Friday, December 16, 2016

Jewish Tyranny in Black and White

Mr. Erwin Chemerinsky who is dean of the law school at the University of California, Irvine, and Mr. Howard Gillman who is the chancellor of that institution, co-wrote an article that is not unusual in itself because it makes sense, but points to something that is unusual.

The article came under the title: “A Bill to Police Campus Speech” and the subtitle: “Senate legislation aimed at anti-Semitic speech runs afoul of the First Amendment.” It was published on December 15, 2016 in the Wall Street Journal. The reason why the two men wrote this article is that something happened that's totally baffling. Get this now – a White Catholic and a Black Evangelical came together in a conspiracy to pave the way for triggering the next anti-Jewish holocaust.

While reading the article, I could not help but visualize my old Jewish friend who used to throw his hands up in the air and shriek as loudly as he could the agonizing cry: “light up the oven.” That's what he did each time that the Jewish establishment tried to create a legal framework in North America similar to what the Jews were trying to do in early Twentieth Century Germany. They turned the nation against them, and turned the Nazi Party into an efficient killing machine that came after them.

It took time to get the complete story out of an old man who spoke with a heavy European accent, and had a poor command of the English language. But putting together the tidbits that came out of his mouth, it was possible to assemble the frightening picture of the Jewish mentality he was painting for us to see. In essence, he was conveying that the Jew is raised to grow up and be a tyrant.

He explained: Anywhere the Jew goes, he tries to team up with those in authority and urge them to impose him and his caprices on those below. In fact, the Jew will give an arm and a leg to be perceived as favored by the government because this will confirm he was also chosen by God.

Yes, my old friend did say the Jew considers that to be a one-armed, one-legged child of God is better than being a two-armed, two-legged ordinary mortal. That's because to be chosen means to have things given to him and done for him just for the asking.

All of that comes out vividly when you read the article. Chemerinsky and Gillman write: “the Senate passed, and by unanimous consent, the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act.” Here you have it, the Jewish establishment asked, and the American Senate consented without debate to a bill that will give the Jews special status at a time when kids on campus are raided by Jews who try to impose Holocaust lessons on them. All that takes place, while the shell-shocked kids are cocooning in “safe places” of their choosing because they want to be left alone to ponder how to make it through the day.

The bill was proposed by the White Catholic Democrat, Senator Bob Casey; and the Black Evangelical Republican, Senator Tim Scott. Neither appears to be a moron yet both succumbed to the bribes and the blackmail that come with the territory of being immersed in American politics.

They were able to convince their colleagues in the Senate to vote yes for the bill or disappear when the time came to give their consent so as to make it sound like the vote was bipartisan and unanimous, an event that happens only when serving the Jews, and never when serving Black, White or Colored Americans.

We used to have discussions on similar topics with my old friend years ago. He is no longer with us, but if he were, I can still picture him trying to explain as awkwardly as he used to, something to the effect that:

These people do not love the Jews. They pretend to love us but they are creating conditions in which enough people will be fed up with us. Gangs will form who will cull the Jews in gas chambers as if we were stricken with avian flu, and toss the Jews in incinerators as if we were stricken with swine flu.

I wonder if this is what Casey and Scott are praying for on this Hanukah/Christmas season.