Thursday, November 26, 2020

Disqualifying the self by disqualifying others

 They are fond of saying that antisemitism is the oldest hatred on the planet, not realizing that in saying it, the Jews denounce themselves as the architects of their own misery.


This reality is reinforced by the fact that the Jews have been hated to morbid levels not by one race at one time but all the races, all the time. To paraphrase the well-known saying attributed to Abraham Lincoln concerning deception, it is that they could fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but they could not fool all the people all the time. And this is what they are trying to do yet again.


But what is it that they are trying to do anyway? They are trying to fool the human race into believing that antisemitism has nothing to do with their obnoxious behavior. That it has everything to do with a genetic defect in the human species. And that it can be cured by amplifying and protecting the behavior that singles them out as being the obnoxious characters which they are.


Two articles published recently show how the Jews are trying to pull it off this time. One article came under the title: “Douglas Macgregor's anti-Semitic comments disqualify him from serving at the Pentagon,” written by Melissa Braunstein, and published on November 23, 2020 in the Washington Examiner. The other article came under the title: “Anti-Semitism threatens our democracy,” written by Daniel Elbaum, and published the next day, November 24, 2020 also in the Washington Examiner.


Before you even get to read the articles, the two titles have the effect of warning you that you're about to get slapped on the face, not once on one cheek but slapped on both cheeks again and again. This will be followed by a “one-two” punch on the nose, carried out by the very obnoxious attempt to make you believe there is something sick about you. And that's not all, because you'll be advised that you can be cured by being coerced into becoming a lover of Jews … not despite their faults but because of them.


Just think about what Melissa Braunstein is saying that's reflected by that title. Did you make it out? Let me tell you: She is saying, screw democracy. That distinguished American, Douglas Macgregor must be canceled because he is thinking the wrong things, and letting the world know about it. And then, instead of seeing that his fellow Jews are a threat to democracy, Daniel Elbaum comes out the next day and writes that it is anti-Semitism that’s a threat to “our” democracy.


Well my friend, tell me what can be more obnoxious than to be told you are so genetically sick, you can be canceled for thinking the wrong things unless you willingly submit to being cured of your sickness, or being coerced into a forced treatment that will make you love the Jews? Here, in condensed form, is the worst of what Douglas Macgregor has said, according to Melissa Braunstein:


“Macgregor made comments about the Israel lobby, which he claims has bought off high-level American officials, including John Bolton and Mike Pompeo. He criticized the enormous influence Israel supporters have on Congress and attacked AIPAC. Outlets such as the Hill reported on his saying that Germany's efforts to grapple with its role in the Holocaust was a sick mentality”.


This is a typical example of Jewish autocracy. When Douglas Macgregor chose to articulate what he has been observing, a Jew named Melissa Braunstein speaking in the name of all Jews, responded not with a rebuttal as required by the democratic system that's supposed to govern America, but by commanding that the man be deemed unfit to serve in the position to which he was appointed. Well, this was the first part of the Jewish “one-two” punch delivered to America's face. And here, in condensed form, is the second part of that punch, courtesy of Daniel Elbaum:


“While there is a national conversation regarding racism and prejudice in America, there has been very little discussion of working to instill understanding of anti-Semitism. Fortunately, there is a tool that can help explain anti-Semitism. The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Working Definition of Anti-Semitism has been adopted by dozens of countries around the world, as well as the US State Department and Department of Education. This trend should continue. The Jewish community needs America's political and civil society leaders to identify and denounce anti-Semitism wherever it is found. Increased education and solidarity from our friends and allies can stem the tide of rising anti-Semitism”.


So there it is, my friend. Instead of having a democratic discussion about antisemitism like the open debate we're having about racism, the Jews went into hiding in some European basement and came up with a piece of paper titled: Definition of Antisemitism. They coerced the vulnerable zombies to adopt it, then started the domino effect by telling about the last zombie to fall, thus convinced the next zombie to adopt the definition, and on in this manner with one braindead zombie after another.


The ultimate goal of the Jews is to have all of America's political and civil society leaders run around like prostituting sleuths, identifying every pupil, every student, every colleague, every parent, every neighbor and every stranger they meet … reporting them to some authority as harboring anti-Semitic sentiments so that they can be sent to a “reeducation camp” or better yet, be canceled altogether from the face of the Earth.


And they call this the highest form of democratic practice. Now you know why they always end up disqualifying themselves for being treated as anything but the obnoxious killers of the democratic system of governance.