Sunday, December 18, 2016

How to leave the Arab World alone

Do you remember the Big Bang moment that was the genesis for the horror we're witnessing in the Levant, the Eastern Mediterranean and Europe at this time? Let me remind you of the event. It was a Prime Minister of Israel who went on American television and let out the war cry: “Zey know nossing about za damacracy of za Shamir”.

That was phase one of an elaborate scheme that the Jewish leaders put together to implement Pax Americana, even before the term had been invented. As to the next phase, the leaders let the Shamir cry simmer for a while to give the Jewish establishment enough time to work on phase two of the scheme. It consisted of assembling a team of writers, and commissioning them to write a book on so-called democracy. The stipulation was that the book be filled with arguments that appear to fit the various Arab situations.

The Jewish establishment looked for a fictitious author whose ringing name they could proudly attach to the book. The best they could find was the Russian illiterate that goes by the name Nathan Sharansky, so they made the book a Sharansky book. They made sure to release the thing when they had a team in Washington ready to whisper satanic wisdom of the 'damacracy' variety in the ear of George W. Bush.

Being as smart as a turkey, the W. devoured the content of the book, even traveled to Europe where he met the Sharansky thing. He then returned to Washington determined to force on the Arab World the Jewmocracy he learned all about. He gave the file to Dick Cheney whose office was full of monstrous Holocaust psychos equipped with hearts full of hate for anything relating to the human race. The monsters took the file and worked with joy tweaking a plan they had designed long ago to destroy Iraq. And that's why we're witnessing the horror that's unfolding today in the Levant, the Eastern Mediterranean and Europe.

But now that the civil wars in the Levant appear to be coming to an end, the destruction machine of the Jewish establishment is back at work paving the way to ultimately unleash a scheme that will do to the entire Arab World what was done to Iraq – that which metastasized to infect a good chunk of the Levant, and then bleed into Europe. You can get a sense what the disciples of Satan are preparing for the future when you read: “How to Support Democracy in the Arab World,” an article that was written by Elliott Abrams and published on December 13, 2016 on the website of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Can you imagine what a modern echo of the cry: “Zey know nossing about za damacracy of za Shamir,” might sound like? If you can't imagine, read the first sentence in the Abrams article. It is the echo of Shamir's cry, and it sounds like this: “When the Arab Spring began, supporters of democracy had hopes the region might turn a corner and move to democracy.” Abrams goes on to say that democracy did not happen despite the effort, so we must try again to make it happen. And he recommends how to do that.

But before he gets to the recommendations, he dishes out all the nonsense that poured out the pen of Jews and non-Jews over the decades with regard to the Arab World. This done, he makes his recommendations under three rubrics that boil down to the Sharansky Jewmocracy. They go like this: First, the central feature of U.S. democracy promotion should be pressure, public support and criticism by the president and the secretary of state. This was known in the past as W's “mouth-farting” exercise. Second, recognize that political parties are the essential building blocks of politics. He wants the Arabs to become brain dead zombies like the U.S. Congress. Third, adapt what you're doing to each situation. He means to say, be as smart as a turkey.

To close his presentation, Abrams does something that takes me back the memory lane nearly half a century. I was taking a course in film when the prof ran a clip to show the class how little it takes to persuade an audience that you're an expert on the subject you're treating. It was a preacher – I believe Oral Roberts – who linked his message to America with a message he had given in some African country. To make the thing sound convincing, he dropped an African word, making himself sound like a genius.

Elliott Abrams is doing the same thing, dropping an Arabic word. Here is what he wrote: “To address legitimacy issues … rely on law rather than 'wasta' (clout or connections) to determine citizens' relationships with their governments”.

The reality is that wasta is derived from the word wassat which means 'middle' in Arabic. A wasseet is an intermediary. If an employer is about to hire someone that has no employment history, he may ask the candidate if he has a 'wasta' which means a recommendation from an intermediary. That would be a letter of recommendation from a wasseet such as a doctor, banker, lawyer or notary. Years ago, an idiot translated that word as clout or connections; many like Abrams copied it and kept echoing it.

The practice became an issue in Egypt because those who move from the rural areas to the city looking for a job, but have no one to vouch for them, resent it. That's entirely understandable, but it has nothing to do with the existence of the rule of law or lack of it in the country – which is the erroneous interpretation that has been circulating for years.

As to the wasta determining the citizens' relationships with their governments; it's the first time I see this “connection of the dots.” It must be an Elliott Abrams delusion. No, this guy is no genius; he is a turkey.