Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Fire Blight has penetrated the Apple

 The fire blight is a disease that affects apples and pears. It is so contagious it will go from tree to tree and destroy an entire field if not treated early with the right kind of pesticide.


And that is a perfect analogy for what's happening to democracy. This was supposed to be the ultimate in good governance until it proved susceptible to suffer from a weakness that promises to be fatal when infested. Like the apple that's penetrated by the fire blight, democracy has been penetrated by the Judeo-Yiddish culture that caused the deadly infection to spread.


For all practical purposes, you may consider that democracy has died or has come close to death in the English-speaking countries, with the exception perhaps of New Zealand. As to the countries that used to be communist and converted to democracy, they quickly renounced their conversion when they realized it was a mistake to convert in the first place. Those countries are currently experimenting with other forms of governance, working on perfecting one that will coexist harmoniously with their culture.


There was a time, shortly after the fall of communism in the old Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, that some people in America thought this was the “End of History” in the sense that the whole word was going to convert to democracy and live happily thereafter as one loving family. Alas, this was a pipe dream that did not materialize. It did not because whomever came up with the idea, neglected to take into account the Judeo-Yiddish factor that's operating as a fire blight inside the democratic apple.


The disease took hold in America, contaminating the English-speaking world, and spreading from there to infest the rest of the world. For this to happen, there had to be a venue where the journey into darkness began, and a vehicle to transport the disease from one country to another and from one continent to another.


The vehicle was the Jewish mode of operation. It attacked every precept on which stood the American system of governance, letting the world know that when it comes to Israel and the Jews, principles like the rule of law, territorial integrity, human rights, free speech, freedom of thought as well as the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness –– are pulled out of America's window of cultural achievements and flushed down the Jewish toilet. As to the venue where the world normally gathers to exchange ideas and do other useful business, and from where the Jews begin each new journey to go spread the Judeo-Yiddish cultural blight –– it is none other than the United Nations.


And this brings us to the article that came under the title: “Slow Death or New Direction for the UN?” It was written by British diplomat Mark Malloch-Brown, and published on November 19, 2020 in Project Syndicate. The first thing we notice when reading the article, is that despite the writer's intent to cover the troubles at the UN, he neglected to mention Israel, the biggest source of problems at the UN. This says that the British man who wrote the article has been affected by the disease he is analyzing.


However, despite the writer's attempt to hide the destructive role that Israel is playing at the UN, some of the things he mentioned should remind the reader of what went on. Look at this passage: “There was broad member support for a strong UN only in its initial years and during the early years of Kofi Annan's tenure as secretary-general in the late 1990s.” What was that, and why did it end?


Here is the full story: Before Kofi Annan, the UN secretary-general was Boutros Ghali. He was Egyptian, and the Jews did not want him to serve a second term. They found the most whorish senator to call on, and had him work with Madeleine Albright to engineer the defeat of Ghali's renomination. When this happened, and to prove that it was a good move, the Jews stopped nudging the Americans to sabotage the work of the UN for a while. It happened, and the UN proved capable of functioning as well as it did during the initial years when the Jews were not around to spread their fire blight.


Here is another passage that points to the good things the UN used to do, but cannot do now because of the destructive role that the Jews are forcing America to play at the UN:


“During the Cold War, the UN launched major initiatives to address humanitarian crises and to support new members emerging from colonial rule. UN development and humanitarian agencies often drew on their own mandates and international law to intervene when the circumstances required it”.


This is not happening now because the Jewish administration of Donald Trump has declared war on the UN agencies that used to do the good work. Trump has also encouraged Israel to continue exercising its colonial practices in occupied Palestine as well as the Golan Heights and Southern Lebanon.


Thus, it is not an exaggeration to say that the election of a new government in America may prove to be the necessary first step to saving the world, not just from the COVID-19 blight, but from the blight that is the Judeo-Yiddish culture as well.