Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The America Firster and the Fifth Columnist

 Daniel L. Davis is an America Firster in the sense that he believes in the adage which says: Whereas charity begins at home, it is divine to be generous but you don't give till it hurts.


For these reasons, Daniel Davis felt it necessary to respond to the proponents of the “forever wars” telling them that no matter what they say, there is, “Nothing 'reckless' about US withdrawing from unwinnable Afghan war,” which in fact, is the title of his latest article. It was published on November 13, 2020 in The Washington Times.


Davis wants America to retrench and look after its own, having done much already for others with dubious results. Opposed to this point of view, is Seth J. Frantzman who wants America to do for others (most notably Israel) what it would consider too expensive doing for its own people. For this reason, you ought to consider Frantzman a Fifth Columnist committed to sabotaging the business of America and promoting that of Israel.


You can see this in the article that Seth Frantzman wrote under the title: “America Needs a Syria Policy,” and the subtitle: “The US should stop the Syria flip-flop and stand with allies, building on successes from the Trump administration.” It was published on November 15, 2020 in National Review Online.


What follow are the pertinent points (presented in condensed form) that Daniel Davis is making to explain why America should withdraw from Afghanistan as soon as possible:


“Let's be clear: The US Constitution provides that civilians run the military. Article 2 designates the president as the commander in chief and therefore the generals are obligated to execute his orders. Once he gives an order, it is incumbent on the generals to execute, not question the directives. Also note that our elected leaders and military officers exist to serve the interests and will of the American people. Large majorities of the population and larger percentages of veterans’ support Trump's desire to withdraw; even 60% of Biden voters favor withdrawal. Because of America's substantial ability to defend itself worldwide from terror threats, our security is not at risk. We should stop asking taxpayers to waste their money on an endless war, and we owe it to our service members to stop risking their lives and limbs for this unwinnable war”.


It is clear from that passage that Daniel Davis has concluded that the war in Afghanistan cannot be won. It means that even if this war does not end as disastrously as did the Vietnam War, America still suffers because it loses life and limb for no good reason. And if there are differences between the views of the president who is the commander in chief, and the views of the generals with regard to the withdrawal, the president must have it his way because the Constitution gives him that power, and because it is the will of the American people who pay for the war.


As to Seth Frantzman who wants the world to believe he has no dual loyalty –– meaning he is not simultaneously dedicated to the causes of both America and Israel –– reading his article shocks you because whereas it confirms that he does not have dual loyalty, you are forced to conclude that Seth Frantzman is singularly loyal to Israel and only Israel. He is loyal to the point of sacrificing American lives and of wasting American wealth if this will give Israel an edge over its neighbors however small that edge may be. See for yourself in the following paragraph, which is the article he wrote, expressed in condensed form:


“For ten years, Syria has suffered a brutal civil war, and ripped apart by Turkish operations that threatened America's Kurdish partners. The US has tried supporting Syrian rebels in the past. Throughout the last decade, the US has cycled through policy choices that often ended badly. The Trump administration sought to keep its promise to bring US troops home. Trump has characterized these wars as fighting in faraway places. That may be so, but America has fought in faraway places to protect friends before. It is imperative that the US stay in Syria. We are in Syria to enable our partners on the ground. The US presence helps prevent Iran from turning the Iraq-Syria border into a highway for weapons trafficking that would be used to threaten Israel. It's important to send a message that threats to America's role in Syria will not be tolerated and that we will stand by our partners”.


It is clear that Frantzman's number one priority is Israel. Several groups, foremost among them being the Kurds and the Syrian rebels, come in second place according to Frantzman. There is nothing special about these, except that they can at times be useful to Israel. Frantzman wants America to protect them so that they can protect Israel. Finally, there is America itself which ranks third on the totem pole of suckers. Its usefulness resides in the fact that it has the wealth and the muscle which Israel needs to achieve its goals. Wither America, and someone else will fill the role as did Joseph Stalin, Guy Mollet and Anthony Eden before America; that which turned out to be the mother of all the suckers who took up this role.


With this much history attached to being an Israeli loyalist, who wants to waste half his loyalty on a bunch of braindead zombies who wouldn’t know a patriot from a fifth columnist?