Friday, June 25, 2021

When Actions speak louder than Words

 Because no one sane will dispute an observation that was made by all kinds of people in all kinds of places around all kinds of time periods, we must declare an absolute truth the saying that goes: Actions speak louder than words.


This being the case, it is perfectly appropriate to tell a short story, a fable if you wish, that will illustrate the wisdom inherent to that saying. Here is the story:


Once upon a time, there was a shopping mall containing all sorts of stores that sold all sorts of goods and services. One of the stores sold hardware, and a short distance away from it, another store sold shoes. A dispute erupted between the two owners, and led to a serious fight between them. The other neighbors called the police, which promptly arrived on the scene.


Because neither owner wanted to lay charges against the other, the police tried to adjudicate the case on the spot. To that end, they asked each of the owners to tell his side of the story. The seller of shoes said, “the hardware man is so evil, he tried to steal shoes from my store.” The police asked if the man actually stole any shoes, and the store owner said no, he never did but he had the intention because he is evil.


Asked to tell his side of the story, the hardware man said that the seller of shoes was so evil, “he stole a large amount of my hardware, which can be seen in his store, strewn among the shoes he is having a difficult time selling.” The police looked into the shoe store and saw the stolen hardware. Because actions speak louder than words — regardless as to what the two men have been saying — the police declared that hardware in the shoe store spoke loudly to the effect that the seller of shoes was the culprit.


Well, my friend, you must have guessed by now that this is an allegory representing the story of the Jewish propaganda machine that put itself in the business of confusing the English-speaking world, especially America’s ill-advised Evangelicals. It did so, in fact, to the extent of reducing these people to dodos who would, for example, look at something like the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol in the District of Columbia, and think of it as tourists celebrating the advent of the messiah.


In addition, the propaganda machine made these Evangelical fanatics look at losers from around the world who convert to Judaism and claim to be more indigenous to the land of Palestine than the Palestinians who lived there since the beginning of time — and believe they are looking at the “Chosen” who were promised to inherit the Earth and all its content, including the human species.


One of those known to be of an extremely fanatic religious stock; one that’s continually adding to the dumbing of America, is Cal Thomas. He wrote yet another article dedicated to the effort of sending America backward another notch or two. His article came under the title: “Biden’s dangerous game with Iran,” and the subtitle: “Election of Raisi should send a message to Biden administration that re-entering nuclear deal is a fool’s errand.” It was published on June 23, 2021 in The Washington Times.


The following paragraph is a compilation — reproduced in condensed form — of the pertinent passages in Thomas’s article:


“The Islamic Republic of Iran is not a republic, but it is Islamic. Iran puts supreme power in religious leaders, not the people who are jailed or murdered by the regime. Radical Islam interprets the Koran by political leadership that seeks to impose its beliefs on the citizens and the world by force. Jews are not known to eliminate nations or impose their will on others. The election in Iran places the presidency in the hands of Ebrahim Raisi, it ought to send a message to the Biden administration that to re-enter the nuclear deal is a fool’s errand. The deal will not benefit Israel. According to The Times of Israel, Khamenei has developed a plan for the destruction of Israel. Why would anyone think they can negotiate with religious fanatics? How can anyone negotiate with those who want to rule and dominate the world? Do they believe they can sway those who proclaim to take orders from their god? They believe their god wants them to pursue an agenda of death to Jews and to eliminate Israel”.


As can be seen, Cal Thomas makes the delusional claim that Jews do not eliminate nations or impose their will on others. Because we cannot take this declaration seriously, especially in view of the reality that millions of Americans believe an election was stolen in America, we must think that a crooked reason must have motivated Cal Thomas to stick those humongous lies in the article. What could be that reason?


Does he mean to say that the Jews are not trying to eliminate Palestine as a nation, even though they would poke him in the eye saying it is what they are trying to do? And does he mean to say that the Jews are not, at this moment, imposing their autocratic will on the American people, including himself that’s behaving like the obedient slave who would emasculate himself for the privilege of having a Jewish ass to kiss day and night 24/7?


Cal Thomas must be one of those who believe that the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol, was made of tourists celebrating the advent of the messiah.


Come to think of it, it could well be that Cal Thomas thinks of himself as the messiah, instructed by his god to give the Jews what does not belong to them.