouble goes with them everywhere, and affects everything they touch. Right now, the country most affected by their nefarious influence is America. You can see the result of that, when you read the article which came under the title: “US shouldn't humor the tyrants adjudicating human rights at the UN,” written by Zachary Faria and published on November 13, 2020 in The Washington Examiner. Here are the pertinent points in that article:


“China, Russia and other human rights abusers are lecturing the United States on human rights. China joined North Korea and criticized systemic racism and racial discrimination in the US. Russia crowed about how the US must guarantee freedom of expression in the media. And then there was Iran, mourning that an American airstrike killed their Qassem Soleimani”.


Human Rights used to be so revered, diplomats would only utter the term with respect. But like everything they touch, the Jews turned it into a weapon that diplomats now use to hurt each other.


And the policeman of the world that was supposed to serve Human Rights by the persuasive force of Liberal Democracy, has now become just another kid in the global village, playing cops and robbers using toy guns named Human Rights.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The America Firster and the Fifth Columnist

 Daniel L. Davis is an America Firster in the sense that he believes in the adage which says: Whereas charity begins at home, it is divine to be generous but you don't give till it hurts.


For these reasons, Daniel Davis felt it necessary to respond to the proponents of the “forever wars” telling them that no matter what they say, there is, “Nothing 'reckless' about US withdrawing from unwinnable Afghan war,” which in fact, is the title of his latest article. It was published on November 13, 2020 in The Washington Times.


Davis wants America to retrench and look after its own, having done much already for others with dubious results. Opposed to this point of view, is Seth J. Frantzman who wants America to do for others (most notably Israel) what it would consider too expensive doing for its own people. For this reason, you ought to consider Frantzman a Fifth Columnist committed to sabotaging the business of America and promoting that of Israel.


You can see this in the article that Seth Frantzman wrote under the title: “America Needs a Syria Policy,” and the subtitle: “The US should stop the Syria flip-flop and stand with allies, building on successes from the Trump administration.” It was published on November 15, 2020 in National Review Online.


What follow are the pertinent points (presented in condensed form) that Daniel Davis is making to explain why America should withdraw from Afghanistan as soon as possible:


“Let's be clear: The US Constitution provides that civilians run the military. Article 2 designates the president as the commander in chief and therefore the generals are obligated to execute his orders. Once he gives an order, it is incumbent on the generals to execute, not question the directives. Also note that our elected leaders and military officers exist to serve the interests and will of the American people. Large majorities of the population and larger percentages of veterans’ support Trump's desire to withdraw; even 60% of Biden voters favor withdrawal. Because of America's substantial ability to defend itself worldwide from terror threats, our security is not at risk. We should stop asking taxpayers to waste their money on an endless war, and we owe it to our service members to stop risking their lives and limbs for this unwinnable war”.


It is clear from that passage that Daniel Davis has concluded that the war in Afghanistan cannot be won. It means that even if this war does not end as disastrously as did the Vietnam War, America still suffers because it loses life and limb for no good reason. And if there are differences between the views of the president who is the commander in chief, and the views of the generals with regard to the withdrawal, the president must have it his way because the Constitution gives him that power, and because it is the will of the American people who pay for the war.


As to Seth Frantzman who wants the world to believe he has no dual loyalty –– meaning he is not simultaneously dedicated to the causes of both America and Israel –– reading his article shocks you because whereas it confirms that he does not have dual loyalty, you are forced to conclude that Seth Frantzman is singularly loyal to Israel and only Israel. He is loyal to the point of sacrificing American lives and of wasting American wealth if this will give Israel an edge over its neighbors however small that edge may be. See for yourself in the following paragraph, which is the article he wrote, expressed in condensed form:


“For ten years, Syria has suffered a brutal civil war, and ripped apart by Turkish operations that threatened America's Kurdish partners. The US has tried supporting Syrian rebels in the past. Throughout the last decade, the US has cycled through policy choices that often ended badly. The Trump administration sought to keep its promise to bring US troops home. Trump has characterized these wars as fighting in faraway places. That may be so, but America has fought in faraway places to protect friends before. It is imperative that the US stay in Syria. We are in Syria to enable our partners on the ground. The US presence helps prevent Iran from turning the Iraq-Syria border into a highway for weapons trafficking that would be used to threaten Israel. It's important to send a message that threats to America's role in Syria will not be tolerated and that we will stand by our partners”.


It is clear that Frantzman's number one priority is Israel. Several groups, foremost among them being the Kurds and the Syrian rebels, come in second place according to Frantzman. There is nothing special about these, except that they can at times be useful to Israel. Frantzman wants America to protect them so that they can protect Israel. Finally, there is America itself which ranks third on the totem pole of suckers. Its usefulness resides in the fact that it has the wealth and the muscle which Israel needs to achieve its goals. Wither America, and someone else will fill the role as did Joseph Stalin, Guy Mollet and Anthony Eden before America; that which turned out to be the mother of all the suckers who took up this role.


With this much history attached to being an Israeli loyalist, who wants to waste half his loyalty on a bunch of braindead zombies who wouldn’t know a patriot from a fifth columnist?