Monday, December 26, 2016

An eight-sided Fifth Column of Treason

If anyone still doubts that the Jews and their sidekicks are religiously wedded to the principle of betrayal and treason in the same way that (1) Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery, (2) the Jews killed babies in Egypt, looted the country and escaped into the desert and (3) Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus – those doubters should look into the December 23 and 24 writings of the Jewish editors and columnists of America's media.

Out of the many articles they wrote, I draw attention to eight of them in this discussion. Four of these are editorials and four are columns. The editorials are those of the Wall Street Journal, New York Daily News, New York Post and National Review Online. As to the columnists, they are Michael Warren, Elliott Abrams, Benny Avni and Jonah Goldberg. For now, I briefly discuss the general themes recurring in these articles, but will have more to say in the days ahead.

Despite the fact that there would not be an Israel without America's support … like the quarter of a trillion dollars that went into the coffers of Israel; the most advanced weapons that went to the Israeli military, and the countless times that America pimped for Israel and defended it in world forums – despite all that, the thankless Jews saw fit to descend on its President, Barack Obama like the content of a truck that's full of pig manure.

The reason for their wrath is that after half a century of America letting itself be crucified by humanity for the steady intensification of Israel's criminal behavior, the superpower could no longer sustain the losses in standing it was absorbing for defending Israel, an entity that's so debased it will never join the civilized world. Thus, America decided to walk away from the crazy situation into which it was dragged by the Judeo-Israeli lobby. And when the Palestinians brought a resolution before the Security Council ordering Israel to stop its criminal behavior in occupied Palestine, America finally came to its senses and abstained from vetoing what will prove to be the most civilized resolution ever adopted by the United Nations.

This is when the Jews, who call themselves American did to America what was done to Joseph, to the Children of Egypt and to Jesus. They crucified “their country” by dumping on its President for refusing to march one more time to the Calvary where America has suffered for half a century, and could take no more. What made matters even more urgent is that foreign powers – unburdened by a Jewish lobby – are rising economically and militarily at a time when their moral standing in the world is already way ahead of America's.

Just look at the titles and subtitles under which the anti-Obama virulent diatribes were spewed like venom out of the glands of snakes: Obama shafts Israel. Obama's Anti-Israel Tantrum; the U.N. resolution is a defining act of Obama's Presidency. After Assenting to U.N. Resolution; Obama Administration Blames Israel. Ending Israeli settlements trumps all. Obama's Disgraceful and Harmful Legacy on Israel; Friday's United Nations resolution is the administration's final swipe at the Jewish state. Obama's betrayal of Israel is an act of diplomatic war. Obama's Shameful Parting Shot at Israel. Obama Leaves Another Hot Mess. Obama's appalling UN betrayal.

Aside from all that venom, what else are these characters saying? For one thing, they say that doing the same thing and obtaining the same result – when the desired result is the opposite – is not a sign of insanity. They explain that insanity is to adopt a Security Council resolution that will move the peace process forward after half a century of paralysis similar to what turned the American Congress into a Jewish toilet. Well, my friend, I ask you: What can we say but that the inmates believe they are sane, and the whole world is insane?

Another thing that's bothering those inmates is that the criminal settlers who terrorize and kill the Palestinian people, and rob them of their properties and other possessions, will be held accountable for their activities if they do not cease and desist immediately. The suggestion given to them is that they must abandon the argument that God gave them Palestine. If they can bring themselves to doing this, they can then seek a peaceful accommodation with the Palestinian owners of the place. 

But that's precisely what the gambling moguls and other financial criminals in America wish to avoid. They are financing the settlers not out of the goodness of their hearts, but for self-serving reasons. They want to see a sovereign nation, as big as they can make it; one that will remain above the law, and yet be protected by the military might of superpower America. The present set-up suits them just fine.

This artificial creation will be the place where they envision running all kinds of mafia-like operations while being shielded by the state and without having to account for their activities. In fact, this is happening now, and they plan to expand their operations as far as they can take them.

That chance is gone now as a result of the Security Council adopting the resolution that it did. But the insane mouthpieces continue to tell the old narrative, thus demonstrate the extent to which their treasonous behavior is written into their DNA.