Thursday, November 12, 2020

Big Time Scoundrels accusing petty Hooks

 It is fascinating to see the Jews make up a catalog of mostly irrelevant incidents every time they want to say something which they assert is crucial to them but is usually of little importance to the rest of humanity.


This is what Clifford D. May did yet again in the column he wrote under the title: “The death threat to free speech in France,” and the subtitle: “Islamists are using violence to command silence.” The column was published on November 10, 2020 in the Washington Times.


May listed crimes committed by kids who proclaim to do what they do in the name of Islam when these are repudiated by dozens of Muslim nations who themselves suffer from the crimes that those kids commit on Muslim soil. These are horrible crimes that must be dealt with accordingly, whether they happen in Europe, the Far East, Africa or America. But let's not lose sight of the reality that the acts committed around the world by those kids do not come close to what's committed in America's big cities on a bad night.


Clifford May is arguing that notwithstanding the Muslim nations' opposition to what these kids are doing in the name of Islam, events have the potential to develop in such a way as to kill free speech. In fact, he ends the discussion with a scenario that shows how this can happen in France, with the understanding that it can happen everywhere else as well. What follows is a condensed version of how his scenario may play out:


“Islamism is not going away. It will continue to appeal to a small minority of Muslims in Europe. How consequential will it be if the French acquiesce, agreeing to carve out an exception to free speech in deference to Islamists? Very. For one, it would establish, de facto, the supremacy of Islam over all other religions. For another, once it becomes apparent that the French government cannot guarantee freedoms, and that violence commands silence, the far left and far right will employ the same tactics. It is inevitable that freedom of speech, along with other freedoms, will wither and die”.


This should convey the sense that the author, Clifford May wrote that passage as if he had seen the phenomenon play out in real life previously, and that he is only recreating it on paper now. So, we wonder, did he see it play out in real life before writing his column? The answer is yes. In fact, if you look at the article that's written on this page, just below this blog under the title: “How the Authoritarians sucker the Confused,” you'll see how the Jews have employed slightly different tactics to establish, de facto, the supremacy of Judaism over all other religions.


You'll realize that the difference between the two, is that the Jewish establishment is playing a game involving governments, that’s more sophisticated than the one played by the Muslim kids who could not even convince one of their Muslim governments to support them.


So, the all-important question is this: Who is more dangerous to free speech? Is it the Muslim kids who are opposed by everyone and feared by none? Or is it the Jewish establishment that has managed to impose the supremacy of Judaism in most so-called democracies, and has thus motivated the far right to start a violent movement whose ultimate outcome can be ascertained but not predicted with any kind of precision at this time.


Clifford May correctly pointed out that the chances exist for the far right to rise and act harder when it becomes apparent that the government can no longer guarantee freedoms. As a result, says he, freedom of speech along with other freedoms, will wither and die. But when you look around the globe, you'll see that there is not a hint of far-right groups or any kind of group forming to combat the loss of free speech caused by the Muslim kids. In contrast, far right groups have risen against the tyranny of Jews in every jurisdiction that calls itself a liberal democracy.


The most poignant example of that, is the paradigm reversal you see taking place on both sides of the Atlantic. Whereas the political prostitutes of North America used to accuse each other of not loving Israel enough come election time, they got little in return for sucking up to the Jews in this disgusting manner and so, they shut up. In fact, they got increased support neither from the Jew nor the goyim.


At the same time, the Eastern European countries that learned to suck up to the Jews right after the fall of communism, believing it would get them goodies from America, flipped their views. It is now common for their politicians to accuse each other, come election time, of being pro-Jewish or worse, having Jewish blood in their veins. True or false, that's good enough to cancel a politician so accused.


What all of this indicates is that not much has changed since the beginning of human Civilization. The two trends that appeared at the start, are still with us today. There is the normal trend which relies on evolution to bring about change and progress. And there is the Jewish trend which seeks to dominate and acquire what others have accomplish.


All kinds of ramifications result from the Jewish approach, most of them calamities that human beings endure, then trace back to the activities of the Jews, then punish them for what they have caused.


And the cycle has repeated itself enough times over the centuries, for humanity to say enough is enough. Unless the Jews flip and reverse course for good, the next time there will be a calamity, it will truly be the final calamity. This can be predicted with certainty.