Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Tell it like it is and save your Democracy

 Consider this an open letter to America.


You're in trouble, you know it, but you don't know how to fix what's broken in your society, and yet the information you must have is right there at your fingertips.


All you need to do is look at the situation and accept what your eyes are telling you is real. Muster the courage to call it for what it is, and sit back to watch the problem disappear as if by magic. Yes, my friend, calling the problem by its real name will make it disappear without the need for further action from you.


Proof that America has a problem, that it is known to many thinkers, but that none of them has mustered the courage to call it for what it is –– can be seen in four recently published articles. Let’s discuss them one at a time. One article came under the title: “A New Administration Won't Heal American Democracy,” and the subtitle: “The Rot in US Political Institutions Runs Deeper Than Donald Trump.” It was written by Larry Diamond and published on November 5, 2020 in Foreign Affairs.


Larry Diamond says that the rot diminishing the American democracy did not start with President Donald Trump but that he did much to aggravate it. Diamond described the President's character as follows:


“His constant effusion of lies; his relentless assaults on the media, the courts, the civil service, and the opposition; his efforts to demand personal loyalty from the military, the intelligence apparatus, and federal law enforcement; his misuse of presidential power for political and financial advantage; and his gestures of support for racist right-wing extremist groups have no parallel in the annals of the American presidency”.


What Diamond did not say was that all of this was apparent to Trump's followers who attended his rallies by the thousands, cheered him like a star, chanted for him to lock up or fire people that opposed his views, including the specialists who advocated the wearing of masks. And they voted for Trump in the election to the tune of seventy million or more despite the fact that more than 200,000 people died, mainly because they did not wear a mask as instructed by Donald Trump. Had Larry Diamond brought this out, he would have called America's problem pervasive, and would have offered a workable remedy rather than end his discussion as follows: “American democracy is in serious trouble. And only the American people can fix it”.


A second article came under the title: “One America, two nations,” and the subtitle: “They will have to coexist; whether they can work together remains to be seen.” It was written by Richard Haass and published on November 6, 2020 on the website of the Council on Foreign Relations. Here is how Haass described the current situation in America:


“Americans dwell in separate worlds. They have sorted themselves into communities and regions with those of similar views. Each world tends to watch its own television channels, listen to its own radio stations, and visit its own websites. What is worth highlighting is that the country's division is not along economic lines. People of all classes voted for both candidates, and demographic, gender, and racial voting patterns were not as one-sided as predicted. Where they differed concerned remedies”.


What this says and what Haass neglected to point out, is that America is exhibiting the kind of tendencies which normally lead to civil war. This happens when the society has been infiltrated and victimized by an alien culture bent on colonizing it. We get an inkling as to what that is when we go over the third article which came under the title: “Peace Treaty Troubles and the History of Hate in Israel,” and the subtitle: “Israel and also those who have encouraged its trip down the road to moral and security disaster need to come to terms with the country's history.” It was written by Paul R. Pillar and published on November 8, 2020 in National Interest.


The article is the review of a book written by Jerome Slater under the title: “Mythologies Without End: The US, Israel, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict.” Pillar is discussing the content of Slater's book, but also adding his views to the mix, which happen to agree with those of Slater in most parts. Here is a condensed version of the relevant passages:


“Every conflict acquires a lore that rationalizes the position of one party and gets instilled through repetition in the hearts and minds of partisans. Of no conflict has this been truer than the one between Israelis and Arabs. Several circumstances have helped to sustain the mythology surrounding this clash, including religious overtones that convert political demands into the will of God. The founding of the state of Israel in the aftermath of the Holocaust has evoked guilt among a larger audience than the parties involved. The extraordinary role that Israel plays in the politics of the US, has been a major impediment to clear-eyed understanding of the conflict and thus to its resolution”.


What this says is that the alien culture that's bent on colonizing America was, and continues to be the Judeo-Yiddish culture. It has exploited the Holocaust in that it made the Americans feel guilty for the tragedy even though it was they who liberated the detainees in the concentration camps of Europe. And when the Jews succeeded in victimizing the Americans and got away with it, they used America as a tool to victimize the Palestinians.


Another way to use America to victimize the Palestinians is shown in the fourth article. It came under the title: “Don't sell short Trump breakthrough in Middle East,” and the subtitle: “Abraham Accords serve as a force multiplier for commerce and a boost to cooperation on security issues.” It was written by Daniel N. Hoffman and published on November 5, 2020 in The Washington Times.


Notwithstanding the false claim about Trump or Pompeo that midwifed a rapprochement between the UAE and Israel, the reality is that America has been pimping for Israel around the globe with little to show for its troubles. But it can happen once in a while that some benefit accrues to Israel by a fluke till the latter mishandles the situation, which it usually does, and botches it.


Whatever happens next, Israel will run back to America as usual, and ask for the kind of help that can be given only by diminishing America domestically and internationally. For this reason, any talk between the two parties, and any transaction that takes place between them, must be done in the open so that the American people can participate in the final decision.


Telling it like it is will help shed light on a situation that used to transpire behind closed doors between the Jews and their victims of blackmail. Each occurrence of that kind used to take America down a notch and raise Israel a notch. It is time to end the practice.


Wake up America; you have not much time left to save yourself.