Sunday, November 22, 2020

Those Losers sliding into a State of Madness

 If you believe that Rudy Giuliani is the only loser in the Trump Team that seems to slide into a state of madness, you have not been attentive lately. Whereas Giuliani's madness represents a small danger to America, something else is happening that has the potential to start a war with catastrophic consequences.


You can get a sense of what this is when you read the piece that came under the title: “Joe Biden can calm Iran war talk by backing off vow to bring back Obama's nuke deal,” an editorial that was published on November 20, 2020 in the New York Post.


To better understand this editorial, we need to start with a couple of definitions. The word “scatter” means to break something and spread out the parts. The word “scatterbrain” refers to people who are incapable of thinking logically, fail to see the nexuses that hold together the parts of a single idea, thus scatter the parts all over the place and fail to appreciate the reality of an existing situation.


Scatterbrain is the word that comes to mind when you read the editorial of the New York Post. This is a piece that's made of 383 words. The first 12 words go like this: “Joe Biden's victory has touched off new fears of war with Iran.” It means that the editors of the New York Post are linking Biden's victory with war. Since neither Biden nor Iran would start such a war, the editors mean to say that the Trump administration would be the one to start it.


And then, in the middle of the editorial, comes a paragraph made of 41 words that read as follows:


“Since the Obama-Biden folks turned a blind eye to Iran's evil to reach the nuke deal, the regime may think Biden's victory means it can again get away with such belligerence again –– and perhaps even extort concessions in the process”.


The hint in that passage is to the effect that Donald Trump would start a war with Iran before leaving office, perhaps believing that Iran will take advantage of the Biden victory to extort concessions from his administration, the way that it did when Barack Obama was President. Or perhaps unstable Donald Trump would start a war for an entirely different reason.


And lastly come a paragraph and a half near the end of the editorial, which go as follows when crammed together into a single paragraph:


“The Obama administration tried to discourage Israel from even covert action against the Iranian menace. Team Trump helped enable it. What will Biden choose? Fear of escalating hostility and ramped up nuke development may also be worrying Trump, who reportedly sought options to stop Iran”.


The suggestion here is that Donald Trump had decided to act on the constant Judeo-Israeli drumming to attack Iran regardless of the cost to the people of the region and the rest of the world, including America. Trump sought options from his military, and when they were analyzed by the Security Council, which includes the military, the overwhelming opinion was that if Trump got away with giving Israel and the Jews what belonged to the Palestinians and the Syrians, he will not get away giving them what will result in lost American lives and wasted American money.


The brutal message being that if Donald Trump wants to fight the Iranians, America's generals will gladly give him a gun and take him to the border where he can shoot a few bullets in the air, and before he gets his ass kicked by the Iranians, turn around and run into the arms of Netanyahu where he'll receive his much cherished pat on the back, and maybe a kiss on the cheek too.


And so, my friend, as can be seen from what came at the start of the editorial, in the middle of it and at the end of it –– are the scattered parts of one and the same idea; all relating to the Judeo-Trumpian desire to plunge America into a war with Iran. They wish to do so, not because Iran is suspected to have weapons of mass destruction at this time, but because some of its leaders are suspected by the Jews to harbor the desire to produce weapons of mass destruction at some distant future.


Well then, this being the truth as you'll find it scattered all over the editorial, what did the scatterbrained editors of the New York Post make of it? Here is what they made of it:


“Iran triggered the fears when a UN nuclear watchdog confirmed that Tehran has begun operating underground centrifuges and has enriched and stockpiled uranium in violation of the 2015 deal. Iranian-backed group fired rockets at the US embassy in Iraq. Iran's neighbors are worried: Officials from Israel sounded alarms. Who can blame them? Tehran won't change: it built up its missile arsenal and sparked violence in Israel and elsewhere. Biden can do much good by letting the mullahs know: He won't be a patsy. And a change in the White House won't weaken America's resolve”.


As can be seen, the editors blame Iran for the occupant of the White House growing desirous of Netanyahu's pat on the back, and deciding to risk WW III to receive it. To make it sound like their blame of Iran has merit, the editors mentioned old news that were dismissed as having little or no consequence; these being the centrifuges, the stockpile of uranium and the rocket attack on the American embassy.


This done, the editors of the Post ended their piece by counseling the incoming president to tell the mullahs of Iran he won't be a patsy. What is not clear is if the editors meant patsy to the Mullahs who wish to have nothing to do with America, or patsy to the Jews of America and Israel who wish to cannibalize what's left of America.