Thursday, December 29, 2016

The moral Clarity that muddied the Waters

Secretary of State John Kerry of the United States of America gave a speech on December 28, 2016 on the situation in occupied Palestine in which he said that the continued building of Jewish settlements on Palestinian land contravenes international law, and must stop.

An hour and a half later, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu gave a reply in which he complained that the American diplomat failed to mention the Palestinian resistance; an activity he called terrorism. And there lies a stark example as to what impedes the Jews from ascending to the level of civilized man. Here is how these people do it to themselves:

A fundamental principle of civilized behavior is that everyone has the right to defend themselves. Another fundamental principle is expressed in the English saying that goes this way: What's good for the goose is good for the gander. In other words, the right to defend the self extends to everyone not just a few.

Those two principles, among others, were instrumental in guiding the human race through the ages from the savage life that our species used to live in the caves and the jungles of the continents, to the modern life we enjoy today. But the journey was not smooth, and still remains as arduous as ever. We encountered many difficulties in our ascent to a higher form of existence, and overcame most of them. But one difficulty has been so pernicious; it continues to threaten our existence as seriously as it did thousands of years ago.

The expression of that difficulty has taken many forms over the centuries and was given many names. It now calls itself “Jewish” and pretends to be a religion. Depending on the day, it may call itself an ethnic group or an ethno-religious group or whatever. The difference between it and the other groups, is that the others develop permanent principles by which to live, and use their creative minds to innovate, thus feed themselves and contribute to the advancement of the species. That's in contrast to what the Jews do, as they whip up ephemeral principles that suit the moment, and live by the work and innovations of other peoples.

Unable to imagine, create or produce what they need to live on, the Jews seek at all time to muddy the waters so as to fish in them. While such conditions are ideal for the kind of life that they love to live, the rest of humanity feels disturbed and menaced by these conditions. That's why the relationship between the Jews and the human race has been a bad one throughout time and everywhere they went.

The only things that the Jews were able to develop were the approaches and the tricks that gave them access to what belongs to others – that which they mooched to their hearts' content each and every time without fail. A preferred approach of theirs has been to pit people against people, get them to fight each other, side with the winner and cash in on the spoils of war. A preferred trick of theirs has been to mimic the values of the mighty and pretend to live by them. What they do next is tell the mighty they both have the same values, and ask for a favor. The last time the mighty agreed to grant one, the Jews asked to be given what belongs to a third party.

This is how the Jews played the game to convince George W. Bush that for the sake of moral clarity, he must equate the 9/11 attack on America using commercial planes, with the Palestinians who resist the Jewish occupation of their homeland, armed only with stones and the occasional knife. Bush proved to be incapable of grasping the simple concept that unlike being attacked without provocation, it is legitimate for the Palestinians to act in such a way as to try and liberate their homeland.

In fact, the French did as much during the occupation of their country by the Nazis, and were lauded for it. But instead of siding with the Palestinians, as did his predecessors, Bush took the Jewish advice and brought the value of the 9/11 tragedy down to the level of a frustrated kid. He might have stabbed another kid in the mean streets of a Palestinian town or perhaps Chicago, for example. It is that Bush equated the brawl of children with the downing of the Twin Towers in Manhattan. What a screwed up brain!

Encouraged by the feeble mindedness of a small man in a powerful position, the Jews turned the war zone that is the West Bank of occupied Palestine, into a playground for Jewish misfits from America and elsewhere to go live in places where they can get hurt, thus give Israel's leaders a propaganda event they can monetize and help balance their budget.

As did W. Bush by equating the whale with the minnow, so did Netanyahu by equating the crime against humanity that is the occupation, with an angry kid that lunges at another kid in occupied Palestine.

In fact, this sort of thing happens all the time everywhere in the world for trivial reasons, and no one makes a fuss about it. Contrast this with a state of Jewish depravity that subjects children from birth to their teenage years – not to a holocaust that is done in hours, but one that is inflicted on the kids at every moment of their lives, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year – year after year after year. Some of the kids snap and decide it is better to die and take a Jew with them if they can.

It took the ignorance of George W. Bush to contribute to this situation. It took Benjamin Netanyahu to perpetuate it. It took John Kerry to try and eliminate it. It will take a giant to turn Kerry's attempt into a reality.