Thursday, December 22, 2016

Cannot hide that Israel is America's deadly Enemy

Put two statements side by side and examine them. If you believe they are compatible, don't bother reading the rest of this presentation because you'll be wasting your time. But if you think they are contradictory and make no sense when used simultaneously, you'll be on your way to understanding the message of this presentation.

Here are the two statements: First, everything that happens in this world, happens because America wants it to happen; and everything that doesn't happen, does not because America wants it not to happen. Second statement, the crazies who blame America for everything that happens in the world or does not, are deluded conspiracy theorists.

Here is the message of this presentation: either America is so important, it is responsible for the good and the bad things that happen in the world, or it is not that important, therefore not that responsible. What you cannot say, however, is that America is responsible for all the good things that happen in the world, but not responsible for the bad things … not even when it is proven to have been neglectful.

There is also a popular caveat that needs to be discarded. It is often used when there is irrefutable evidence that America was responsible for a bad thing that happened. The caveat asserts that America does not make mistakes, but a bad president might. If he is of the Right, he will be denounced by those on the Left. If he is of the Left, he will be denounced by those on the Right. But the truth is that nobody in the world is buying this line of reasoning. As to the Americans who use the caveat – be they of the Left or the Right – they are the ones deluding themselves.

The consequence of all this is that it was possible for various foreign entities – the Jews foremost among them – to exploit America, and have it play a role that serves not its people but the interests of the foreigners. What the self-appointed Jewish leaders did is revive the notion of America being “exceptional,” and linked it to the notion of the Jews being “favored.” Thus, America and Israel were destined by divine providence to fashion a Pax Americana, argued the Jewish leaders. The two countries were duty bound to implement the Pax, by force if necessary, on those who reject it, added the Jews.

Having thus created many enemies near and far, the scheme went horribly bad for America as demonstrated by the current events in the Middle East. And so, what was left for the agents of the entities to do, was to lament America's losses, and blame the whole thing on the current President. You can see how this is done in the article that came under the title: “How America got shut out of Syria,” written by Benny Avni, and published on December 21, 2016 in the New York Post.

Avni is shedding tears because he says that America will be “left out in the cold” when Russia, Turkey and Iran will cooperate to evacuate the civilians and the armed groups out of eastern Aleppo. What is ironic in his view is that something like this is happening despite the fact that Sunni Turkey is the sworn enemy of Shiite Iran.

Another irony he cannot stomach is that all this came about as a result of a Turkish soldier assassinating a Russian ambassador. The government in Turkey linked the assassin to a group whose leader lives in America, thus blamed the incident on America, says Avni. In addition, the Russian government followed suit, claiming that America was trying to sour the relation between Russia and Turkey.

All that is false, says Avni, enable to explain why neither America's “exceptionalism” nor the “favored” Jews could do something to foil the destructive roles played by Putin and Erdogan. Instead, he asserts that there is only one identifiable culprit in this saga, and he set out to describe him as follows:

“President Obama has decided to subcontract Syria to other powers. Losing friends and not influencing people is the price a superpower has to pay for a decade of refusing to be one … And even as it cedes geopolitical influence, the West remains a top bogeyman, fueled by not just Islamist propaganda but by Russian and Turkish lies. So even as our global power diminishes, Islamists will target our streets for bloodshed”.

Obama is the problem, he says, and things will keep getting worse even after he is gone because of what he has done, and what he has neglected to do. How far will the bad things go? As far as terrorists targeting America's streets for bloodshed, says Avni.

While pushing this conclusion, Avni describes the unfolding of a psychodrama that's played out between the two authoritarian leaders, Putin of Russia and Erdogan of Turkey. The latter is walking a tightrope, says Avni, which is why his followers are fed Anti-Western conspiracy theories to distract them from Putin's butchery.

The world is a stage, the play goes on and America is outside looking in. Standing near is the Jew who created the situation, whispering in America's ear: Never fear; the Jew is here. I'll fix everything for you in no time … just hand me the few dollars left in your pocket.