Thursday, June 3, 2021

Be careful who you choose to be your enemy

 Since no one in history has had as many enemies as the Jews, it stands to reason that the condition for making enemies, lies exclusively with the Jews. And so, when someone stands as spokesperson for Israel and speaks of enemies, they mean the enemies that Israel chooses to make. And there is nothing surprising in that.


In fact, having gradually made enemies out of the Europeans over the centuries during which they sojourned in that continent, the Jews paid a heavy price in the first half of the twentieth century. The world took pity on them as a result, and went out of its way to accommodate them. Finally, the Jews seemed to have secured a new lease on life for themselves, and were ready to enjoy a new beginning on a clean slate. Unfortunately, this was not to be. On the contrary, things went right back to what they were for the Jews, and did so in no time at all.


While they continued to make on-and-off enemies in Europe such as the Soviet Union and Britain and France, the Jews found a new collection of countries in the Middle East with whom to interact. These were the neighbors of Israel where the Jews had set-up a new base of operations. They made at-times-friends, at-times-enemies of the Turks, the Iranians, the Sunni Arabs, the Shia Muslims, the Kurds and what have you. The one thing that remained constant in these relationships, was that the Jews did not befriend someone per se, they teamed-up with someone to be against someone else. In other words, their fondness for someone was predicated on hating someone else.


With this in the background, you should now read and parse the article that came under the title: “Enemies fighting Israel on other battlefields,” and the subtitle: “Launching Jewish state attacks at the U.N. and in the media.” It was written by Clifford D. May, and published on June 1, 2021 in The Washington Times.


As seen in the title, Clifford May is making the point that in this day and age, you do not just fight on the battlefield in a hot war, you also fight in other less lethal venues. In fact, this is how he starts his article. So, here is a condensed version of what constitutes his ramble:


“The Long War on Israel isn’t over. It’s merely moving to other battlefields for a while. The United Nations Human Rights Council voted to establish an indefinite Commission of Inquiry whose purpose will be to [establish if] Israelis are war criminals. The UNHRC also called for an arms embargo against Israel. This bureaucratic offensive was instigated by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Pakistan on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)”.


This said, Clifford May started to defend Israel. The first thing he did is take on those who contend that Gaza is still occupied by Israel because of the air and sea blockade the latter has instituted against Gaza. The response to May’s point of view is that there is a literal sense of the word “occupation” and there is the moral sense. If occupation means Israeli boots on Gazan soil, there is no occupation. But if you consider Gaza’s territorial waters and its air space as being an extension of its landmass, it can be said that Gaza is still under Israeli occupation because Israel maintains control over these spaces.


Clifford May then did something that is galling under normal circumstances, but more so to those of us who were around when the Jews began their conquest of America half a century ago. No matter how close the comparison that someone made between Israeli action and someone else’s action, the rabbis would bray like jackasses: “You can’t compaaare! You can’t compaaare!” Look now what kind of comparison Clifford May is making:


“For Pakistan to take the point against Israel requires extraordinary chutzpah. Pakistan was founded as a homeland for Indian Muslims following Britain’s withdrawal from the subcontinent. Yet Pakistan’s leaders declare it unjust for Palestinian Jews to have claimed the same right of self-determination in part of their ancient homeland following Britain’s withdrawal from the Middle East”.


What Palestinian Jews is Clifford May talking about? Those who still contend that Israel does not exist and will not until the messiah appears and hands the Jews the ownership deeds of the planet? Or does he mean to say that Christian-cum-Jewish Ivanka Trump is more Palestinian that the Christian Hanan Ashrawi? Do you, my friend, now see why these people live in a permanent state of moral misery, and have been from the moment they declared their existence thousands of years ago?


And then, there is the comparison which Clifford May and those like him continually overlook. It is one that must be done between the crimes that Israel actually commits, and what the Jewish propaganda machine says the Palestinians never committed, but intend to commit at some point in the future. Here is a condensed version of what demonstrates how much remains hidden in this yet-to-be-made comparison:


“Hamas stated goal is to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine. Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. Hamas is vowing armed resistance in pursuit of a final solution — the slaughter and/or expulsion of Israeli Jews”.


This kind of idle talk, is what Jews such as Clifford May, want the world to know is more consequential than the actual occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, the blockade of Gaza, and all that flows from the savagery which results from robbing the Palestinians and giving to riffraff from around the world.


These are the losers who couldn’t make it in their countries, and so responded to the invitation that promised them the good life on land stolen from the Palestinians, compensation extorted from the Europeans, and oodles of money donated by an American Congress of the treasonous whores.