Wednesday, November 11, 2020

How the Authoritarians sucker the Confused

 Once in a while a windfall that you never expected, drops into your lap and begs to be purveyed for the whole world to hear about, thus understand why it is in such a sorry mess.


An old example of that, shocked the world by the manner with which the Prime Minister of Canada responded when told that Israel had bombed and killed Canadian observers serving under UN command at the Lebanon-Israel border. His response was so cavalier, it made Marie-Antoinette scream in her grave. It is that speaking of the 18-year-old peacekeepers sent to the war zone by the government he heads, the Prime Minister blurted out: What are these guys doing there? Don't they know there is an ongoing war out there?


This is what happens to your population, including the 18-year-old draftees you send to a war zone, when you attain a high position and hire a Jew to tell you how to run the joint. What will unfold day in and day out if you adhere to the so-called liberal democratic system of governance, is that the Jew will steadily pull you away from the public square in which ideas are exchanged, and turn you into a junkie of the whispers uttered behind closed doors.


In fact, a new windfall happened again, this time to the Minister of Education in the Canadian Province of Ontario. Instead of telling the Jews who came to whisper in his ear behind closed doors –– to go out in the open and practice democracy the way it was designed –– the minister dithered like a toddler that was told he did something wrong. The minister scurried all over the place looking for ways to undo what did not merit undoing but deserved to be encouraged.


You can get a fuller account of this story when you read the article that came under the title: “Ontario Education Minister Calls for Answers on Anti-Israel Video Shown to High School Students,” written by Jon Victor and published on November 9, 2020 in the Jewish online publication Algemeiner. You'll see this note at the end of the article: Watch the video in question below.


When you do that, you'll see a Palestinian boy basically say the following for three minutes: “This is my story; hear it from me.” And so, he tells of the Zionist settlers who are protected by the Israeli military, taking resources such as water that belong to Palestinians. That's the scene which got the Jews to explode with the rage of a pit bull. It is what got the Ontario Minister of Education to crap in his pants out of fear that the Jews might decide to hurt him.


If that lowlife paragon of ignorance––Minister of Education if you can believe it––had taken a day or two before pronouncing himself, and spent the time studying the matter, he would have known that water in the Middle East has been at the root of several regional wars, all of them having to do with Israel stealing water from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Palestine. Things eased a bit when the technology for desalinating sea water was perfected, and the Jews realized that, in their own words: “It is now cheaper to desalinate sea water than go to war and grab it from the Arabs”.


Think about it, my friend. Think what a grand moment the Palestinian kid had brought to Ontario when he made the video by which he told his story and the story of his long-suffering people. Think what would have happened if the confused Minister were endowed with an IQ level that approached that of a two-year-old monkey. Think what would have been the outcome if the dodo minister had realized this was the perfect moment to tell the Jews who came crying on his shoulder: Go ahead and respond to that Palestinian kid the way that liberal democracy does things. Go ahead and make your own video by which to tell your side of the story. Go ahead and participate in the debate that the Palestinian kid has started.


Moreover, a debate of this kind would do the 16-year-old young men watching it or participating in it, a great deal of good. After all, in two years-time, they could be serving in the Canadian military, and perhaps selected to serve as observers on the Lebanon-Israel border. They could be bombed by Israel, aware that they may die because the government which sent them to this place, had a noble purpose.


Think about the banality of the current situation whereby 16-year-old young Canadians are not trusted to hear a debate between a Palestinian and a Jew on the bloody history of water-theft in the Middle East. They are then sent to the region where they could be bombed to death by the side that lobbied their government to keep them ignorant of the region's water history. As if this were not enough to wrench your heart, my friend, think of the parents that hear the Prime Minister wonder if they knew there was an ongoing war in the region where he sent them to die an ignoble death.